The two realities scheme is played out.
It's a lie.
I've already asked this board to be my accountability partner and follow me to another team that isn't as toxic as the Cowboys, as I predict that team I choose to follow will mysteriously end up being toxic like the Cowboys.
Choose the well run team for me to follow....I bet it becomes toxic suddenly...and you will be no where to be found or will be making up weak excuses.
I've put you in a corner
So you presented two options. Jerry is about money. Jerry is about winning.
First consideration is if the two notions are mutually exclusive. So can Jerry both like money and winning at the same time?
Of course he can. Frankly, pretending that any person is motivated only by a single factor is absurd. Humans are complex creatures with multiple sensory inputs and conditional biases that are developed over life.
Second consideration is if there are any other motivations Jerry displays.
For example, Jerry clearly values the concept of family. He employs all of his children to the point of gross nepotism and tries to take a paternal role with his players.
He also care about how he is publicly perceived. The reason why I think that is because he has melted down threatening to fire people and ranting at reporters when they relay fan criticisms to him.
I rejected your analysis because it was flawed. Deal with it.
I do find your desire to leave the fanbase interesting although I find it curious that you tried to get people to go with you yet you are still here.
I will say that the Cowboys are a very broad audience across the country as opposed to more regional fan dynamics in most clubs. Perhaps you can find a niche for oyu.
If you are unhappy. Leave.