zrinkill;1710956 said:
Exactly ....... Washington has a backfield of all top 10 picks ..... and they are getting passed on by lesser teams.
the overreaction from one loss is astounding ..... grow up people.
You call it an overreaction, I call it practical and prudent.
The idea that we can get by with a so-so secondary with the weak sisters of the league and then get shredded by a top-flight QB does not sit well.
The reason? Because the good QBs get into the playoffs and THAT is when you really need the secondary to show up.
This game was not the first realization that our secondary is vulnerable.
Anyone who didn't know it is out of the loop and naive.
So don't treat the debacle as if it came as such a surprise and fans are astounded.
Draft needs for next year, WR/CB/S whether through FA or the draft.
Also, my first inclination was to rage at Stewart. Bt with the injuries to the secondary and his rookies and all, Stewart, IMHO, did as well as could be expected. His line, I might add, did him proud. The D line was effective enough that Brady had to go to the air often cause he saw the vulnerability right away.
In closing, eat more fiber, sleep more, barbecue more and get louder when you root for the Cowboys.
Now it is on to the Vikes. Shut them down like the public shutting down a Spike Lee film.