It would appear that the defense is the issue, but


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You are right, Dak is blameless in everything including his fumbles. It's amazing, like he's one of those women who complains that every man she ever dated was a jerk and yet somehow she is the common denominator in it all.
thank you. perfect post. so essentially you expect dak to have a perfect game. no fumbles. no turnovers. no missed passes.

Brady threw a pick 6 today. they won...why? their defense gave up only 31 points....


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doesn't matter. what garbage time? the game was within 3 points and about 4 minutes to go...... is that garbage? please explain how that's garbage?

and I guess you are basically saying the offense needs to be absolutely perfect. score every time for this team to have a chance. I mean normally you score 14 by half, it should be a close game. but the defense gave up 31 and 300+ yards of offense to the browns by HALFTIME.....yeah, that's on offense right?
No, but they posted nothing, not even a FG for a full half of the game. Did they see the field at all?


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I saw the same thing but I also saw the offense with goose eggs in the second and third quarter. A full half of the game and no points, while Cleveland was scoring 34 points. That needs some explaining.
did you read your post? you just said Cleveland scored 34 points.....hmmm, and you expect the offense to score that much and more every game for this team to have a chance at winning... right?


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No, but they posted nothing, not even a FG for a full half of the game. Did they see the field at all?
and how many teams have laid goose eggs for two straight quarters? you act as if it has never happened before or doesn't happen often!!!!

we gave up 31 points by half time......300+ yards of offense to the HALFTIME.....


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well according to these guys, only points in the first 3 quarters matter....ignore the 4th

Well getting into a hole and and then trying to catch up and win in the 4th quarter isn't a winning strategy. As far as we can tell the offense play 2 quarters today and mailed it in the rest of the way. Once the Browns went into prevent defense the offense decides to start throwing and scoring all in the 4th quarter. Where was this urgency in the 3rd quarter? Where was it in the 2nd quarter?


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Do you know who much Defense you can pick up with 31 million Cap $?
I do....for 20M we get 0.5 sack in 12 games. and a bunch of missed tackles for the other 11 million....

I assume you want to spend minimum salary on QB position...right?


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I saw the same thing but I also saw the offense with goose eggs in the second and third quarter. A full half of the game and no points, while Cleveland was scoring 34 points. That needs some explaining.
LOL. The explanation is the defense played like a herd of retardo yaks. Tell me which NFL team scores in every quarter of every game. I’ll wait. Regardless, total points are what matters. It’s a 60 minute game.


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You saw the offense disappear then like a high school delinquent who crams the night before the exam start playing in the 4th quarter. The only reason they scored was because of Cleveland’s prevent defense and them taking the foot off the gas.

and yet, despite everything you just said....if I told you we are within 3 points in the 4th with about 4 minutes to go, what would you have said?

and I am reading through the pages of NFL rules, haven't seen anything about 4th quarter points not do you know which page that's on?


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thank you. perfect post. so essentially you expect dak to have a perfect game. no fumbles. no turnovers. no missed passes.

Brady threw a pick 6 today. they won...why? their defense gave up only 31 points....

Yea Dak will need to play perfect - in fact the whole offense needs to play perfect and not turn the ball over. I don't care what Brady did, you know why? Because Brady has a defense that can bail out his bad plays. Dak has no such luxury and he knows this and 3 weeks in a row, does it anyway. Hell if you go three and out punt it and let them drive the whole field, but no let's put this broke defense on the field with a short field twice and then claim that the offense did nothing wrong. This whole team including this "blameless offense" you claim to possess is to blame for the loss, from the bad defensive plays, the bone head penalties, the turnovers, the anemic run game the offense deciding to take a vacation for 2 quarters it's all the blame.


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You clearly don't know how teams play prevent after getting a huge lead with still two and a half quarters to play.
You should learn a few things about football.

you said they played prevent...ok, what type of prevent did they play? or do you not understand the question?


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sorry, you cannot say “ that is more than enough to win games” - two turnovers that lead to a 14 point swing along with momentum. Not to mention taking a bad defense and adding more stress by making them defensed a short field,

so lets take those two scores away from the browns. thats still 35 points the defense gave up. do you think that's good?


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The problem is that when the defense is this bad an you seemingly have to score on every drive, than team's end up forcing the ball because they know if they do not put up 40 points every game. a thing that is VERY hard to do in the NFL, then they are going to lose.


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and yet, despite everything you just said....if I told you we are within 3 points in the 4th with about 4 minutes to go, what would you have said?

and I am reading through the pages of NFL rules, haven't seen anything about 4th quarter points not do you know which page that's on?

I would ask for what happen during the entire game. Giving me a snapshot in time does nothing to actually convey what happened. This is what people who defend the offense don't get. You can rail about the defense and demand that Nolan be fired or killed or whatever else you want done to him, but your "I told you we are within 3 points in the 4th" does not tell me about the pathetic offensive play we had in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. The need to once again dig out of a hole we dug for ourselves and continue to put a bad defense in bad spots. Like another poster said - it's 4 quarters and if it is 4 quarters how do you ignore the total lack of any offense through 2 of the 4 quarters by Dallas?


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Well getting into a hole and and then trying to catch up and win in the 4th quarter isn't a winning strategy. As far as we can tell the offense play 2 quarters today and mailed it in the rest of the way. Once the Browns went into prevent defense the offense decides to start throwing and scoring all in the 4th quarter. Where was this urgency in the 3rd quarter? Where was it in the 2nd quarter?
I fully agree. its not a winnign strategy. normally you score 14 by halftime, sometimes you lead or you are close. its not unusual not to score in a halftime we are down 31-14. that's a big hole to overcome and needs a big come back.....

and the offense didn't mail it in...the offense knew, they need to be perfect, pressure is on them because there was no way they would have a chance to win unless they were perfect....

lets remember again...31 points by half time..over 300+ HALFTIME....that's a full game....

brady threw a pick 6 today......yet they won...why? because their defense gave up 31.....I will take that anyday of the week if this defense could consistently hold teams to 31 (as pathetic as that may sound)


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I think all of us can agree that everyone on this team from the Coaching staff down to the kicker is making mistakes at the worst possible times. It's not Dak's, Zeke's or Cooper's fault we lost, they just made a bad play at the worst time. The defense sucks but they had chances to redeem themselves and made mistakes at the worst time. All 3 phases of the game makes mistakes at the worst times that swings the momentum and the scoreboard. All 3 phases have to tighten it up. It seems like our team is playing the very opposite of complimentary football. Each phase of the game puts the other phases at risk and reduces their chance to succeed. The offense turns the ball over which hurts the defense. the defense can't get off the field and lets teams score at will which hurts the offense. The ST can't get past the 20 which hurts both. It's a vicious cycle and this team just self destructs in all phases.


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Dak and the offense disappeared for two quarters today.
The Cowboys offense disappeared after a turnover by Dak and then another by Zeke- and stayed gone for the second and third quarter.
Now, you can blame the defense- and I'm sure Mike Nolan is getting walking papers ready for a few "hotboyz" holdovers that don't fit his scheme, but we repeatedly see Dak fold when the pressure is on.
He didn't even seem to try until they got a couple of breaks against the prevent defense.
As usual, he pads his stats against prevent defense, but if the Browns had not been kind enough to drop a few of Dak's passes, this game might have gotten even further out of hand.
Why do the Cowboys continue to struggle now that Garrett is gone? Because his philosophy is too engrained in too many holdovers from the last ten years.
Nolan will get the defense under control. By mid season or sooner the kinks worked out. Next off season there will likely be a mass exodus of players that don't fit Nolan's scheme.
But the Garrett 2.0 quarterback is still shutting down under pressure. And he's actually pretty good if he would just hang in there through the struggles. But he doesn't.
You saw it yourself again today.
Anyone who sees Dak as the problem just hates the guy and will never be happy. The defense is clearly the problem to anyone that has ever played the game. Geez


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I would ask for what happen during the entire game. Giving me a snapshot in time does nothing to actually convey what happened. This is what people who defend the offense don't get. You can rail about the defense and demand that Nolan be fired or killed or whatever else you want done to him, but your "I told you we are within 3 points in the 4th" does not tell me about the pathetic offensive play we had in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. The need to once again dig out of a hole we dug for ourselves and continue to put a bad defense in bad spots. Like another poster said - it's 4 quarters and if it is 4 quarters how do you ignore the total lack of any offense through 2 of the 4 quarters by Dallas?
no, this is not a snap shot. its reality... browns had 8 possessions and scored on 7 of much more clear can it be than that?

and like I are basically arguing, this offense needs to be perfect, mistake free, score on every drive for us to win....

and again, within 3 points with about 4 minutes to go......that's all you need to know..... the fact that they came back in such fury in the 4th quarter and made a game of it...tells you all you need to know. you can't count out this team or the offense.....

btw, you are also doing the same thing you accused me of in your first sentence...looking at 2 quarters results....yet told me to ignore my statements that said the same thing....

and is it unusual for teams not to score in a quarter? does it not happen in the NFL?