Twitter: Jerry Jones on The Fan - 10/9/13


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Seriously. The oline is better? They have run the ball for less yards than last year at this time and Romo is on pace to be sacked 40 times. Come on, Jerry.

good portion of the sacks have come from romo holding onto the ball for waaaaaay too long. if you havent noticed he isnt getting sacked instantly after his drop back or during his drop back like you have seen in the past. less running yards, yeah cause the we havent committed to the run when it comes to play calling, but once again if you haven't noticed, murray is 4th in the nfl in rushing yards and is averaging almost 5 yards per carry

PA Cowboy Fan

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We could easily go 3-4 in that stretch.

I agree. I don't think Washington and Philly will be easy. Division games are always tough no matter the record. Detroit will be tough. We might win another moral victory with New Orleans though. When's the last time Dallas had a 6-1 stretch of games?


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The Falcons are 1-4 and they're talking playoffs. Teams have to have a positive outlook even if the fans choose to believe differently. There are 11 games left and anything can happen. At this point, it's all about getting to the dance and doing the jig once you get there.

Playoffs are fine, especially for the Falcons since they go every year these days.

But Super Bowl for a team that's won one playoff game in 17 years? I understand the optimism, but can he not just keep those comments to himself LIKE THE COACHES AND THE REST OF THE TEAM?


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Jerry Jones says Romo scrambled because he held on to the ball for so long, not that the line is bad.
This is partially true, but I've seen Romo scrambling because defensive player busted up O-Line in less than 3 seconds. Also, the INT Romo threw, O-Line couldn't handle 3 man rush and Romo didn't have clean pocket.

Yakuza Rich

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So we can win the SB without being in contention for it?

Only in bizarro cowboy land

Only in bizarre cowboys land can JJ saying that he is not going to get rid of Romo because 'he gives us the best chance to win a Super Bowl' and it being misconstrued as hims proclaiming we'll win the Super Bowl.

The 'fans of hating Jerry' (FoHJ) are always infatuated with trying to blame Jerry any chance they can get. But when you are so desperate to do so, it's hard to take your gripes with more than a grain of salt. And the legitimate gripes get lost in the shuffle of all of the nonsense.



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Only in bizarre cowboys land can JJ saying that he is not going to get rid of Romo because 'he gives us the best chance to win a Super Bowl' and it being misconstrued as hims proclaiming we'll win the Super Bowl.

The 'fans of hating Jerry' (FoHJ) are always infatuated with trying to blame Jerry any chance they can get. But when you are so desperate to do so, it's hard to take your gripes with more than a grain of salt. And the legitimate gripes get lost in the shuffle of all of the nonsense.

I think it is more an issue with his lack of awareness with the "state" of this franchise. It is week 5. We are sub .500. We have won ONE playoff game in the last 15+ years. With that backdrop....I would agree that Romo gives us the best chance to win NEXT week. If we are in contention and healthy after Thanksgiving....then we can start to THINK about the playoffs. Then if we are forunate enough to make the PLAYOFFS...then we can talk about winning a playoff game. If we are fortunate enough to win a PLAYOFF game...then we can start to talk about winnng another PLAYOFF game. My point is we are so FAR removed from the Super Bowl both this year AND the past 15 years...those words should not be uttered by the GM of this team. Fans can talk it..because they are fans. But the GM has to be keenly aware of the current roster and the roster over the next 3 years...and if Jerry was...he would realize that uttering Super Bowl shows a grave lack of awareness


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Only in bizarre cowboys land can JJ saying that he is not going to get rid of Romo because 'he gives us the best chance to win a Super Bowl' and it being misconstrued as hims proclaiming we'll win the Super Bowl.

The 'fans of hating Jerry' (FoHJ) are always infatuated with trying to blame Jerry any chance they can get. But when you are so desperate to do so, it's hard to take your gripes with more than a grain of salt. And the legitimate gripes get lost in the shuffle of all of the nonsense.


This is the Age of Spin...

Yakuza Rich

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I think it is more an issue with his lack of awareness with the "state" of this franchise. It is week 5. We are sub .500. We have won ONE playoff game in the last 15+ years. With that backdrop....I would agree that Romo gives us the best chance to win NEXT week. If we are in contention and healthy after Thanksgiving....then we can start to THINK about the playoffs. Then if we are forunate enough to make the PLAYOFFS...then we can talk about winning a playoff game. If we are fortunate enough to win a PLAYOFF game...then we can start to talk about winnng another PLAYOFF game. My point is we are so FAR removed from the Super Bowl both this year AND the past 15 years...those words should not be uttered by the GM of this team. Fans can talk it..because they are fans. But the GM has to be keenly aware of the current roster and the roster over the next 3 years...and if Jerry was...he would realize that uttering Super Bowl shows a grave lack of awareness

thank you for your well thought out points.

My counter to this is just that the goal of a team is to win the Super Bowl. Winning next week is important, but a QB that win can win next week is different from a QB that can win a team a Super Bowl. The same goes with a QB that can make the playoffs. I really don't believe that Alex Smith will win the Chiefs a Super Bowl. But, he's on an undefeated team that will make the playoffs.



1st Round Pick
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While I do agree they're improved, some of the same problems still seem to exist. When the line fails, it fails HARD with either jail breaks or a rusher going through nearly untouched.

This league is a bad Oline league.

The Cowboys are in a great situation. The D Line of other teams get paid too. It's not always going to be perfect. Romo is going to get hurried just like any other QB that isn't taking 3 steps back and releasing.


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thank you for your well thought out points.

My counter to this is just that the goal of a team is to win the Super Bowl. Winning next week is important, but a QB that win can win next week is different from a QB that can win a team a Super Bowl. The same goes with a QB that can make the playoffs. I really don't believe that Alex Smith will win the Chiefs a Super Bowl. But, he's on an undefeated team that will make the playoffs.


what do you think andy reid or hunt say in response to the question: does alex smith give you the best chance to wn the SB?

i bet they say, "we are focused on winning this week and are not thinking about the SB"

jerry is a salesman and cant help inflate the product he is selling

the bigger issue becomes when he actually starts believing his own sales pitch


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thank you for your well thought out points.

My counter to this is just that the goal of a team is to win the Super Bowl. Winning next week is important, but a QB that win can win next week is different from a QB that can win a team a Super Bowl. The same goes with a QB that can make the playoffs. I really don't believe that Alex Smith will win the Chiefs a Super Bowl. But, he's on an undefeated team that will make the playoffs.

The Chiefs are 5-0...have beat us...and I highly doubt the words Super Bowl would be mentioned in public from anyone in that franchise. Because Jerry has won a Super Bowl, he can't get the taste out of his mouth. I get it. But that does not mean they fall out the sky. And since Jimmy has left, Jerry has shown that he does NOT get or have what it takes. Does this make me a Jerry hater? Or a realist? Facts don't lie. To show how OUT of touch Jerry was...he uttered there are "500 coaches" that could coach the Dallas Cowboys. That is how clueless he was to what it took to win a Super Bowl. And to show how OUT of touch Jerry still is...he hires Dave Campo, Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett to coach the Dallas Cowboys. How many playoff games had any of those 3 won as Head Coaches on ANY level prior to Jerry hiring them? It this is not to say 1st time head coaches cannot win (see Tomlin or Harbaugh) But how about let these guys prove they can win a playoff game...or heck have a winning season...before you start talking Super Bowl! Like I said, Super Bowls don't fall from the sky.

Yakuza Rich

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The Chiefs are 5-0...have beat us...and I highly doubt the words Super Bowl would be mentioned in public from anyone in that franchise. Because Jerry has won a Super Bowl, he can't get the taste out of his mouth. I get it. But that does not mean they fall out the sky. And since Jimmy has left, Jerry has shown that he does NOT get or have what it takes. Does this make me a Jerry hater? Or a realist? Facts don't lie. To show how OUT of touch Jerry was...he uttered there are "500 coaches" that could coach the Dallas Cowboys. That is how clueless he was to what it took to win a Super Bowl. And to show how OUT of touch Jerry still is...he hires Dave Campo, Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett to coach the Dallas Cowboys. How many playoff games had any of those 3 won as Head Coaches on ANY level prior to Jerry hiring them? It this is not to say 1st time head coaches cannot win (see Tomlin or Harbaugh) But how about let these guys prove they can win a playoff game...or heck have a winning season...before you start talking Super Bowl! Like I said, Super Bowls don't fall from the sky.

This still doesn't take away from the fact that Jerry was right....

He hired the completely unqualified Switzer and they won a Super Bowl with him.

Meanwhile, Jimmy went to Miami and became a lame-duck head coach because he could not usurp the aging Marino. And he suffered the most embarrassing playoff loss in the history of the league (post-merger).



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This still doesn't take away from the fact that Jerry was right....

He hired the completely unqualified Switzer and they won a Super Bowl with him.

Meanwhile, Jimmy went to Miami and became a lame-duck head coach because he could not usurp the aging Marino. And he suffered the most embarrassing playoff loss in the history of the league (post-merger).

I see what you are trying to do I won't drag this out. Jimmy BUILT the 90s Super Bowl teams. I am sure he would have loved to duplicate Super Bowl success in Miami, but it did not work out. Jimmy has nothing to prove...he has already proved it. And I was not a big Barry Switzer fan...but he had one of the most dominant runs in college before he go to the Pros. I stand firm in my belief that Jerry does NOT know what it takes to build a Super Bowl winner. And I also stand firm in my belief that Jerry will die trying to prove he DOES know what it takes to build a Super Bowl winner. And as a fan all I get is the week to week, month to month, season to season of win-lose-win-lose-win-lose-win-lose........


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what do you think andy reid or hunt say in response to the question: does alex smith give you the best chance to wn the SB?

i bet they say, "we are focused on winning this week and are not thinking about the SB"

jerry is a salesman and cant help inflate the product he is selling

the bigger issue becomes when he actually starts believing his own sales pitch

Does it really matter? He doesn't decide the games he doesn't play he doesn't coach he is giving romo his due. I see nothing wrong with what was said at all. I think people are being overly sensitive to a football team and the guy who owns it. Just be grateful he isn't on twitter like Jim irsay.


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2-3, and Jerry's talking Super Bowl.

How can you not feel sorry for Romo, having to deal with Jethro Clampett constantly muddying the water.
and 3 with 1 playoff win in 17 years. and a defense that can't stop my grandmother, and Jerry is talking about Super Bowl. this man is a joke. this team is not going to the Super Bowl.