I guess Video of the incident got out
The same thing happened to me when I was 22 or 23. It was in mid-December about 8 pm. I was driving home in the inner lane. A guy's four door-sedan was in the right lane.
The front of my hood was keeping pace just behind his driver's side back door. Both of us were doing maybe 35 mph in that same speed zone. Then, just out of the blue, he made a hard left turn for a street FOUR lanes over (my lane, the center turning lane AND the two lanes going the opposite direction).
I slammed on my brakes but not before immediately striking his car in the trunk towards the driver's side. He jumps out the car saying he was sorry. Then the police show up not three minutes later. He changed his story to I hit him. The officer looks at both cars. Looks at the street he was trying to exit. Shaked his head. Left me completely alone. And wrote the guy a ticket.
I have seen other drivers do the same thing without getting in an accident, sometimes turning left or right crossing other lanes. It's crazy.