Jason Garrett the underlying problem


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If Garrett could coordinate an offense that did not require a Ferrari at every position.....we would not have so many "weapons" who want and feel like they deserve the ball. I remember Deion pointing out when signed Roy Williams that Garrett needs to make better use of the talent he has instead of having the owner throw more money at the offense to cover up his inablitity to figure out how to get TO the ball. He inherited a top 5 offense from Tony Sparano...and has turned it into a top 5 offense. Tony Sparano was basically told to move over because "the Messiah" has arrived. So what do we do...we make Garrett the highest paid coordinator in the history of the NFL...give him all the weapons in the world...and now we are witnessing this blow up in our face. How long did you think it was going to last that all of these guys were not going to start wanting the football?


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bbailey423;2483924 said:
If Garrett could coordinate an offense that did not require a Ferrari at every position.....we would not have so many "weapons" who want and feel like they deserve the ball. I remember Deion pointing out when signed Roy Williams that Garrett needs to make better use of the talent he has instead of having the owner throw more money at the offense to cover up his inablitity to figure out how to get TO the ball. He inherited a top 5 offense from Tony Sparano...and has turned it into a top 5 offense. Tony Sparano was basically told to move over because "the Messiah" has arrived. So what do we do...we make Garrett the highest paid coordinator in the history of the NFL...give him all the weapons in the world...and now we are witnessing this blow up in our face. How long did you think it was going to last that all of these guys were not going to start wanting the football?

Maybe, they need to dumb down the offense a little. Like Wade did with the defense...

What Garrett should have done during the Brad Johnson debacle! Maybe then we would have a little more wiggle room with our record and not be on our death bed.


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I think Garrett got all of the attention because he was directing the passing game last year which was obviously doing very, very well while Sparano focused on the line and running game.


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bbailey423;2483924 said:
If Garrett could coordinate an offense that did not require a Ferrari at every position.....we would not have so many "weapons" who want and feel like they deserve the ball. I remember Deion pointing out when signed Roy Williams that Garrett needs to make better use of the talent he has instead of having the owner throw more money at the offense to cover up his inablitity to figure out how to get TO the ball. He inherited a top 5 offense from Tony Sparano...and has turned it into a top 5 offense. Tony Sparano was basically told to move over because "the Messiah" has arrived. So what do we do...we make Garrett the highest paid coordinator in the history of the NFL...give him all the weapons in the world...and now we are witnessing this blow up in our face. How long did you think it was going to last that all of these guys were not going to start wanting the football?

Yeah Garrett is the one missing the throws, and not seeing open receivers. He's also the one not holding his blocks. He's also the one slipping coming out of a break.

You're misinformed man. Could Garrett do a better job? Sure. But he's hardly as bad as you're trying to make him out to be. You realize we just played the number one defense in the NFL and performed better than almost every team that has faced them.

You're misinformed man.


No Quarter
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Jerry is the problem.

He hired Jason before he was ready to do what he's doing.

He unfortunately also hired Jason before Wade.

He renewed TO and probably sunshine pumped this imbecile to have false expectations for 2008.

He then vastly overpaid to keep Jason, making Wade even more doomed. Even though Jason had no answers in Dec/Jan last year.

So if you think Jason is a problem the fault lies with our owner/wanna-be-GM

LRcowboy Fan

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Garrett, Garrett, Garrett is the problem. He has done a POOR job of calling the offense this year. On top of that, instead of getting everyone together and talking about this he lets the WR meeting go. Jason Garrett is the problem. Sparano obviously was the brains behind the offense last year. I think everyone agrees that the WR's are not getting the ball enough. :banghead:


Rising Star
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Jerry is the one constant in this teams problems over the last 12 years.


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It's a combination IMO: a toxic, bad combination of a meddling owner overpaying and coddling certain players, a weak head coach, and not enough leadership from the players themselves as a whole. But don't let facts get in the way.....proceed with thread blaming just one person by all means.......


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I think Garrett is certainly a part of the issue because it's clear, painfully almost, at times that he doesn't use some of his playmakers the right one.

The big thing, to me, is that Owens should rarely be running deep routes, IMO. He should be running 8-10 yard crosses, drags (at 5-8 yards), quick slants, outs, and those sort of things to get the ball into his hands quickly and let him do what he does best, run after the catch.

Where I think he's messing up here is having Owens run all these flys, and 15-20 yard ins and posts and such which are forcing Romo to look away from him, and go elsewhere, before the routes they've got Owens using can even be effective.

A little changing would be nice but even at that the issue isn't entirely Garrett or entirely one person at all.


Vet Min Plus
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Just a thought but If Romo is messing it up in big games calling audibles, why isn't Garrett and Wade coming down on him? Where is the coaching? Where is the accountability?


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When looking for people to blame, Garrett is one of the names that does not even come to mind. I guess maybe he is partly to blame, but only a very small part to blame. Garrett can't just run on the field and take the ball from Romo and throw to wide open Williams, Crayton and T.O. for Romo. There is only so much Garrett can do.


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I have criticized Garrett about a few things but c'mon.

Imagine one simple scenario and you will understand the offense and Red.

Imagine had the Cowboys had a healthy Terry Glenn instead of Terrell Owens. Such an offense would have easily been the #1 ranked offense in the NFC.

No pattern. No play. Owens can't run a pattern. Roy hasn't had time to mesh.


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Roy was brought over because Owens is old and a potential problem at any time. This team is too good to wait for a rookie WR that would be questionable or to start 09 or 10 with Austin and Crayton.


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Gmonkey21;2483946 said:
Maybe, they need to dumb down the offense a little. Like Wade did with the defense...

What Garrett should have done during the Brad Johnson debacle! Maybe then we would have a little more wiggle room with our record and not be on our death bed.

Dumb it down? This offense has no creativity or explosiveness at all anymore. I hear old ladies in the stands calling this guys plays out. Red doesn't adjust to squat and he isn't dictating either. If you're not going to adjust you better be a dictating offense then. I have no problem saying this is what we want to do and we're going to do it but you need to change that up game to game. He doesn't have the imagination or flexibility to come up with new wrinkles and that's the offenses problem and Garrett's biggest weakness.

In regards to having all of this talent that wants the ball let me tell you guys something. You never have enough talent in this league and there's never enough leadership. There are enough balls to go around for (3) 1000 yard receivers. The problem is, and Owens, RW and Crayton are right, Romo is locking onto Witten either because it's becoming natural or the plays are calling for it. I don't know how you don't move T.O and RW all around the field ever 2nd snap? Any half brain OC would. Especially against blitz happy teams like Pittsburgh who need a cover wrinkle to make sure they don't get burned blitzing. Garret has T.O running out of the backfield for 3 yards on 3rd down.


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I think he's learning on the job. He has to. It's not like he worked his way up the ranks for years until he became an OC.

I feel like other teams get as much or more production from less talented offenses than we do. Eventually, I expect Garrett to work through it all and become a better OC. My worry is that we'll miss our window if we wait too much longer.


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I've become less and less enthralled with Garrett's play calling as the year has gone on.

I'm not saying he isn't a good play caller but hes not the expert genius that he looked to be last year. He goes to the well once too often with a number of plays and really doesn't do anything to keep defenses off balance.

Answer this. What has been Dallas' most creative play this year? TO motioning into the backfield? An end-around? I haven't seen every down and I think I remember Crayton taking an end-around that looked like a potential pass but thats it. And I am not saying that Dallas needs to live off those plays but a little imagination and some well timed misdirection can turn a game.

I would also like to see Garrett spread teams out. Dallas has as legit of a #1 receiver as a team will find. Ignoring all the BS that is floating right now and looking at what the man can do, he can still play. The team also has a GREAT #2 receiver. There are not many teams that have that caliber of a #2. Crayton, who I thought would benefit greatly from the RW trade is made to be in the slot. I thought Crayton would actually have a bigger role in the offense as a #3 than he did playing #2. As much as I cannot stand his mouth, he is perfect as a #3. Great hands and a good route runner. I don't know why he hasn't seen more action. Hes getting far less than he did before the trade and it isn't because Roy Williams has taking all those opportunities. And of course there is Witten. With all those options, I don't know why you never see the team spread people out. Hell, throw Stanback out there and run a 5 WR set and force teams to cover another guy. I realize Isiah isn't much more than a warm body but the guy has to be covered.

Another thing I think Garrett needs to work on is the running plays. I honestly don't think he has ever seen a draw play that he didn't like. It seems like a great number of the running plays called in a game are draws or delays. I know the running game has been alright and losing Felix really has had an impact but I just don't understand why there are so many slow developing run plays called.

By far the biggest issue I have with Garrett is his inexplicable obsession with pinning TO up against the sideline. I just do not get it. I posted this in another thread so I won't go too much into it but I think it is nuts that he has TO running routes that are not suited to his strength.

I'm glad that Garrett is in Dallas because the possibility of having a young, talented head coach lead the team for a long period of time would do nothing but help this team out. Moving forward, I hope Garrett stays. I think I posted in another thread where I wished he had taken another job so that sounds a little odd but I really think this team needs some consistency and stability more than anything. I'm really starting to think that all the change that takes place is as much to blame for a lot of the problems that Dallas has as anything.

With that said, I think Garrett needs to find a way to start getting the most of this roster. Far too much talent on the team to be seeing any struggles at all on offense.


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Hoofbite;2486094 said:
I've become less and less enthralled with Garrett's play calling as the year has gone on.

I'm not saying he isn't a good play caller but hes not the expert genius that he looked to be last year. He goes to the well once too often with a number of plays and really doesn't do anything to keep defenses off balance.

Answer this. What has been Dallas' most creative play this year? TO motioning into the backfield? An end-around? I haven't seen every down and I think I remember Crayton taking an end-around that looked like a potential pass but thats it. And I am not saying that Dallas needs to live off those plays but a little imagination and some well timed misdirection can turn a game.

I would also like to see Garrett spread teams out. Dallas has as legit of a #1 receiver as a team will find. Ignoring all the BS that is floating right now and looking at what the man can do, he can still play. The team also has a GREAT #2 receiver. There are not many teams that have that caliber of a #2. Crayton, who I thought would benefit greatly from the RW trade is made to be in the slot. I thought Crayton would actually have a bigger role in the offense as a #3 than he did playing #2. As much as I cannot stand his mouth, he is perfect as a #3. Great hands and a good route runner. I don't know why he hasn't seen more action. Hes getting far less than he did before the trade and it isn't because Roy Williams has taking all those opportunities. And of course there is Witten. With all those options, I don't know why you never see the team spread people out. Hell, throw Stanback out there and run a 5 WR set and force teams to cover another guy. I realize Isiah isn't much more than a warm body but the guy has to be covered.

Another thing I think Garrett needs to work on is the running plays. I honestly don't think he has ever seen a draw play that he didn't like. It seems like a great number of the running plays called in a game are draws or delays. I know the running game has been alright and losing Felix really has had an impact but I just don't understand why there are so many slow developing run plays called.

By far the biggest issue I have with Garrett is his inexplicable obsession with pinning TO up against the sideline. I just do not get it. I posted this in another thread so I won't go too much into it but I think it is nuts that he has TO running routes that are not suited to his strength.

I'm glad that Garrett is in Dallas because the possibility of having a young, talented head coach lead the team for a long period of time would do nothing but help this team out. Moving forward, I hope Garrett stays. I think I posted in another thread where I wished he had taken another job so that sounds a little odd but I really think this team needs some consistency and stability more than anything. I'm really starting to think that all the change that takes place is as much to blame for a lot of the problems that Dallas has as anything.

With that said, I think Garrett needs to find a way to start getting the most of this roster. Far too much talent on the team to be seeing any struggles at all on offense.
I am HOPING he gets offered another head coaching job to save Jerry from himself. When Jerry falls in love with a guy, he can only see what he WANTS to see...not what is actually in front of him. And I have seen this offense without TO last year....and it was a trainwreck. I have seen this offense without Romo this year....and it was a trainwreck. GARRETT was the one who told Jerry Brad is good enough to be the backup QB. GARRETT is the one who told Jerry, Brooks Bollinger should be the guy we develop. Will Jerry see these ridiculous personell decisions Garrett has made....or is he oblivious too all of this because he has DISCOVERED the Messiah. When Jerry loves you, he listens. Re-visit Troy Aikman telling Jerry to get Joey Galloway....do you realize how many years this set the franchise back. Or Troy personally working out Dave LeFleur and declaring him as the TE we need to take Jay Novaceks place.


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Some good points made in this thread.

1. Garrett's offense is so predictable that it is starting to get embarrassing. I have seen more creative plays on Madden!!!

2. With all of these weapons, we should be dropping 40+ a game on everybody's arse, no sitting here with the same record as the freaking Falcons with a rook at QB. Think about that for a second.

3. Tony has to start playing better and by that I mean spreading the ball around and quite throwing picks every dam game. I love Romo, but he is starting to play like freaking McNabb.......lights up the loser teams and chokes against the big boys. At least Romo is NFL caliber, not like Johnson and Bollinger who belong in the CFL or Arena.

4. Coach StayPuff has to go. To have an 8-5 record with a roster loaded with probowlers is simply pure incompetence. The defense did improve when Wade took over for Stewy, but the fact that StayPuff stood on the sideline and watched Stewy's defense blow game after game after game before stepping in is also pure incompetence. Got to go Wade, failure will not be tolerated, this is not Buffalo.


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This thread is funny.
Funny, because I've read about patience, learning on the job, etc.......
But, I remember when I was hoping to get Ron Rivera and his staff instead of this "regime", all I heard about was Garrett being the next "Vunder-Child" genius offense mind in the NFL.
If this bogus era of parity and salary caps and free agency has taught us anything, it's that you don't have time for the next NFL offensive "Vunder-Child" to learn-on-the-job!!
What was his cred anyway? Two years as the QB coach in Miami???? Hey, name for me the QB during Garrett's tenure as QB coach in Miami!
Nah, this was a "Jerry-Guy" puppet coach hire. Nothing more, nothing less. And will probably continue to be all through a disasterous 3 or 4 year mediocre Head Coaching stint before we move on to the next guy in 2013. The next Chan Gaily or Dave Campo or Wade Phillips, or whoever will hold Jerry's clip board. Because God forbid we hire a Jon Gruden or Bill Cowher type, fire breathing sideline stalker.


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3 offensive players in the know more than fans blamed Wit and Romo, not Red, of not running the plays to completion, but rather only looking for each other.

TNew took several shots at the excuse making, credit taking HC.

And the locker room is at odds.

Yeah, sounds like the fault of a subservient coordinator, who neither plays or is in charge. LOL. As long as it isnt Romo and Fat Wad, blaming anyone else is fine! Haahahaha!!!

JG, run that play where Romo runs in circles and throws with his girl hand! That one was close. God knows he can't run anything that requires a bullet pass where only his receiver can get it, or a timing pattern to secure a tough road upset with 2 WRs open down field. Dooooh! Why you Garrett! Make Tony look like he did Thanksgiving 06. Everything after is YOUR fault. LOL!