I don't doubt your loyalties even a little bit, which is why it's surprising you'd choose to employ a name for them that trolls employ in an effort to be insulting...
"Cows" is no shorter than "Boys", which a lot of us use as shorthand for our favorite team, and has no negative connotations whatsoever...
Never said you were a troll, I simply said you were using a term that trolls use... I'm quite sure you don't mean it in the same way they do, but nevertheless, it IS used to insult us fans... when Randy Galloway uses it, he's tryin' to be a smarta$$...
I pointed that out to you on the off chance that you didn't realize it was used in a negative way, which is apparently the case... I wasn't angry or anything, merely pointing out a fact...
You kinda read am agenda into my words that wasn't there...