Hostile;3266739 said:
Jerry played 3 and a half years in Oakland and a half year in Seattle.
Far more than Owens has played with Buffalo and their sub standard QB.
The intent of my comment was more around Rice himself rather than a comparison to Owens even though I understand that was the premise of Jerry's comments.
I give Rice his due for the numbers he put up. Those say he's the winner vs TO or anyone else.
I just think its fairly arrogant of Rice to suggest any hint of him having to overcome his QB's along the way. Again, Matt Cavanaugh, for how long? Not very. And again I'm not comparing to TO even though that was the primary discussion point.
I just don't like what I perceive about Rice. I may be wrong. But relaying Joe's comments about how Jerry extended Joe's career? I assume its a comment Joe truly made but for Rice to repeat comes off as quite arrogant to me. Especially when he is widely already considered the GOAT already. Why even go there?
Back to TO though. If I had a chance to hang out with Rice or TO I would choose TO. Don't get me wrong, I hate what his presence eventually did to our team and yes I think his ego is at times channeled in very non-productive ways. Not defending that.
In the midst of TO's at times destructive insecurities he displays a certain childlike outlook that dampens his offensiveness for me. Just a personal preference. TO's insecurities manifest themselves more destructively but Rice's arrogance bothers me more. I know most will vehently disagree with that. Its just personal preference.