Jerry gives Maher vote of Confidence


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That’s on the FO and staff. I don’t got much faith in guys who struggle with short ones based on hash mark placement. He missed 6 from 40 and inside last year. That’s a lot,and too much risk for my liking. I think Dallas was being very shortsighted in not bringing in another serious kicker to take the job from him...I didn’t like the feel of that. Now I know why....and this IS what they do. Don’t get the message till after the house burns down. Why??? Why can’t they use better judgment beforehand? If he beats the other guy out...and not some scrub,but a real kicker...then fine,but leaving yourself vulnerable to hope it changes? That’s irresponsible on their part. Gross negligence off-season move #2 on my list....dereliction of duty in ramping up the interior of the d-line being #1,but that’s for another thread...