Twitter: Jerry: "I really look forward to a powerful and dynamic Zeke"


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yup 10 days off that all i see lol

hopefully less carries..

im betting if we wrap up the division by the last game or even 2 that when Zeke will get sat down to get ready for the payoffs..i believe the coaches knows how much these next 3 games mean to the season and don't want to sit zeke as hes still a decoy, much needed blocker, and can run IF and big IF the issue is the OL, they all know it we know it not like pollard was doing much outside one run..

fix the OL!

get Moore to buy into a run game and stick with it MORE THAN 15-19 carries..that's ridiculous and comes up with a better blocking schemes and formations to run out of..i mean seems to me the biggest issue is the OL seems to be playing a lot of man to man block trying to run over people the old Garett way..blame garett all you wan to we can see now that that 20189 finish with the disappearing offense was all Moore the same issue reoccurring all over again,,big scoring droughts, lack of run game, too many getting cute pass plays that are slow developing against a DL that are getting to dak before he can set his feet and throw..

same chitshow my friend , and anyone who think as this is a zeke issue IS NOT WATCHING..

The biggest issue with this team right now is the OFFENSIVE LINE..

Its not even close..they are why the offense is out of sync.

the way i see it the next 10 days need to be all used to create and repair the OL , ef practicing passing or anything else, line our starting defense 11 on 11 and have DQ go after our offense like irts real game and hes trying to wreck the OL..i say practice like you play and get it right..dont use zeke or pollard as RBs thigh use Clements and the practice squad guys to get feel in this 11-11 just how nice the holes are getting opened. If they can get through them zeke and pollard will eat..

there arent any holes, the rbs are having to make their own , defense is in the backfields and quick..

change is needed..period..zeke would have an easier time if hes not being met at or behind the lone by 2-3 defenders..its sad really and curious where it went wrong given during 6 game win streak we had the run game humming..

I say it on Moore and the OL to get this fixed..the rbs can and will run if they have holes..any holes that Line looks like chic filet drive through all clustered up in ball, what pocket, theres a blob most snaps....

I couldn't have said it better.


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The owner/gm speaks

Jerry need to be hit with one of those knock out dart guns they use on wild sick of his sentimental stuff with Zeke...Zeke is a shell of himself and hurting our running game...our O line cant even

get up to block for him anymore....they just wilter......if i am Dak i am calling out of every other run with Zeke with anything Short lets me just totally honest...who have we bowed to and then paid

big bucks to that has not turned out to be disappointing....i get it with Dak and QB's apart from that...we paid DLaw big buck never close to 10 sacks again...big bucks to Jaylon and cut him......big bucks to

Zeke and worse every year.....not worth paying big bucks to these guys they all underperform like clock work with exception of Martin RG and LT Smith and Fredbeard before he got hurt...the rest is like

lets have a bon fire burning money fact i may start a new thread on this cause its true


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"I really look forward to a powerful and dynamic Zeke"
jerry lives in a fantasy world, and that is partly why he doesnt see what we see. He ignores the real zeke and fantasizes about the rebirth of the zeke
he wants.
He also feels the need to bs us and the media that zeke isnt washed up and is worth 15 mil a year.
Week 13 and no one has seen the powerful and dynamic Zeke lol but he is coming , jerry has spoken.