Video: Jason Witten stops mid-interview to rubberneck Dez's rant

Every body ax yourself this:

Would player rants happen in front of Parcells or Jimma?

Maybe, but they'd sit the next game (unless you were the QB or star RB) or be waived the next day.

I don't remember Irvin sitting under Johnson...McGyver and haircuts come to mind? Probably wrong spelling...
At its loudest you can hear dez say: "If you are going to report something, report it right."

That doesn't sound to me like he is upset about a racial slur.

Other videos show he is. Check youtube, language is bad.
Witten is the ULTIMATE PROFESSIONAL. He practices and plays hard everyday. It is a shame that some of the other players on the team do not follow his lead. Give me 53 players like Witten and there would be many more Super Bowl Trophies in the cabinet at Valley Ranch.

That would mean Dallas would have 53 illegal motion penalties per game because Jason is good for one a game.

I kid, I kid... I love Witt.
Every body ax yourself this:

Would player rants happen in front of Parcells or Jimma?

Maybe, but they'd sit the next game (unless you were the QB or star RB) or be waived the next day.

If you think Jimmy would have cut Dez, then you just weren't paying attention to his time in Dallas. Dez could have done that to Jimmy's wife and Johnson wouldn't have done anything about it.
If you think Jimmy would have cut Dez, then you just weren't paying attention to his time in Dallas. Dez could have done that to Jimmy's wife and Johnson wouldn't have done anything about it.

That ist, in its face ludicrous. But let us and tomato set it aside.
I IMPLIED star players be excluded from Jimma's or Parcells's wrath. DID YOU MISUNCOMPREHEND? YEAH I AM LOOKING AT YOU!

MAYBE it was you, Mr. Doing to the Wife Scenarioist, who jumped to confusions!
Dont make go gangstah!!!

The Defense created a turnover???
Every body ax yourself this:

Would player rants happen in front of Parcells or Jimma?

Maybe, but they'd sit the next game (unless you were the QB or star RB) or be waived the next day.

Um, no...that wouldn't happen.

That didn't look like rubbernecking, looked like he was ready to jump in if it was out of control. Apparently he didn't think it was something worth getting involved in.

Seemed like he went the opposite way! Apparently he isn't the leader we perceived him to be, a real leader would've calmed the situation down and not have ran the other way!
Witten is the ULTIMATE PROFESSIONAL. He practices and plays hard everyday. It is a shame that some of the other players on the team do not follow his lead. Give me 53 players like Witten and there would be many more Super Bowl Trophies in the cabinet at Valley Ranch.

Have to agree....JWitt is a professional.....but the media has never come after him.....not even the Cabo trip.
Seemed like he went the opposite way! Apparently he isn't the leader we perceived him to be, a real leader would've calmed the situation down and not have ran the other way!

If you watch a longer version of it you see he just goes over and checks it out but at that point not much is happening. Maybe the fact that he just walked over there had a calming effect like any leader would, w/o having to do or say anything. Now if Joseph Randle had been there and walked over it prob would have continued or escalated. Thats the difference.
If you think Jimmy would have cut Dez, then you just weren't paying attention to his time in Dallas. Dez could have done that to Jimmy's wife and Johnson wouldn't have done anything about it.

Wasnt she his X wife at that point? If I had an X, Dez could yell at her any time he wanted. :D
I like and admire the fact that Witten is a leader in the sense that he appears to have assumed the role formerly held by guys like Kevin Gogan who have acted as our sargeant of arms, so to speak. It never hurts to have somebody available who's willing to act as a peacemaker in troubled times of stress and turmoil.

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