Twitter: Jerry Jones message to disgruntled fans: "I'm giving it all I got"

(laughing at you now) Back at your assuming and blaming.

I stated my statement...for the third time.

This time I returned your adding a personal blame.:hammer:
Glad to see you're so happy with yourself -- congratulations for that, deserved or not. :grin:
The Go Long article today by Tyler Dunne had a scathing report on Jerry and how he has mangled the whole situation. There are so many snippets I could pull out. Here is one that stood out. There were more that spoke of how he has screwed up the contracts their three main players.


But the more we learn about the state of the Cowboys, the more I can’t help but empathize for the coach stuck in the muck.

He has quietly proven he can adapt. He’s not the problem in the Dallas.

Yet here’s Dallas, again, dangerously close to eating up and spitting out another shot at a ring.

If Jerry Jones would’ve canned McCarthy after the Cowboys’ rancid 48-32 wild-card loss to the Packers, few would’ve batted an eye. That’d at least hint at a coherent direction. After all, he’s the owner preaching about “glory holes.” If the aging 81-year-old truly was obsessed with winning another Super Bowl, installing a new coach to work with this collection of talent is logical. But that’s the problem. Logic need not apply here. He’ll never empower a head coach to run his entire operation. Instead, we get more meandering press conferences from both Jerry and Stephen Jones with McCarthy barely saying a word in the middle.

As the three men sat at a table to preview training camp, it was obvious — again — that the Cowboys will fall short in 2024.

For a team with so much talent, that’s nuts. Hope shouldn’t feel lost. Dallas finished last season first in points scored and fifth in yards with their quarterback squarely in his prime.

But it’s no coincidence that the only two teams in the NFC that have failed to reach the conference championship since 1995 are Dallas and Washington. Bad ownership finds a way to poison the final product. Because if you’re going to keep McCarthy out of that Packers loss, as one former Cowboys exec explained, at least tack a year onto his deal. Instead, he’s a lame duck. He’s the date worried about one speck of food getting caught between his teeth.

All while the richest franchise in sports manages to botch contract negotiations with their three best players.....
Glad to see you're so happy with yourself -- congratulations for that, deserved or not. :grin:
I'm still fine with the team...find someone else y la rata de la puerta con safo.:flagwave:

Oh, y mejor...o manoso. ?de Vera's?

You needing a phone number and address or just a motorcycle?
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If I was Jerry I'd simply get on that yacht and sail.
I'd show back up like a conquering hero after we won a playoff game.

But this dude loves to hear himself talk.
If I was Jerry I'd simply get on that yacht and sail.
I'd show back up like a conquering hero after we won a playoff game.

But this dude loves to hear himself talk.
I posted something like this last week.

Could you imagine being on your own yacht, being able to to go the most beautiful and exotic places on earth, eating the finest foods with a staff to bring you anything at any time….yet he chooses to continue to try to prove to be a ‘football guy.’
I posted something like this last week.

Could you imagine being on your own yacht, being able to to go the most beautiful and exotic places on earth, eating the finest foods with a staff to bring you anything at any time….yet he chooses to continue to try to prove to be a ‘football guy.’
If I were GM of the Cowboys, I'd appoint myself Cheerleader uniform checker, and that's as involved as I'd get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, maybe a little security work inside the cheerleader's showers, but THAT'S IT!!!!
I'm still fine with the team...find someone else y la rata de la puerta con safo.:flagwave:

Oh, y mejor...o manoso. ?de Vera's?

You needing a phone number and address or just a motorcycle?
You have a knack for saying things that mean nothing to nobody.
Keep it up. it's a good indicator of who and what you are. :thumbdown:

Your level of self-satisfaction is a toxic pill that nobody cares for.
You have a knack for saying things that mean nothing to nobody.
Keep it up. it's a good indicator of who and what you are. :thumbdown:

Your level of self-satisfaction is a toxic pill that nobody cares for.
So, you couldn't recognize what a law enforcement officer needs to know to survive today.
Don't poop and then call ****.:thumbdown:

Quick, go figure out if signing Zeke Elliot was one of the top 5 worst signings in the NFL. (Oh, and your lips were moving again.)

Now tell us or even make a wave for us to project or judge what the Dallas running backs will do and then ride it out for the season.

'SMART GUY' :popcorn:
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If I was Jerry I'd simply get on that yacht and sail.
I'd show back up like a conquering hero after we won a playoff game.

But this dude loves to hear himself talk.
I don't think his accountant has a problem keeping up while his team has been in the playoffs for three straight years.

No, Cowboy fans are not Olympic fans for Serbia.
Jerry Jones has a message for Cowboys fans: "I know that I have had a lot of mistakes in these years. But the same guys making this decision that has the Cowboys and really got there by the skin of my teeth. And it was a miracle that I was able to pull it off. A miracle. But the same imagination, the same risk-taking, the same taking risks but being pragmatic, being inconsistent, sometime looking like you're a Mississippi riverboat gambler and sometime looking like you're trying to guard the national mall. Those inconstancies are how we got here. Now that is what your'e seeing going on right now. And I don't know for sure if it's going to work. But I am giving it everything I've got." He’s all in
Can someone please translate? I honestly have no idea what he is trying to say.
You have nothing left to give (not that you had much to begin with). Hire a GM.
Alright you never ending complainers, put up your billboard now and demand payments from the whole NFl!
Normally, I would reply with an /end thread reply but history has established Jerry Jones has fired employees getting the job done also. Just ask Jimmy Johnson.

Oops. My bad. They parted ways amicably.
Jimmy quit, he has said so. Jerry apologized for the 500 coach remark, but jimmy refused to come back.
Jimmy did not like jerrys PC's where he countered what jimmy did in his pc's and jimmy wouldnt take that.
Jimmy quit, he has said so. Jerry apologized for the 500 coach remark, but jimmy refused to come back.
Jimmy did not like jerrys PC's where he countered what jimmy did in his pc's and jimmy wouldnt take that.
If Jimmy quit then Jerry wouldn't have paid him money on his way out the door. Jerry drove Jimmy nuts for the same reasons the franchise has stunk since the late 1990s. Jerry wanted Jimmy gone for the same reason he has refused to stop being the GM and hire a real one.
If Jimmy quit then Jerry wouldn't have paid him money on his way out the door. Jerry drove Jimmy nuts for the same reasons the franchise has stunk since the late 1990s. Jerry wanted Jimmy gone for the same reason he has refused to stop being the GM and hire a real one.
Jerry paid him $ when he left, but that was hush money for not talking about jerry or cowboys.
Jerry didnt want jimmy gone, he begged him to stay, but jimmy was not going to work with jerry's meddling and doing the PC's.

Jimmy was wore out after 5 years, and if jerry would have not done the pc's and kept his mouth shut jimmy would have stayed a couple more years.
But jerry was wanting more attention, and jimmy couldnt deal with it.They both had big ego's, but jimmy had a bad temper, and jerry pissed him off
one too many times.

Jimmy had a 10 year contract , I just found that out recently, and one of the reasons jerry was mad at him for so long, was he
felt jimmy should have stayed and honored that contract. He felt jimmy was not loyal like he should have been lol.
So even back then he just couldnt understand why jimmy didnt want jerry doing PC's or talking about certain things.

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