Twitter: Jerry assures you that he is fit to remain as GM

Just because you're alive doesn't mean you're fit.

Here are things we do know that Jerry is fit for:
  1. A walk like Old Yeller, out back.
  2. Meeting me at 3:30 back behind Rite Aid.
  3. A Straight Jacket.
  4. A Liver Transplant. Again.
  5. Pissing on and pissing off a historically husky fanbase.
  6. Tanking a Franchise While You're Attempting to Win Games.
  7. Gaslighting.
  8. Loyalty to his friends, family, coaches, & players. To the detriment of the Franchise & Fanbase
  9. Leaving the roof covered in hopes that God wouldn't be as embarrassed as the fans are.
  10. Saving money by not buying curtains to block the sun from your very own players that just want to compete. Over & over. Still hasn't gotten the concept.
  11. More Gaslighting.
  12. Further Gaslighting.
  13. Pushing his once loyal fanbase to start investing their time in another team. That's how bad he is as a GM.
  14. Thinking he's not past his prime.
  15. Thinking the NFL isn't aware.
  16. Soundbites.
  17. Filling the seats with corporate D-bags and opposing fans.
  18. Putting a "Just Good Enough" team on the field, year after year.
  19. Looking like a drunk fossil.
  20. Gaslighting.
Ima get drunk, Ima shag 18 year old girls, Ima vacay on my yacht and Ima GM the Cowboys. Suck it losers.
Jerry thinks his team will find success as long as he's in charge of the team. He's so mistaken about that. Folks will lose interest in watching a poor team indefinitely. I currently only put up with it, in hopes that the Cowboys will get back to being a winner, at some point reasonably soon.

Watching them lose is a painful experience and one that will eventually force me to become a Texans fan, instead. That actually can happen.

I've been a faithful fan of this team since its inception in 1960. Jerry and his son have succeeded in making it something less than an enjoyable experience. It won't survive as a loser very much longer. Jerry better wise up and find a way to return this team to one that is worth watching.
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Jerry thinks his team will find success as long as he's in charge of the team. He's so mistaken about that. Folks will lose interest in watching a poor team indefinitely. I currently only put up with it, in hopes that the Cowboys will get back to being a winner, at some point reasonably soon.

Watching them lose is a painful experience and one that will eventually force me to become a Texans fan, instead. That actually can happen.

I've been a faithful fan of this team since its inception in 1960. Jerry and his son have succeeded in making it something less than an enjoyable experience. It won't survive as a loser very much longer. Jerry better wise up and find a way to return this team to one that is worth watching.
Jerry is slowly alienating the fan base.
If he keeps this up, he's gonna start losing dollars.
Maybe that will force changes.
Jerry said a while back that, if you want to make football decisions, then you should buy your own team and back the hell off. ;)
Age is not the main issue Jerry, stupidity, arrogance, being obstuse, out of touch with reality, many more preceed age in your case.
Just because you're alive doesn't mean you're fit.

Here are things we do know that Jerry is fit for:
  1. A walk like Old Yeller, out back.
  2. Meeting me at 3:30 back behind Rite Aid.
  3. A Straight Jacket.
  4. A Liver Transplant. Again.
  5. Pissing on and pissing off a historically husky fanbase.
  6. Tanking a Franchise While You're Attempting to Win Games.
  7. Gaslighting.
  8. Loyalty to his friends, family, coaches, & players. To the detriment of the Franchise & Fanbase
  9. Leaving the roof covered in hopes that God wouldn't be as embarrassed as the fans are.
  10. Saving money by not buying curtains to block the sun from your very own players that just want to compete. Over & over. Still hasn't gotten the concept.
  11. More Gaslighting.
  12. Further Gaslighting.
  13. Pushing his once loyal fanbase to start investing their time in another team. That's how bad he is as a GM.
  14. Thinking he's not past his prime.
  15. Thinking the NFL isn't aware.
  16. Soundbites.
  17. Filling the seats with corporate D-bags and opposing fans.
  18. Putting a "Just Good Enough" team on the field, year after year.
  19. Looking like a drunk fossil.
  20. Gaslighting.
You fully overlooked gaslighting.

You’re better than that. :thumbup:
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He's as fit to be the GM as our current President is as being the POTUS.

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