Jerry ain't fooling me

He just has the worst haircut possible. You would think a billionaire could afford a quality hair stylist.
That is not a hair cut. It is a wig. I saw Jethro in the Caribbean without his rug on. He is totally bald. Just like the cue ball that he is.
I do, just not against my team....I've always hated people talking stuff about the boys. My senior year in HS, I banged a guys skull into a steel post in the ag barn. He was a Foerskin fan, talking crap. In college I poured lighter fluid on a guy talking trash and chased him with a lighter....luckily my buddies held me back. I've grown up a bit, since then, but I still hate when people talk trash about the Cowboys.
You just admitted to a felony arson charge. Might wanna check the statute of limitations.....
I do, just not against my team....I've always hated people talking stuff about the boys. My senior year in HS, I banged a guys skull into a steel post in the ag barn. He was a Foerskin fan, talking crap. In college I poured lighter fluid on a guy talking trash and chased him with a lighter....luckily my buddies held me back. I've grown up a bit, since then, but I still hate when people talk trash about the Cowboys.

Sounds to me like you still have not grown up. Criticizing your own team is not negativity it is reality. The reality is that the team is rotten. From the head to the toe this franchise is set up to part its fans from their money and put it in Jethro’s bank. Loyalty goes both ways. Jethro does not care a lick for the fans. This is about his team, his stadium, his air time and adding to his wealth. Period.
I do, just not against my team....I've always hated people talking stuff about the boys. My senior year in HS, I banged a guys skull into a steel post in the ag barn. He was a Foerskin fan, talking crap. In college I poured lighter fluid on a guy talking trash and chased him with a lighter....luckily my buddies held me back. I've grown up a bit, since then, but I still hate when people talk trash about the Cowboys.
You've lost touch with dudes hanging out joshing around and "trash talk".

You treat fans HERE the same as a skins fan?
There's a difference dude. These are your brothers, family. Family gets leeway.

Try it first 2025....a new you and not an arsonist. :)
Sounds to me like you still have not grown up. Criticizing your own team is not negativity it is reality. The reality is that the team is rotten. From the head to the toe this franchise is set up to part its fans from their money and put it in Jethro’s bank. Loyalty goes both ways. Jethro does not care a lick for the fans. This is about his team, his stadium, his air time and adding to his wealth. Period.
Naive with a silver spoon malady...who the hell are you being? :popcorn:
I understand what you are saying, but this is still a private site with advertisements that have nothing to do with Jerry Jones or the Dallas Cowboys. I'm only speculating on that part because I'm using an AD blocker while we still can. The only way Jerry could 'indirectly' make money off of CZ would be for members to say that CZ (advertisements or otherwise) influenced their decision to purchase gear or game tickets. I really don't think that anything read on CZ or seen in an advertisement is going to persuade a member to do any of those things.

I imagine a majority of CZ members don't live within 500 miles of AT&T stadium and their status as members isn't going to cause them to rush out and purchase tickets. Fans of the team are going to buy merchandise and game tickets regardless.

Of the 100,000 people filling the stadium tomorrow for the final game of the season, how many do you think are active CZ members? My guess would be less than 20, and of those 20 members none of them will say they went to the game solely because they are CZ members or were influenced to go because of something they read here.

So yes, I can understand how the perception can be made that we are 'indirectly' putting money into Jerry's pockets, but most of the members here will never physically (or willingly) put a single cent into his wrinkled paws. I've been a member of CZ for 13 years and the site has never influenced me to want to go to a game and I live 15 minutes away from the stadium. Gear wise, I have purchased 1 ball cap in the past 25 plus years, and it was one of the 'Salute to the service' hats that I liked. The purchase had nothing to do with my CZ membership.
---------I imagine a majority of CZ members don't live within 500 miles of AT&T stadium

Just a thought, but I always thought it would be cool to have a forum on this site where we could share something about ourselves if we wanted to....not mandatory....the poster above mentioning where we all might live triggered that in my head....anyone else like that idea, or is it better to just imagine?
It's psychological warfare....getting kinda boring, I'm playing Chess and they're playing Checkers. daughter is getting married next Saturday and moving to an Air Force base in Arkansas in 9 days....I'm a nervous wreck, this stuff is keeping my mind busy.
My unit's moto at the Air Force Academy was 23 Crash and Burn. lol
I do, just not against my team....I've always hated people talking stuff about the boys. My senior year in HS, I banged a guys skull into a steel post in the ag barn. He was a Foerskin fan, talking crap. In college I poured lighter fluid on a guy talking trash and chased him with a lighter....luckily my buddies held me back. I've grown up a bit, since then, but I still hate when people talk trash about the Cowboys.
Dak sucks!
This is setting up to be the same exact scenario as it was with the Clapping Carrot....let the final game end and then SAY NOTHING....just let days go by, and let fans draw their own conclusions. If you remember correctly, Booger never had even ONE press conference after he simply let the Clapping Carrot's contract this date, he has not fielded even ONE question to do with on the Clapping Carrot's tenure...any regrets...or why he let things drag on for 9+ agonizing year. Booger is a coward, and he is doing the same damn thing currently with Corky...if he would have fired him last year, there would have been a press conference....but let his contract lapse this year, and he doesn't need to do a thing....simply hide out like he did five (5) years ago and play stupid. This S is getting very blows my mind how people still support this guy with merch and ticket sales.
How's your blood pressure?
Mannix, you're still a Cowboys fan after all these insufferable years, so you've already been "fooled" by Jerry Jones. Too late. :p

Sounds to me like you still have not grown up. Criticizing your own team is not negativity it is reality. The reality is that the team is rotten. From the head to the toe this franchise is set up to part its fans from their money and put it in Jethro’s bank. Loyalty goes both ways. Jethro does not care a lick for the fans. This is about his team, his stadium, his air time and adding to his wealth. Period.
Your reading compression is bad! Never to late to get an education. I never said criticism is bad. You only hear what you want to hear. I'm sure Jerry will go broke if you and the others boycott him..... ignorance is bliss
You've lost touch with dudes hanging out joshing around and "trash talk".

You treat fans HERE the same as a skins fan?
There's a difference dude. These are your brothers, family. Family gets leeway.

Try it first 2025....a new you and not an arsonist. :)
If you get you feelings hurt so easily, you've lost touch. My family and friends don't constantly beat a dead horse. Let it go.....although, you don't start these silly threads, but you do support those that do.
How's your blood pressure?
He can't tell for he is unable to catch his breath...

first the Conquistadors killed the leader and then demanded gold. Followed by millions of murders...go figure. More gold!

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