It Is Conference Championship Week


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You know. I don’t enjoy these playoff games any less. Of course it’s special when we are in it.

But regardless if our team is enough I still want to watch the best teams compete.

What a great game last night. The matchup with Bills /Chiefs and Mahomes/Allen is what makes NFL so great.

Cowboys dont have to be a part of it for me to take it all in.

I guess growing up a Baylor fan helped prepare me for this down era. I still loved watching the best teams in college play while my team and Alma Mater wasn’t usually in the conversation.

We just grew up with all the success the Cowboys had. But I always knew it wouldn’t last forever .

I’m a football fan first. I recall when we didn’t even have a winning season and while I enjoyed watching Meredith and Bullet as Cowboys were building a team I was more enthralled with Unitas, Namath , etc while remaining a fan first of my local team.

I guess I’m a purist football fan, I just wanna watch the best play. Sometimes it’s our team which makes it more special but sometimes it’s not. I loved every minute of last nights game. Best of the year with so much at stake.
I'm a day late in responding 'Diehardblues' - but your comment is 1000% on point.
The Cowboys have have laid a foundation - and built upon it - to become a perrenial playoff participant.
This third straight early postseason exit shows that the team still has a couple of obstacles to overcome so that they can be a true championship contender - and that task is on hand now.
Meanwhile, I'm going to watch the conference championships: see how each game progresses play-to-play, series after series..will there be an ebb and flow - or an unexpected performance that happens to tilt in favor of one team over another.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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It is the biggest week prior to the time between it and leading up to any Super Bowl. It is the NFL's version of the NCAA's Final Four but without The Madness.

Take a moment or two this week and pay attention to the media coverage. On NFL Network. On sports talking head shows. On podcasts. On blogs. Etc.

Then add the number of times you will see, hear or read quotes from Baltimore, Kansas City, San Francisco and Detroit's owners and general managers collectively. Certainly, the number of occasions might be decreased simply because the media may not care much about getting those particular soundbites. It may also mean four sets of owners and GMs may not care to proactively comment also.

However, do not be surprised if the media ends up talking more about what might escape Jerry Jones lips this week than from his peers. It has become an annual occurence. Heck. Sometimes, tidbits have been released from the $250 million dollar super-yacht. Modern day communication holds no bounds.

/Jones rant
If the Cowboys season is over
My football season is over.


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Yawn, sorry but all I'm hoping for at this point is a SF loss