Hes right
it would have been GALLUP or Ac they chose Gallup
Galloup will be back and we will not miss coop as much as you think..
yes coops still good but 22mil and the other issues with the foot the disappearing act etc.,,they made decision not SIGN Gallup and eventually maybe Lamb proves he can get paid. They can NOT sign everyone. Many teams let go of the top WR some way more elite then coop and are doing just fine..
we will be fine.. Gallup coming back will be the GM plan have Lamb and Gallup vs lamb and Coop. it is what it is,
tired of the whining. 
No one said coops bad but you can not have everyone and coops time was up raiders let him go. we let him go..it happens. Players like Hill and Adams are better then Coop and they were let go..IDC about the trade
if they DC could have got more before the bonus kicked in they would have they had Zero offers that were better. as far as eating that deal. now if they had another month before they ahd to trade him maybe they would have got more. Teams knew this ..that why the offers were lose 22 mil cap hit is A LOT for an 1100 yard NOT Elite WR..he snot hes really good hes great but hes NOT elite
where's his 1500 yard 15 td seasons?? he has ZERO
Dez had 3 in row. that's elite production...
you all ay they hold onto payer too long this time they decided early it was time, nothing against coops skillset..its Business!!