In the UK suicide is the biggest killer of men under 30 and it's sad to say enough isn't being done about it
Makes you wonder if there were any warning signs, or something could have been done, awful.
Could that be, because of the weather? I am pretty sure, Seattle/Portland has a high rate. I really don't know(other than medications), that you can do about seasonal depression.
She must've been short.
Either that or the doorknobs are on the top of the doors in the UK
Could that be, because of the weather? I am pretty sure, Seattle/Portland has a high rate. I really don't know(other than medications), that you can do about seasonal depression.
Seeing that Iceland rules the category, you probably have a point.
Hung herself from a doorknob with a scarf.
Tragic, .. so young.
Could that be, because of the weather? I am pretty sure, Seattle/Portland has a high rate. I really don't know(other than medications), that you can do about seasonal depression.
My father has seasonal depression, so I see it every winter or when it rains.
I cannot figure out how you can hang yourself from a doorknob. I just can't picture that.
You sit with your back against the door, wrap whatever around your neck, and then slither out so you are not leaning against the door, .. only supported by your neck and whatever is around it, tied to the doorknob.