Jerry is right


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Cowboys2008;2525234 said:
Jerry should coax Lil' Bill here under the premise of the most insane contract this league has ever seen and the chance to totally, once and for all, put a rest to whom is the better "Bill".

Gawd, cheater and all, I can't think of another coach I would like to have here more. He is a no-nonsense, win-at-all-cost coach. And that is what a drama-ridden team such as us needs.

I would tune in for EVERY press conference!

Craft never signed Billicheck up for his personality. Or his sunny disposition, or his ability to strike up a working relationship with the press. He's there for one reason and ONE REASON ONLY! And, he comes through with his main objective.........that is to win football games and win championships. For all the "Cowboys have injuries" crowd, making excuses for this team......The Patriots are poised to be 11-5 after losing who is arguably the best QB in the NFL, a three time SB winner, and an MVP in both the league and SB game. Their also a team who is "uber-aging" and changes personal faster then a set of rims disappearing from Puff Daddy concert.
I love Billecheck. Because I don't give a rats *** about personality or about "making nice" with the press, the owner or the players. He does what he gets paid to do, and that's WIN no matter the cards your dealt.


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IMO Jerry has no choice but to support Phillips, No other coach really wants to be part of his self induced DRAMA Squad called the COWBOYS. They will line up to take the job for the MONEY and thats it. Good coaches don't want the DRAMA, they want a solid team with chemistry and character. Not the most penalized under achieving Drama driven Team in the NFL. I really think Garrett will move on after this year.


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Bigdog24;2525285 said:
IMO Jerry has no choice but to support Phillips, No other coach really wants to be part of his self induced DRAMA Squad called the COWBOYS. They will line up to take the job for the MONEY and thats it. Good coaches don't want the DRAMA, they want a solid team with chemistry and character. Not the most penalized under achieving Drama driven Team in the NFL. I really think Garrett will move on after this year.

Yeah, it's mindboggling not just the circus he tolerates but the one he creates and relishes. Any football man worth his salt would try to limit distractions. But not Jerry. The more distractions and circus highwire acts going on then the more you are in the news. That just translates into more publicity which leads to more merchandise and ticket sales.

Yeah, Jerry, the man who supposedly wants to win more than anything, apparently wants to make money more than anything. Everything Jerry does with the team is with an eye towards marketing and selling. It's just one more reason why Jerry the businessman has a hard time coexisting with Jerry the GM.


Kane Ala
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I don't see the distractions in the media being a problem. The problem is if the players get after one another. A house divided will fall. I don't see that here. But Jerry certainly doesn't make it any easier that's for certain. He's shown lately he can get some players in here. And for all those that hate TO and Pacman, I really don't see how you can believe we aren't a better club with them here. How this team does over the next few years will help define him a great deal. Jerry needs to see some results.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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Bach;2525294 said:
Yeah, it's mindboggling not just the circus he tolerates but the one he creates and relishes. Any football man worth his salt would try to limit distractions. But not Jerry. The more distractions and circus highwire acts going on then the more you are in the news. That just translates into more publicity which leads to more merchandise and ticket sales.

Yeah, Jerry, the man who supposedly wants to win more than anything, apparently wants to make money more than anything. Everything Jerry does with the team is with an eye towards marketing and selling. It's just one more reason why Jerry the businessman has a hard time coexisting with Jerry the GM.



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Bach;2525294 said:
Yeah, it's mindboggling not just the circus he tolerates but the one he creates and relishes. Any football man worth his salt would try to limit distractions. But not Jerry. The more distractions and circus highwire acts going on then the more you are in the news. That just translates into more publicity which leads to more merchandise and ticket sales.

Yeah, Jerry, the man who supposedly wants to win more than anything, apparently wants to make money more than anything. Everything Jerry does with the team is with an eye towards marketing and selling. It's just one more reason why Jerry the businessman has a hard time coexisting with Jerry the GM.

I would imagine that Jerry, as well as the players, laugh at the things that you call a "circus".

Have no inside info other on this, just giving them credit for having a clue.


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5Countem5;2525703 said:
I would imagine that Jerry, as well as the players, laugh at the things that you call a "circus".

Have no inside info other on this, just giving them credit for having a clue.

They probably do laugh at the circus, which is why they don't get it.


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Bach;2525712 said:
They probably do laugh at the circus, which is why they don't get it.

They get it. It just doesn't "distract" them like it does you. It's meaningless noise to them and something for folks like you to come here and discuss.

But it has no bearing on the outcome of a game or season, no matter how important some think it is.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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5Countem5;2525718 said:
They get it. It just doesn't "distract" them like it does you. It's meaningless noise to them and something for folks like you to come here and discuss.

But it has no bearing on the outcome of a game or season, no matter how important some think it is.

This team looks like their constantly distracted, the number of penalties this team commits shows that.


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lewpac;2524856 said:
Parcells had at least as much talent with Dallas (if not more) than those three other teams he took far into the playoffs.

Parcell's inherited a disfunctional team and organization when he arrived in Dallas. Check how many players that were on the Cowboy's roster from his first year are still playing for the Cowboys, let alone on an NFL roster and then tell me again how much talent these teams had?


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Dodger12;2526046 said:
Parcell's inherited a disfunctional team and organization when he arrived in Dallas. Check how many players that were on the Cowboy's roster from his first year are still playing for the Cowboys, let alone on an NFL roster and then tell me again how much talent these teams had?

You may have me there on the talent thing. I didn't google it or research it enough maybe.
But, that still doesn't get Parcells off the hook. Why doesn't anyone remember all the hoopla about a guy during the hiring-honeymoon, and make excuses for him when he fails to deliver?
This guy, hands down and barring NONE, was brought aboard to be the next Lombardi (at least that's how he see's himself). Anyone who was able to snag Parcells up out of his umpteenth retirement was sure to get a SB appearance at least, and an expected SB trophy.
Nothing of the sort happen. Not even close. And his "stand-offish" posturing and alienation of important players around him didn't help his cause. I like tough-minded, all-business coaches fine. But this guy was stuck in the Meadowlands ala 1988. Free agency changed all that, and he never "got it". Players don't need to be put-down, humiliated, and "spanked" on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper to get them in line. They don't take that crap anymore, because they don't have to. At least the pro-bowlers and the good ones. They'll just move on..............


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lewpac;2526069 said:
But, that still doesn't get Parcells off the hook. Why doesn't anyone remember all the hoopla about a guy during the hiring-honeymoon, and make excuses for him when he fails to deliver?
This guy, hands down and barring NONE, was brought aboard to be the next Lombardi (at least that's how he see's himself). Anyone who was able to snag Parcells up out of his umpteenth retirement was sure to get a SB appearance at least, and an expected SB trophy.

The hoopla was because we were coming off of three consecutive 5 and 11 seasons with no end in sight. He didn't deliver what we all hoped he would but you can't argue that he laid the foundation to make us a far better team than many "experts" considered SB favorites; that's a far cry from where we were when he got here.

Personnaly, I wasn't concerned so much that he left, but rather that we appear to be systematically tearing down the foundation of what was built. Hard working blue color guys that compete for a constanly churning roster. People were accountable, from the players, to the coaches to the front office.

But what I find truly ironic is that we held BP to such a high standard that some people label his time here a failure, yet we let Wade and Jerry off the hook so easily, especially after years of mediocrity (in Jerry's case), and the excuses continue to this very day. There's been a thousand times more excuses for Jerry around here than any coach, bar none.

The reality for Wade is two fold; he's never won squat no matter where he's been regardless of the fact that he's had a HOF QB (in Denver) and, second, he inherited a team that had talent and continued to add talent and yet, we've gone from SB favorites to complete underachievers fighting just to make the playoffs.

lewpac;2526069 said:
And his "stand-offish" posturing and alienation of important players around him didn't help his cause. I like tough-minded, all-business coaches fine. But this guy was stuck in the Meadowlands ala 1988. Free agency changed all that, and he never "got it". Players don't need to be put-down, humiliated, and "spanked" on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper to get them in line. They don't take that crap anymore, because they don't have to. At least the pro-bowlers and the good ones. They'll just move on..............

If you think the guy is stuck in 1988, I disagree. Like the guy or not, BP has a history of turning around franchises. He's currently on his fourth in Miami.

I find all the talk about him being tough on players and coaches hogwash since so many seem to follow him wherever he goes. He gutted our coaching staff and raided our front office. Given a chance, he'd raid our roster as well and something tells me the players would go as well. All these people went willingly to work for such an out of touch and humiliating bully.

The only people that whined were those that were and still are the classic underachievers and individual players who were more about loving themselves and putting the team second. Those same players that were whining and making excuses then are still underachieving today. I'm a fan of our team, not one individual player. I could care less how many times a player gets the ball as long as we're winning.