It's All True About Romo - All of It

When I think talent I think physical attributes. Brady doesn't fit the bill either. He's an out of this world player-but not talent.

The physical freaks are the out of this world talents.

Either way, whether you're talking finished product or just physical traits, Romo isn't an out of this world talent for either.

What qualifies as talent? Arm talent (strength) only? A 6-foot-5 build? In that case, yeah, Romo isn't an out-of-this-world talent.

But he does have one of the league's best releases, is one of the league's more precise QBs, has excellent mobility in the pocket and great football instincts. IMO, that all qualifies as elements of talent.
Romo has plenty of talent but he lacks Football smarts at times. That's what so frustrating about him.
No. Nobody does. Difference between talent and product. When you say he's talented it means he's physically gifted.

If anything, Romo lacks ideal traits but makes up for it in other areas in a big way.

So no. He's definitely NOT an out of this world talent. Out of this world talents don't go undrafted

Out of this world talent doesn't drop out of the first round like Drew Brees, Joe Montana or Tom Brady did.

You can have out of the world talent and still not be drafted high or at all. Sometimes, talent takes time to blossom.
Romo has plenty of talent but he lacks Football smarts at times. That's what so frustrating about him.

I think Romo's biggest problem is that he lacks football discipline, situational awareness, and patience at certain points during the game. Of course, the same thing can be said for his head coach too.
I guess that explains why Peyton Manning would make a rotten throw -- back across the field -- right into a Raven's hands in the playoffs. Lack of mental talent.

At least he had enough mental capacity to get his team to the playoffs as you pointed out, and enough to win a SB with the Colts. If only Romo had that mental capacity we would be SB champions, but we both know that is only wishful thinking.

As I said earlier I don't hate Romo, but I at least have the mental capacity to know when something is a lost cause and things will never get better. My mental capacity allowed me to figure this out a few years back. Unfortunately for some, their mental capacity will never let them figure that out,so sad.
At least he had enough mental capacity to get his team to the playoffs as you pointed out, and enough to win a SB with the Colts. If only Romo had that mental capacity we would be SB champions, but we both know that is only wishful thinking.

As I said earlier I don't hate Romo, but I at least have the mental capacity to know when something is a lost cause and things will never get better. My mental capacity allowed me to figure this out a few years back. Unfortunately for some, their mental capacity will never let them figure that out,so sad.

LOL, it's just like I said, Romo haters always move the goal posts. You said he lacked the mental talent and it caused him to make mistakes. I just wanted to know what caused Peyton's mistakes. Was it temporary mental insanity? As usual, when a Romo hater is challenged they move the goal post out to rings.

And I know you did not just write that we would be Super Bowl champions if not for Romo. You'd better edit that quick before somebody sees that.
I believe Romo is just as talented as Eli if not more. It's a team game and some times the ball bounces in your favor and luck happens and it depends on a lot of factors. Is your defense playing lights out? Is the offense playing lights out? Is the team clicking on all cylinders all at the right time especailly in the playoffs when key players are healthy. Romo is an awesome Qb and proved it once again last Sunday despite the loss. Just because Romo throws a pick in the fourth quarter which is proven that it wasn't his fault totally just goes to prove a lot of Cowboy fans expect perfection when the rest of the QBs in the league do the same thing week in and week out. Romo is under a microscope of scrutiny and it's sickening and it's unfair.
Good post, T-RO, and I agree. Like you said, it's true that Romo has thrown more late-game interceptions in recent years than we'd like to see. It's also true that he hasn't been able to lead us to playoff success. And it's also true that he flashes long stretches of brilliant, elite-level play in between all that.

What does it all mean? To me, it means we've got a tremendous QB who just hasn't had that magical playoff run yet. Will it ever come? Maybe not. Could it? Very possibly so.

Until he does, he's a national punch line. Partly because he's a Cowboy, and partly because he makes for an easy villain (partly because he's a Cowboy).

People always ask about the difference between Eli and Tony. It's funny, because I think it's undebatable that Romo flashes elite level play more frequently and more consistently than Eli has or does. The difference is that Eli's two stretches of brilliant play came at the most opportune of times, and he's going to be forever immortalized for those performances.

I think Romo is more than capable of going on a similar run. It's just a matter of whether or not he actually does it.

Yes. He's capable if surrounded by the right parts. He's also capable of letting the moment slip. I don't think anything is fixed here. So many act like his big game history is sealed forever. The larger trouble is how the Cowboys, up against the salary cap, can possibly fix so many broken pieces and make this defense competitive in Romo's remaining window.
I agree with the thread starter. But I'll throw in my 2 cents. Romo is a guy that when everything seems lost he can get you back in the game or playoff hunt almost all by himself..But when he's there for the taking something always happens. It's just his luck and/or confidence or coincidence. I don't know what it is but like the thread starter said, it's all true to a degree.
When I think talent I think physical attributes. Brady doesn't fit the bill either. He's an out of this world player-but not talent.

The physical freaks are the out of this world talents.

Either way, whether you're talking finished product or just physical traits, Romo isn't an out of this world talent for either.

And now we're debating the definition of talented. And people wonder why we can't come to a consensus on Tony Romo? Lol We have people arguing the very definition of individual words!!
I believe Romo is just as talented as Eli if not more. It's a team game and some times the ball bounces in your favor and luck happens and it depends on a lot of factors. Is your defense playing lights out? Is the offense playing lights out? Is the team clicking on all cylinders all at the right time especailly in the playoffs when key players are healthy. Romo is an awesome Qb and proved it once again last Sunday despite the loss. Just because Romo throws a pick in the fourth quarter which is proven that it wasn't his fault totally just goes to prove a lot of Cowboy fans expect perfection when the rest of the QBs in the league do the same thing week in and week out. Romo is under a microscope of scrutiny and it's sickening and it's unfair.

Absolutely. I guess it was Romo's fault when Crayton dropped that pass that hit him right in the gut in the playoff game against the Giants several years back. How dare Tony throw an absolutely perfect pass in a playoff game and then not force the receive to make the catch. LOL
Every team we've had in the Romo era has had fatal flaws. Oline, secondary, running game, LBers that can't cover, etc. You can take your pick from one year to the next. The only positive constant has been Romo. The rest? Not so much.
Drew Brees is an out of this world talent. Guy can dunk and beat a pro tennis player. Romo is a good basketball player and a scratch golfer. He is another guy with loads of talent.
This is exactly what I'm telling you. We are talking about TALENT not SUCCESS.

It doesn't matter either way. Romo isn't an out or this world talent or end product.

You clearly do not know the definition of the word talent. You claim that talent is a physical measurable or some other nonsense? Chess players are talented, musicians are talented, NFL QB's capable of spinning out of the arms of 3 , 300 lb men and rifling a pass at 50 mph at a moving target 30 yards away who is being covered by somebody being paid millions to prevent just that is talent.

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