You do understand that the defense has 8 gaps that players are assigned to correct? From the center all the way to the right sideline has 4 gaps and from the center all the way to the left side has 4 gaps. A, B, C, and D gaps on the both the left and right side for a total of 8 gaps. Presnap a sound defense has a player assigned to a specific gap before the play starts. LVE would be assigned usually B gap or A depending upon what the call is.
He is not responsible for every broken play or gash up the C and or D gap. I have seen you say he "picks" the wrong hole to fill. He has a predetermined gap and should not be jumping around and hitting holes as that leaves uncovered gaps and is undisciplined football. Its the complete opposite of knowing assignments and playing error free.
Now does he get beat or over pursue, of course he does just as everyone else does. If you had any idea what you were watching then Barr would be your target as he's not playing anywhere close to LVE.
Lastly, everyone knows a huge DT responsibility is not letting lineman reach your backers so that they can make tackles. In all of your rants on run defense I havent seen a single one regarding this technique which essentially is the most important component in sound run defense.