It took 7 years, but the Skins finally got it....

but they do have to replace everyone they cut with someone cheaper, and thats gonna mean alot of undrafted free agents.
sweet the cowboyszone has a spy. very sneaky o and i can not wait until the Commanders get smacked in the mouth by the boys. last year was more then i could take.:banghead:
bbgun said:
I doubt they'll have to release anyone of consequence.

Sure they may keep their core players, but they will lose alot of role players and will end up replacing them with mostly 2nd day draft picks and undrafted free agents. That is going to be 1) a considerable down grade in talent, 2) a loss of continuity, 3) a steep learning curve for a bunch of rookies and 3) a feeling of hoplessness if the injury bug hits em.

I laugh when I hear skins fans justify the cuts by saying they are only going to release their backups/role players. They obviously don't understand the importance of rotation at most positions, and the impact of players coming in off the bench. can you imagine how much Williams/Saunders will have to scale back their play books to accomodate all the new players. :lmao2: :lmao2:
Tags won't let his team go down... even if a new CBA is not reached in time, I would imagine he will grant a grandfather clause to help them out...

Book it...
No way he could show that kind of bias then every other team would have their hand out. When you accumulate debt you frickin pay it off and he is no different. He has been doing this crap every year and it is about time it bit him.
Won't happen.

I'm from Missouri.

Show Me.

The Skins will release some scrubs, but still maintain a solid core. Adam has already shown us who they will need to cut.

No impressive names.

Now, they may have a hairy time signing any FAs and draft picks.
Bizwah said:
Won't happen.

I'm from Missouri.

Show Me.

The Skins will release some scrubs, but still maintain a solid core. Adam has already shown us who they will need to cut.

No impressive names.

Now, they may have a hairy time signing any FAs and draft picks.

Where did he post that? Even if they payed all their players base salary there still 5 mil over so I find that hard to believe
DBoys said:
Where did he post that? Even if they payed all their players base salary there still 5 mil over so I find that hard to believe

I remember reading it over at the was posted secondhand though.


Maybe I should try to find the original post myself.

Either way, I just don't the the Skins being hurt too bad by this. Otherwise, we'd be seeing Dannyboy in a tizzy. The fact that we haven't heard from him, tells me he's not too worried.

Prepare For the Worst, But There's Still Hope

You can reach Rich Tandler by email at [email protected]

The Commanders are the NFL franchise that has the most to lose should a CBA extension not go through, at least in the short term. They set up their contract structure for this season with the expectation that—some would say irresponsibly gambling that—a new CBA would be in place for the season. While it appears that the Commanders will be able to keep most of their starters if massive cuts need to take place they will have to replace upwards of a dozen special teamers, role players and backups with rookies making the minimum salary. Anything approaching a major free agent acquisition would be out of the question. (for more details on the pending “cap-tastrophy”, go here).

Commanders Nation took a collective deep breath, albeit a tentative one, this weekend as news of a potential collective bargaining agreement between the NFLPA and the league spread through the media. Now, the breathing easy has turned to gasping in fear as word has come out on Tuesday that Upshaw said that he was not going to participate in a negotiating sessions scheduled for Wednesday because, basically, there was no point in doing so.

"We're deadlocked. There's nowhere to go," Upshaw said. "There's no reason to continue meeting. . .We're too far apart on our economics and too far apart on revenue sharing -- the ball is in their court. We'll go to the uncapped year, there won't be an extension."

In response to that that, the NFL is preparing to issue a statement that the owners will meet later this week not to discuss revenue sharing but to explain why the players’ demands are out of line and that the league year would start as scheduled on Friday.

These moves are negotiating ploys, to be sure. Walking away from the table, as Upshaw is doing, is a tried and true tactic in such situations. Ditto for a statement by management saying that it’s all over.

Lines are being drawn in the sand. But they are indeed in sand, able to be erased and redrawn at a moment’s notice. Remember in the middle of February when Upshaw proclaimed that the drop-dead date for having an agreement done was last Friday, February 24? That date came and went and nothing dropped dead. Certainly, Tagliabue’s Wednesday 4 PM deadline for getting something done has more teeth to it since it’s so close to the Friday start of the free agency period, but moving it another 24 hours wouldn’t violate any federal laws or anything.

And, make no mistake about it, talks are ongoing, just not between the two sides. At this moment, Tagliabue is asking each of the owners, “Do we really want it to come to this?” Upshaw is asking the same thing of key player reps.

There is also the theory floating out there that this is all a choreographed dance between Tagliabue and Upshaw designed to scare the two sides in the revenue-sharing debate to finding a compromise that they can all swallow. Dan Snyder must be petrified looking at needing to either cut or renegotiate with almost half of his roster this year and needing to accomplish this in a little over 48 hours. The small-market owners are equally queasy about Snyder and other higher-revenue owners buying up the available players in an uncapped 2007.

There’s nothing like staring at the abyss of cap hell to bring a man to his senses. Ditto for looking at a lifetime of being eliminated from playoff contention shortly after Halloween.
It can be done, but that is a long way from saying that it will be done. The advice here to Commanders fans is to do what Snyder, Joe Gibbs and the rest of the Commanders organization is undoubtedly doing:

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
man all this is making me dizzy, all i have to say is this, hopefully this sticks, cuz i hate the skins and i want them to suffer :shoot3: :skins::shoot3: :shoot2: :shoot1: :spanking: :money:
The link referenced by 123456 is interesting in that the author is basically going to guarantee salaries for all players willing to rework their contracts. While that seems like a good idea to him, I really don't believe front office types would go for that. That would mean if for any reason those players left the team, were cut, retired, etc their base salaries would still be guaranteed. Take a look at some of the suggested base salaries and you will quickly see what kind of impact this could have on the skins. Just my two cents...
Isn't that article along the same lines of something that was written off that site before? I think that article just may be more in-depth.

In any case, that scenario would seemingly work. But how exactly is the guy proposing using that $1 million dollars under the cap to sign back players to replace those released and get the roster to the 53-man limit?

Are they proposing they sign players at the minimum to replace 1/5 of their roster they just released?

Awwww, you have to love the 'Skins and their sense of false hope.
The false hope is just starting too. Commanders fans all over the net are talking about how weak the FA are this year and laughing with glee that they will not be overpaying for mediocre wr's and OL like the rest of the league. Guess they are tired of pay those average players big money like they did brunell!! 7 years 43 million!!! 9 million dollar signing bonus!! Give me a FB :) What was danny boy thinking? We aren't paying are starting 3 Qb's anywhere near that COMBINED.
the above article from the scouts is absolutely brutal. the skins better pray for an extension to the cba

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