Twitter: Jerry Jones has interesting news about Zeke


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All of that verbal garbage could be reduced to three sentences:
1. Zeke is a highly motivated player who has some unusual ways to get fired up before a game.
2. We believe we have a talented team with a good mix of young players and veterans, and although we didn’t have the prep time we normally do, none of the other teams did either.
3. That’s ok, because we’re going to give it our best shot.

Instead we are treated to three bloated paragraphs of silly verbosity. Can you imagine listening to a guy with 25 years of mediocrity wax on with his opinions about something he clearly knows little about? (a football team being prepared) If he was not the mega-wealthy owner of the Cowboys, this kind of talk from a 78 year old man would be considered irrelevant. Money is the only thing keeping this old man relevant.


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Another sterling example of Jerry-speak at its simplistic best.
You just can't make this stuff up -- (but Jerry sure can.) :grin:

This is exactly the sorta drivel to make Johnny Walker proud.
Jerry should be given a “speech Shot clock”. He should be told by Stephen that he has 10 seconds to make a point or a buzzer goes off. Buzzer also goes off if he starts talking incoherently to remind him, he’s making no sense. That would make his press time worth listening to. Otherwise, it’s cringe worthy. If I was in that organization in any capacity, I would be embarrassed by the constant bs that pours out of that old man’s pie hole.