oh lords no, not bush, the guy runs over teams like superman does trains. we ll never stop that beast of a player, why when he came into the league every team stopped and gave up because hes unstoppable. He is a running train and we wont be able to match him. Bush, as did McCoy , will run all over us. His new nickname will be ALL DAY Bush. Lords stop the humanity before we are humiliated in the annals of football history as one among many who couldnt stop the freight train known as Reggie "I will destroy you" Bush. How the defenders will fall stopping this one man wrecking crew from single handily throwing us into last place on stopping the run because the mere thought of him on the field sends shivers down Kiffen's spine and lo is the defender dumb enough to get in his way.
RUN i say, run for the fear of Bush is so great that mere myths become reality, sci fi writers are fired as fake has now become the truth and all of the Cowboys will nae sleep this very night because Reggie Bush will take the field and the Cowboys will quake in their newly bought boots. Bush is a runner to fear. So it was determined before he was born, as it is read in the stars FEAR, FEAR this god of a man for we shall all bow down to him.