Jane Slater: Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job


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Did we really want Dak and these players to start over with a new offense and expect next tear to be better lol
Either way, are we gonna win a Super Bowl with the same staff? No. Might as well start over even if Dak and the defense struggle with a new offense and scheme. It’s not about being better, but about handing over the reigns to someone more competent that can get things going after this final year with Dak.


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It didn't matter.

Jerry is to old to rip things down and start from scratch. He sees his mortality and doesn't have time for these coaches to win.

Any of those coaches would not want Prescott. Then you have Lance or whoever you find. That's not an option for Jerry for winning now.

Jerry kept it the same because this means Dallas will continue making the playoffs with a chance to win it all.

Get in Jerry's head and his mortality and his decision is what most would do in that situation.