Twitter: Jerry assures you that he is fit to remain as GM

Jerry. You're missing the point. It's not that we think you're too old to do the job. It's just that you suck at it. It doesn't matter if you are 82 or 42. You give it half effort. While other GMs are working 18 hrs a day, grinding to make their team better, you're using what little energy you have to put alternative sporting events on at your stadium. You're NOT obsessed with giving your team an edge, to make them better. More importantly, you're not fearful of losing your job.
Hey, there are not many people on the planet that can take a 14 hour trip to anywhere. He is like Prescott, the best shape of his life. I don't really like saying this, but I can't wait for the day....
You think you'll make it that long?
Doing and doing it well are two different things Jerry. And to be honest, you’ve never done it well. So for the love of God, hire a GM, step back and enjoy the show.
Jerry has officially taken the mantle of worst owner/GM in the history of the league. Eat that Al Davis…you are now #2!
He's always been the worst. Al Davis was a quality GM at one time. I'd take him back from the dead and prop him up in the suite if it means being rid of this gigantic turd of an owner.
Jerry's ability to stay busy, vs. handling the mental aspect of being a GM are two different things. Yet, he avoids any acceptance of the real problem. His overinflated ego insists on denying mental failure. A GM with faulty judgment cannot succeed. Jerry refuses to face the truth of his limitations.
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Guys! I just got aware of something! We're all sharing this one same sentiment! No fights in here, no homers n haters stuff...

Thank you Jerry! You have finally united us as a fan base!


And now go away.
Guys! I just got aware of something! We're all sharing this one same sentiment! No fights in here, no homers n haters stuff...

Thank you Jerry! You have finally united us as a fan base!


And now go away!!!!
My mother thought she was still capable of making logical decisions. She wasn’t. But she fully thought she was capable. Old age is a terrible thing. Difference is. She wasn’t in charge of a billion dollar organization.
Jerry's 14 hour trip is him on his private jet, sleeping all the way to NY, attend a two hour meeting scribbling on his note pad like a kindergarten kid, then sleeping on his jet on the way back. That has to take it's toll.
You forgot his hydration breaks with Buffalo Trace bourbon and a splash of San Pelligrino water.
Still fit? He never was fit or qaulified to be an NFL GM. He clearly doesn't understand the job requires more than showing up on draft day and picking names off a draft board.
Sad that he is worth like 15 billion….probably more…yet wants to be the “busiest in his life” in his final years instead of cruising the entire globe on a fully staffed yacht.
Sad for us but not for Jerry. It has to be way more fun to run a NFL franchise than be on a Yacht at any age. Jerry has no accountability so he’s feeling virtually no stress. He’s basically playing the best version of fantasy football.
I mean its not dementia..its english that has got him, he doesnt know the diference between the phrases:
Your too old for......
you suck really bad at....

Maybe cut down on the NY flights and take an ECU online English class for a semester Mr Arkansas....
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Jerry sipping the johnnie walker again today? wait maybe gulping :laugh:

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