It's Baseball Season!

I pull for only 1 Houston team and that would be the Astros. Myself I like baseball but will admit they have way too many games within a season

Yep, we have a lot to look forward to during baseball season.

Hostile said:
It seems my intent to insult baseball a bit was lost on folks.

I noticed that.

I'm reading the responses, and ... :laugh2:

Thanks for posting that.

Carlin has a lot of problems, but he is a master comedian. His football-baseball bit is classic, especially with the voices and mannerisms that go along with it.
DragonCowboy said:
Exactly. Baseball bores me. If I have to choose a team, it'll be my hometown Rangers though.

If I have to choose a baseball team, I probably have to shoot myself right there. Anyone could extract any information from me instead of torcher, if they make me watch baseball.
Carlin used to be great, now he is just an old grumpy man.

But in the day I think his facial expressions alone were great, IMO on Pryor was better in that area because both could make you laugh just by making an facial expression.


I would love for them to go on strike and never come back. Even if it just means no baseball on ESPN sportscenter to sit through while waiting on something else.

I have been to one baseball game in my life, Rangers vs the Pirates in the Astrodome around 91 or so.

The only reason I went was because it was a platoon/company thing and if you went you did not have to pull some guard duty or other lame duty.
Cbz40 said:
I also grew up as a Yankee Fan......I'm now an Astro fan.

When I was a youngun I was one heck of a catcher.

Catcher eh?

Hmmmmm......I thought so.
Hostile said:

[SIZE=-1]Baseball has the seventh inning stretch.
Football has the two minute warning.

*best Tim the ToolMan impression* AARG ARRGH AARGH
I can't stand baseball, I'll never understand how baseball players get paid more then nfl players.
Rude said:
I can't stand baseball, I'll never understand how baseball players get paid more then nfl players.

Pretty simple, combine a much stronger union with 10 times the home games.

An NFL team draws half a million fans, a MLB team can draw better than four million.
Baseball has really fallen off in recent years. Why they still call it America's pastime, I dont know, it is a distant third behind the NFL and NBA.

Maybe if the Rangers could actually find a decent pitcher I'd watch more :banghead:
I guess I'm a hypocrite for thinking that Baseball is boring.

I watch and play the 7-hour minimum(5 day max) game of cricket.

Go India!
Hostile said:
It seems my intent to insult baseball a bit was lost on folks.
Not me, I was about to blast you until I read the post.

But since no one else is willing to join in on the spirit of the post as it was intended.

Cbz40 said:
Ummmmm.....I'm sorry I just don't understand.... :rolleyes: :shoot2: :D

I thought the bayonet was your weapon of choice.:lmao2:

Just kidding...all in the spirit of fun.:D
DragonCowboy said:
I thought the bayonet was your weapon of choice.:lmao2:

Just kidding...all in the spirit of fun.:D

Lance.....Bow & Arrow......Club........Sling Shot...:D
hooskins said:
maybe im ADD but baseball bores me, except the world series. Going to games is much better tho, go nats!

Fa sho. Baseball is a great game to take in at the park, on TV its just not that great.

I go to a few SF Giants games here and there, but usually I just end up at A's games, because for like $10-15 bucks you can ride the train there, have enough money to get some beers for the train ride, and with a Pepsi can on Wednsday, $1 gets you in.

Minor league games are tight too, cuz it's a good way to just chill out in the summer.

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