Jerramy Stevens, a real winner [/sarcasm]

Danny White;1932058 said:
I hope he and Leonard Little have a drunken head-on collision with each other.

Ray Lewis could be an eye witness and say "You all trippin'." while Pacman could make it rain on the wreckage.
joseephuss;1932087 said:
Ray Lewis could be an eye witness and say "You all trippin'." while Pacman could make it rain on the wreckage.

And while they're all doing that, Cedric Benson will sneak into their homes and steal their plasma TVs. :laugh2:
Danny White;1932095 said:
And while they're all doing that, Cedric Benson will sneak into their homes and steal their plasma TVs. :laugh2:

And Najeh Davenport will poop in the closet :D
The sad part is I check the comments on the column and there are just a bunch of UW fans bashing the article and calling it a hatchet job, claiming media bias, vowing to cancel their subscriptions. The whole society is sick. I'm convinced that 75% of fans from any university or team would claim OJ was just misunderstood and unfairly persecuted if he was still rushing for 2,000 yards for their team. It's all about whose ox is being gored. Nate Newton is a convicted drug trafficker and Michael Irvin stabbed a teammate in the throat with scissors, and they're given talk shows in Dallas they're still so revered.
InmanRoshi;1932167 said:
The sad part is I check the comments on the column and there are just a bunch of UW fans bashing the article and calling it a hatchet job, claiming media bias, vowing to cancel their subscriptions. The whole society is sick. I'm convinced that 75% of fans from any university or team would claim OJ was just misunderstood and unfairly persecuted if he was still rushing for 2,000 yards for their team. It's all about whose ox is being gored. Nate Newton is a convicted drug trafficker and Michael Irvin stabbed a teammate in the throat with scissors, and they're given talk shows in Dallas they're still so revered.

Newton did go to the big house and serve some time so I do not see how he got off Scott free
Also why is anyone surprised about this.

I never understood why they drafted the guy in the 1st round. Red flags where everywhere about him having major character issues. Yet Seattle drafted him anyways because he was talented but he wasted that away and continued his history of bad behavior
joseephuss;1932048 said:
I am glad I don't feel guilty when I wish bad things upon certain people.
:signmast: I know if I ever say this guy in a dark alley I might beat him within an inch of his life and maybe return some of the favors he did to some young girls with whatever is on the ground in the alley.
Your right Roo. I mean, everybody new about this guy. He was trash from day one but Seattle looked past it and took him anyway.

Was never so happy as to see that POS acting like and idiot on the Sideline durning the Texas game when UW thought they had the game only to see Texas come back and win it. Was priceless and truely the only time I can ever say I enjoyed watching this guy on TV.
Jerramy Stevens should rot in hell. The worst scumbags of all are the white collar office idiots who defened him and got him alot of second chances.

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