Jerry on Zeke: We're saving him

cowboydan was funny and somehow conveyed comic timing on the internet....:)

but man that play was pretty harsh...all the dumb thing cowboys do with their players that takes the cake. can you imagine jimmy asking emmitt to do that? barkley? i think henry would even laugh at the notion.

i mean really what in the h?
Imagine if you were a GM from another team reading that quote…along with 50 other Jerry quotes of the last few years. If I were a GM I would be on the phone with him every day making trade proposals. He clearly doesn’t get it.
I would be trying to pick Jerry's pocket every season if I were GM of another franchise.
Teams in the 2nd half of the season will be completely taken by surprise when Jerry unleashes Zeke upon their unsuspecting defenses.

Was Zeke's complete lack of effectiveness so far part of the master plan to lull opponents into a false feeling of confidence? That certainly seems to be working.
Teams in the 2nd half of the season will be completely taken by surprise when Jerry unleashes Zeke upon their unsuspecting defenses.

Was Zeke's complete lack of effectiveness so far part of the master plan to lull opponents into a false feeling of confidence? That certainly seems to be working.
yeah by the 2nd half they'll be so worn down that zeke and his 2 yard carries will cause the entire D to get off the field and never return!
This is why no one can tell me that you have to be smart to make a billion. Hard work and some luck can get it done too.
99.999999999% are already born into wealth. It takes money to make money. They also gate keep that club, as George Carlin once famously noted.

"Meritocracy" is the single biggest lie we are taught growing up.
This is why no one can tell me that you have to be smart to make a billion. Hard work and some luck can get it done too.
Having Arlington taxpayers help fund the construction of your new stadium also helps. The city also imminent domained many people out of their homes around the land where the stadium was built.

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