It really doesnt get any funnier than this....

Henry said:

Sorry to jump in here. I had actually vowed to allow HH31 to pursue his obsession with trashing our board unfettered from now on, but I've just been getting a chuckle from the number of Cowboy fans that suddenly think Smoot would be a great pickup. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate to lose the guy and I'd REALLY hate to see you all pick him up, but it wasn't six months ago that the mention of his name would start three or more pages of rants about how overrated he was. Lately that particular conversation has (obviously) been sticking in my mind.

Anyway, I'll let you know how things are going with me when I know what's happening with Smoot, Pierce and Coles. :D

Have a good one.


Yes it always works that way....great player for a team until they leave and then he sucks.

Or saying a player sucks for a team until your team signs them.

Just normal.

My thoughts on smoot is he is good...he is not as bad as some say, he was never as good as others said...but he is a very good player IMO.

Most just saw him get owned by cowboys...but to be fair, and this may sting, the cowboys just have the skins number.

Either way no matter if people over rate him or under rate him, the kid has heart and plays through injuries.

Now as far as some trolls will notice that some on here do not care for them going to the skins site to say stupid stuff and then come back here to brag about it....for the most part they find that many of us don't care for that silly stuff.
My thoughts on smoot is he is good...he is not as bad as some say, he was never as good as others said...but he is a very good player IMO.

Most just saw him get owned by cowboys...but to be fair, and this may sting, the cowboys just have the skins number.

Either way no matter if people over rate him or under rate him, the kid has heart and plays through injuries.

I totally agree. I see Smoot as an above average player who is a great fit for our system. He's home grown talent (which you all know is rare for the Commanders these days) and he's just hitting his prime. It would really suck to see him with a division rival.

However, Rolle is no slouch either. He's been to a pro bowl, and he did it under our current defensive coordinator. Fact is both Rolle and Smoot enjoyed their best seasons under Williams, and Rolle's best season was better than Smoot's best season. Personally, I'd RATHER have Smoot, for the reasons listed above, but I could live with Rolle if he were cheaper. Now, though, it doesn't look like Rolle's coming here either, so I don't know what the heck's going to happen.

Gotta give us this, at least our offseasons are never boring. :)
Henry said:
I totally agree. I see Smoot as an above average player who is a great fit for our system. He's home grown talent (which you all know is rare for the Commanders these days) and he's just hitting his prime. It would really suck to see him with a division rival.

However, Rolle is no slouch either. He's been to a pro bowl, and he did it under our current defensive coordinator. Fact is both Rolle and Smoot enjoyed their best seasons under Williams, and Rolle's best season was better than Smoot's best season. Personally, I'd RATHER have Smoot, for the reasons listed above, but I could live with Rolle if he were cheaper. Now, though, it doesn't look like Rolle's coming here either, so I don't know what the heck's going to happen.

Gotta give us this, at least our offseasons are never boring. :)

I'll give you that for sure... we have many long threads following the actions of Snydely... :D

As far as Rolle... he is an injury liability... but we has been a good player in the past... plus he slaps the misses around...
jimmy40 said:
Kind of like Drew Bledsoe isn't an aging, washed up QB now that he signed with Dallas. ;)

Not ALL Cowboys fans think Bledsoe is any good. Like me for instance...I think he's a guy who is old, and immobile and he won't do much for the boyz. I'm going to stop there about Bledsoe because this isn't a thread about Bledsoe so I'm going to shut up now. In conclusion don't stereotype us.
Henry said:

Sorry to jump in here. I had actually vowed to allow HH31 to pursue his obsession with trashing our board unfettered from now on, but I've just been getting a chuckle from the number of Cowboy fans that suddenly think Smoot would be a great pickup. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate to lose the guy and I'd REALLY hate to see you all pick him up, but it wasn't six months ago that the mention of his name would start three or more pages of rants about how overrated he was. Lately that particular conversation has (obviously) been sticking in my mind.

Anyway, I'll let you know how things are going with me when I know what's happening with Smoot, Pierce and Coles. :D

Have a good one.

A lot of cowboy fans prefer lucas, most infact. But keep in mind, smoot didn't have the kind of year he had last year when the coments were made...
BrAinPaiNt said:
You keep it up mister and I am sending some of our trolls to your board.

Well, OK, but you're gonna have to see to it that I get all my shots first... God alone knows what kind of social diseases you might pick up hangin' out with that batch of ne'er-do-wells...
silverbear said:
Well, OK, but you're gonna have to see to it that I get all my shots first... God alone knows what kind of social diseases you might pick up hangin' out with that batch of ne'er-do-wells...

When in doubt...go to the extreme in protection



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