You can't cut someone NOW and send a message.
Cut TO? Man, could we do something more stupid? If you don't want TO, you CAN get something for him. And if you are so blind as to see the guy can still play balls out at WR, then you're projecting/scapegoating in order to create an easy picture on what is wrong on this team. TO is NOT what is wrong on this team. Man, did anyone listen to him after the Ravens game? He had the most perspicacious comments of anyone.
And let me give you just a little history on my view of TO - I quit watching the Cowboys after they signed him, I hated him that much after what he did at Texas Stadium, and couldn't believe Gollum would sign him. After that whole "suicide" thing, I started up again, thinking he was done. But you know what? He has been a clear net plus for this team. My fears have not been realized. Guy just wants to play and win. We scored SIX FREAKING POINTS on Sunday, and have looked like bunghole for weeks on offense, but Owens is the problem because he's on the sideline probably saying what everyone on this board has been yelling at the television?
Yes, PacMan should be cut, because he does NOTHING on the field but make dumb plays. No picks, no great returns, no big plays, just a guy forced into the lineup cause Jerreh wants to make a splash. Guy is USELESS. And think of the overhead on this clown - we have like a special Navy SEAL squad to follow this ****** around to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Maybe they should have escorted him to the film room or practice field, because the guy plays like a red shirt at Hofstra.