Jerruh's Big Dilema


Arch Defender
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He's got a few the way I see it:

1) With every week that we play like garbage (and this is the 3rd week in a row) he is losing fan interest in this team, and that ultimately is going to cost him big bucks in regards to filling that new stadium. The ultimate embarrassment for him will be having a half full shiney new stadium next yr, and we are going down that path. (Look back at 88 and 89 if you dont think fans will stay home)

2) The offense now has 3 weeks in a row of subpar play. Everyone is crowing about the #2 WR spot, but the bigger issue has been very, very poor OL play, especially against Washington and Arizona today. Today was not the first time they have played bad. They got drubbed vs Washington too. Some of it is definitely Proctor, but Adams and Columbo looked like Pettiti and Tucker today, and there's just no excuse for that.

3) Bruce Read should have been fired as soon as last season was over. He should have been fired during preseason when it was obvious the ST were still bad. Today one could point directly at his awful unit and say "thats why we lost!" and make a strong argument. Read should not have a desk tomorrow. It is not going to get better with him here, but it almost assuredly will cost us another game or two at some point.

4) At some point you have to make people accountable for bad play, especially when they are fringe players like Bobby Carpenter and Courtney Brown. Somebody (or maybe a couple of guys) should be cut tomorrow to start getting the teams attention that this level of play simply is not good enough.

5) I agree with others that making the calls to potentially get a 2nd WR, thus moving Crayton back to #3 is must do, but the problem is he cant be desperate about it and give up the farm. The other issue is now there are so many other problems with the team, that the move might not make much difference.

6) Jones wont do it, but for the first time since he's owned the team he has to start considering firing the coach now instead of waiting till after the season. Wade is not getting through to the players. They are not motivated or inspired when they hit the field, and the main reason he was hired was to fix the defense, and its just as bad now even though there are better players on the field for him. This move would have been easier to make had Stewart not been such a pusskatore over hiring Dom Capers, but if he fires Wade, Stewart pretty much has to go too, and that leaves us with very limited choices on who can run the defense.

Just making the playoffs was not the goal for THIS team. This team was supposed to be a hungry, focused & determined team and clearly is not. It's a direct reflection of Wade.

Yes its a desperate move if they fire Wade, fire Read and cut a player or two, but desperate times call for desperate action. And this is closing in on a desperate time. This is quickly looking like a lost season unless something is done to reverse this downward spiral.

Mr Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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Not much to disagree with there. Although getting rid of Stewart shouldn't be much of a problems since both Grantham and Campo have been DC in the past.


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This is such a good post and all of your points are valid. I think some heads do need to roll because there is no excuse for the way we have been playing the coaching effort and the lack of effort from the players.


Well-Known Member
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Great post...

I think in the long run its better to keep the coaching situation as is until the end, i just think changing mid season is pretty much giving up...I may be wrong and if Phillips, Reed and Stewart are gone tommorow I will not question it

As for the players....Carpenter should be gone tonight...throw him to Detriot if it would help with a trade...if not just cut him.


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6) Jones wont do it, but for the first time since he's owned the team he has to start considering firing the coach now instead of waiting till after the season. Wade is not getting through to the players. They are not motivated or inspired when they hit the field, and the main reason he was hired was to fix the defense, and its just as bad now even though there are better players on the field for him. This move would have been easier to make had Stewart not been such a pusskatore over hiring Dom Capers, but if he fires Wade, Stewart pretty much has to go too, and that leaves us with very limited choices on who can run the defense.

Not gonna happen (though it should). Jerry is loyal to a fault, be it players or coaches. He's not big on humiliating people. And firing Wade would be an admission that he erred in hiring him. That's why he didn't have the guts to discipline Pacman in any way. Face it: it's Wade or bust this year. Bigger worry: who's gonna run the defense if Garrett gets the top job next year?


Mick Green 58
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At what point do you stop pointing at the coaching staff and look at the players on the field?

Post Season-wise, Parcells couldn't get anything out of them and now Wade Phillips.

At some point, the players have to go out and execute on the field.

And Jerry Jones doesn't have a delima, he has done an excellent job, not his fault they are playing the way they are.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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I have no problem with anything you said and agree with all of it except my opinion on the WR situation varies from yours and I think it's a much bigger issue.


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When you think about it, we had no business winning this game. From the Romo "tuck" play, to Barber's miraculous TD run, to the Cards calling a timeout before the blocked kick, we dodged a hell of a lot of bullets. The better overall team didn't win, but they didn't back into a win either.


New Member
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I wonder if Jerry would fire Wade and Brian in the middle of the season. Stewart's group had a pretty good first half today.

The real problem was special teams. From kickoff return for TD to start the game, the missed FG, continual ineffectiveness of coverage and return units to the blocked punt that ultimately ended the game, there isn't much reason to bring Read back to Dallas at all.

Bill Bates doesn't seem to be coaching right now. Coach Joe would be better but would he even return? I think you start small with the ST coach and maybe a player like Carp and see where that takes you.


The realist
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big dog cowboy;2331950 said:
That is an interesting name. I wonder what our D would be playing like now under him instead of Stewart?

Ask New england, he is there.

Miami then and now San Diego is kicking their butt. :rolleyes:

It is not only coaching , player need to play too. Missed tackels is on players too. Even Zach thomass whiffed on some plays.

Our pro bowl O-L played lazy , Fat and Lazy. Flo and gurorde both sucked , colombo also. :mad: Romo stil thinks the OL is good enough and holds the ball too long.


The realist
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big dog cowboy;2331950 said:
That is an interesting name. I wonder what our D would be playing like now under him instead of Stewart?

Ask New england, he is there.

Miami then and now San Diego is kicking their butt. :rolleyes:

It is not only coaching , player need to play too. Missed tackels is on players too. Even Zach thomass whiffed on some plays.

Our pro bowl O-L played lazy , Fat and Lazy. Flo and gurorde both sucked , colombo also. :mad: Romo stil thinks the OL is good enough and holds the ball too long.


The Chairman
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bbgun;2331977 said:
When you think about it, we had no business winning this game. From the Romo "tuck" play, to Barber's miraculous TD run, to the Cards calling a timeout before the blocked kick, we dodged a hell of a lot of bullets. The better overall team didn't win, but they didn't back into a win either.

words with truth here folks..

good damn job bb

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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LOL. So Garrett is going to "inspire" this team? He can't even inspire his own franchise QB to hold on to the ball when he gets hit.

The bottom line is that Romo has to play better, or we won't win. It's that simple.

And firing Courtney Brown isn't going to change that.


Junior College Transfer
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dbair1967;2331747 said:
He's got a few the way I see it:

6) Jones wont do it, but for the first time since he's owned the team he has to start considering firing the coach now instead of waiting till after the season. Wade is not getting through to the players. They are not motivated or inspired when they hit the field, and the main reason he was hired was to fix the defense, and its just as bad now even though there are better players on the field for him. This move would have been easier to make had Stewart not been such a pusskatore over hiring Dom Capers, but if he fires Wade, Stewart pretty much has to go too, and that leaves us with very limited choices on who can run the defense.

Just making the playoffs was not the goal for THIS team. This team was supposed to be a hungry, focused & determined team and clearly is not. It's a direct reflection of Wade.

Yes its a desperate move if they fire Wade, fire Read and cut a player or two, but desperate times call for desperate action. And this is closing in on a desperate time. This is quickly looking like a lost season unless something is done to reverse this downward spiral.

As some of yew here know, Messer Dbair and I have rarely agreed.
When this August member of the Zone so eloquently thinks the unthinkable -- a midseason firing -- you know things have gotten serious. Seriously wrong.

Jerra, the sooner you do what has to be done, the better.


NFL Historian
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bbgun;2331977 said:
When you think about it, we had no business winning this game. From the Romo "tuck" play, to Barber's miraculous TD run, to the Cards calling a timeout before the blocked kick, we dodged a hell of a lot of bullets. The better overall team didn't win, but they didn't back into a win either.
I pretty much said the same thing when we went into OT.


NFL Historian
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GimmeTheBall!;2332563 said:
As some of yew here know, Messer Dbair and I have rarely agreed.
When this August member of the Zone so eloquently thinks the unthinkable -- a midseason firing -- you know things have gotten serious. Seriously wrong.

Jerra, the sooner you do what has to be done, the better.
Starting your own Cultural Revolution?


Well-Known Member
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nalam;2332021 said:
Ask New england, he is there.

Miami then and now San Diego is kicking their butt. :rolleyes:

It is not only coaching , player need to play too. Missed tackels is on players too. Even Zach thomass whiffed on some plays.

Our pro bowl O-L played lazy , Fat and Lazy. Flo and gurorde both sucked , colombo also. :mad: Romo stil thinks the OL is good enough and holds the ball too long.

We made the mistake of paying Flo - we will not see another decent season out of him again. He doesn't have much left to play for anymore as he is on his last contract.

Columbo has always been a JAG - nothing more.

Proctor should be flipping burgers somewhere.