Twitter: Jason Garrett on 105.3 The Fan - 11/25/19


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in fairness the team has a bunch of guys sick spreading the flu around so practicing outside probably wasn't the best idea.

This is nice of you to say Mike B, and I appreciate your level headed response.

At least the WRs and QB could have practiced outside. Done something outside. I mean Witten looked like he never played in the rain before in his life.


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We're beating a dead horse now, IMO. I think Jerry just announced he is not re-signing Jason Garrett. But Jerry is not going to make a change right now and I agree with him. Making a change in the middle of the season is basically giving up on the season. The Cowboys are still in first place over the Eagles with some tough games coming up. They can win all of them but not with a disruption like a coaching change. Besides, changing the head coach is not going to make a difference in the way the team plays the rest of the season. Get the team focused on winning each and every game they have left. Don't give them a reason to quit. Let the season play out, then fire the coaching staff.

Hopefully, Jerry is sitting down with his football people and they are evaluating the coaching talent around the league so they can make a decision as soon as the season ends.


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Why? Do you get sick if you go outside?

i mean not technically but being out in the weather and dampness when the flu is on your team seems not smart. Anything that can increase the guys getting sick doesnt make much sense.


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If he still can say that he can coach better, it means that this guy will never ever learn from his mistakes. He didn't even get a lesson from the game played 2 weeks ago. What the hell he is talking about? He has been a HC for 10 years but he didn't even know what to do while he was getting punked by Bellichik on that punt play.


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SSDD with Garrett... always saying we “can get better” without saying what exactly broke down and what specifically is the plan to get better

In essence he admits there is a problem, but never takes responsibility to fix it

I wonder if the fact he has been a backup QB his whole life has just flat out neutered his ability to “be the man” and actually lead this team as the top dog?

The backup QB is never on the hook. It’s never his fault. He was never expected to come through— and if he happens to win, it’s all gravy.

Garrett is a nice guy and a decent motivator. That is all... and that is not enough to get it done at the end of the day