Jerry Deserves Better!

You know, I never thought of it that way, but that does make me slightly happier.

Have you seen where these people live and how much money hey have from all of us buying tickets and stuff that we all loved long before the jones family ever came along.

They are never miserable. Never. Marketing and oil family.
How does Jerry deserve better? He is the one that refuses to fire the GM and hire a real one...Jerry is the one that hand picks the assistant coaches BEFORE he hires a HC...and Jerry is the one that hire puppets for HCs so he him self doesn't have to face the music each week when this team crumbles...

Jerry is not getting anywhere near the criticism he deserves...
Jerry is not getting anywhere near the criticism he deserves...

While true, this pathetic groundhog day routine of losing games that most of us if coaching wouldnt lose like the red headed genius loses is not something you can put on Jerry IMO.

Once again, this will most likely be the 3rd season in a row this team has pissed at least 2 games away that are unlosable and we could have won the division with what Jerry has given them.
We can list all the excuses for this team's mediocrity, but this will most likely be the 3rd season in a row we piss the division away because we lose a couple games each season like this. Only this team can find ways to lose games that are almost impossible to lose and its all because of sheer stupidity from this coaching staff.

Bash Jerry all you want, but the truth is, he has given these coaches a good enough team to win the division for at least 3 years in a row and the coaching stupidity has pissed away the opportunity.

This entire coaching staff should be fired. I dont care if we do win the division, they should all be gone.

Even Jerry deserves better.

Ive figured out who you are, or at least narrowed it down. You are Skip Bayless, or Colin cowherd, your Eli 's rings are not more impressive than Romo's stats should have clued us in that you just want someone to notice you. Today you went to Brady and now... NOW you say Jerry the orchestrator of this mess we call a team deserves better!? Better than what? He is the GM, this is his doing, this is 17 years of his expertise in football culminating in a defense that is garbage, and a gun shy qb that has wasted his career here. Besides Ware and Witten this guy has masted their prime SB years trying to prove he is a football guy, well all he has done is prove that as far as football goes he is a baffoon and you coming on here with this drivel makes you one too, (As far as football that is). Freaking WOW!!! I can't believe this even rolled off your tongue. WOW!!!
I wonder if Jerry's nice-guy image is just a facade. Beginning to think he's a sociopath as he doesn't seem to be able to feel shame at all.

Nice guy image? Girl, your a-hole radar is broken. This guys a total lech, get some gals from Dallas to fill you in.

Add narcissist to sociopath and I think your radar will be properly calibrated
Jerry deserves to be dipped slowly into molten metal- ala Terminator 2 for all the pain his idiot management decisions have caused me. And the day it started was the day I heard he fired Jimmy.

me too
This is borderline insanity to think such a thing. Jerry deserves every bit of this, plus a scorching case of hemorrhoids.
Have you seen where these people live and how much money hey have from all of us buying tickets and stuff that we all loved long before the jones family ever came along.

They are never miserable. Never. Marketing and oil family.

you're probably right, but do you have to crush my dreams?
Someone in Las Vegas placed a $500 bet that GB would come back from the 26-3 halftime score...paid of to the tune of $10,
Jerry does not deserve better. He made this mess.

The fans deserve better. The loyality and support they give each year to never see anything from it is truly unbelievable.
I'm happy the Cowboy fans didn't show up to the game like I wanted. Problem was, they sold the tickets to GB. So either way, the stadium is going to be full because other teams fans want to be in the nice stadium. Jerry is a genius. We will be forced to have a losing team because if our fans don't show up, the opponents fans will.

That is true, but if the Cowboys were good year in and year out, with a couple more rings, he would be making a lot more money. So its not just about making money. Its all about his EGO, and trying to win his way!
If I were to say what I think Jerry deserves, I would be banned.
We can list all the excuses for this team's mediocrity, but this will most likely be the 3rd season in a row we piss the division away because we lose a couple games each season like this. Only this team can find ways to lose games that are almost impossible to lose and its all because of sheer stupidity from this coaching staff.

Bash Jerry all you want, but the truth is, he has given these coaches a good enough team to win the division for at least 3 years in a row and the coaching stupidity has pissed away the opportunity.

This entire coaching staff should be fired. I dont care if we do win the division, they should all be gone.

Even Jerry deserves better.

Lol. Jerry deserves every bit of this. No other way. This is his product. I hope he is enjoying it.
We can list all the excuses for this team's mediocrity, but this will most likely be the 3rd season in a row we piss the division away because we lose a couple games each season like this. Only this team can find ways to lose games that are almost impossible to lose and its all because of sheer stupidity from this coaching staff.

Bash Jerry all you want, but the truth is, he has given these coaches a good enough team to win the division for at least 3 years in a row and the coaching stupidity has pissed away the opportunity.

This entire coaching staff should be fired. I dont care if we do win the division, they should all be gone.

Even Jerry deserves better.

If Jerry deserves better why doesn't he do things to improve his team and in turn get what I'm sure he feels he deserves. He's the one in control of the team so why doesn't he fire Jerry the gm and hire a real one and fire JG and hire someone with experience and give him full control. Like someone said earlier he doesn't do all this because of his ego, so he deserves every possible bit of misery I feel every time the cowboys lose.

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