Jerry on the radio this morning


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It may be gamesmanship and negotiation tactics, but he was extremely aggressive with some of his comments today. He does sound legitimately pissed off.
Heck I would be too. Haven't been too many owners get behind certain players like Jerry has with Zeke - no matter the reason. Personally I think Jerry wants to win but he also does care about these players.


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With the salary cap.. I don't have a problem with what they have done at tailback since 2015. Our lack of success was because of our pass game that year.

We need to get better at throwing the football. Zeke is just the cherry on top of all of this.

When we throw better Zeke will run better too.

3-5 to begin last season and Zeke was a top rusher.. 7-1 after acquiring Amari and improving our pass game and Zeke was still a top rusher.

If we want a championship it will be on our 30+ million dollar QB and defense's shoulder's.
looks like that guy who wants 40mill will get his chance to prove it. Should be interesting watch.


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Jerry, Rocky and Zeke



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Didn't Terrell Davis lead the NFL 2 times with SB wins in Denver?
Terrell Davis had the most yards rushing in the 1998 season and the Broncos won the Super Bowl that year.

Terrell Davis was 2nd in rushing yards in the 1997 season and the Broncos won the Super Bowl that year.


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Hey Jerry ...... What about all the other seasons since 1995? We did not when the Superbowl then either.

Zeke has my been holding out for 25 years.

I also remember when we had an exciting passing game with Romo ....... How many Superbowls did that get us?

I think Jerry is just acknowledging what actually does win NFL Championships and not what the Cowboys have or haven't done.

They want Zeke but being great at running the football isn't really the championship formula anymore.

We've had Zeke 3 years and he's been the best runner 2 out of 3 years.. No championship.


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think about the risks each side is taking:

1. if zeke comes back game 11, jerry risk losing an extra game or 2 in a superbowl possible season
2. if dak balls out with the revamped wrs and new offense, zeke leverage goes to hell.

jerry is a billionaire who cares about superbowls. he risks the playoff seating in one out of several years in a window
zeke is risking a serious injury without any long term financial security for 6 games + playoffs in 2019.
zeke is also risking more than half of his salary in what is likely at least 50% of his remaining prime years.


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Terrell Davis had the most yards rushing in the 1998 season and the Broncos won the Super Bowl that year.

Terrell Davis was 2nd in rushing yards in the 1997 season and the Broncos won the Super Bowl that year.

I think Jerry's point still stands though. We have to go back to the 90's to find a leading rusher win a title and the Bronco's drafted that runner late.


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I think Jerry is just acknowledging what actually does win NFL Championships and not what the Cowboys have or haven't done.

They want Zeke but being great at running the football isn't really the championship formula anymore.

We've had Zeke 3 years and he's been the best runner 2 out of 3 years.. No championship.

jerry is telling him rb is not worth that much in today's nfl even if he is a top 3 rb


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Zeke really has no leverage at this point. If Jerry would start the fines, then he has even less.
Do it Jerry.

If the Cowboys' offer is still out there and stays out there, then Zeke has a lot of leverage.
  • If the Cowboys start badly, then there is a good chance that the offer gets sweetened
  • If the Cowboys do well, Zeke either comes back in week 10 and either accepts the offer of waits until next year.

In either case, it is doubtful that the Cowboys will require any fines to be paid or try to claw back the final portion of the signing bonus. Zeke might forfeit some game checks, but that isn't the largest part of his compensation this year.


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Jerry is dug in right now so whatever leverage anyone thought Zeke had by sitting out it doesn't seem to matter to the team.

No, his public relations stance is that he's dug in. That is what you do when you negotiate. Zeke's team will say we're prepared to sit out and good luck with that Cowboys. Of course Jerry's public comments are what people want to hear and really, really, hope for to feel emotionally good, but until you hear they are no longer negotiating, this is just public huff and puff while still hoping to get a deal worked out. Zeke's leverage is still firmly intact and will be through the first few weeks of the season. We do (or look) poorly and his leverage only increases.


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We do not need Clowney, and no way they will pay 2 $20 million DE's.
Actually I think Quinn will be just as good as if Clowney was here, if not better.

Only 2 DEs can be on the field at a time. Having 3 is overkill unless one plays 3T and I don't remember any of those guys ever playing it.


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NFL contracts have guarantees for a reason, after those guarantees the contract can be terminated at any time. People assume that the length of a contract is a guarantee but I have yet to ever see one in the NFL, the money is the only guarantee...

So for player X to sign a 7 year contract, for $100M guaranteed - the only thing for sure thing is that player is getting $100M.

How and when that $100M is dispersed - via signing bonus, salaries, and other bonuses is entirely up to how those disbursements are negotiated.

So if that $100M guarantee is paid over the course of 3 years, the other 4 years are not guaranteed whatsoever and the team can decide if they want to continue or not based on the contractor's performance.