Video: Jerry rips MM

If he said that, then I hope he was saying it out of anger about whatever spat it was that he and Robert Kraft had. Doesn't make it right, but at least it'd be an understandable situation. That being said, if he meant that towards Mike, then things like that are how it gets hard for young fans like myself to have any hope of seeing success. Mike's the best coach we've had since Parcells, and the way that he guided this team during Dak's absence was nothing short of incredible. I don't know what to say other than I hope he didn't just run him off. Any other legitimate coaches won't want to coach here.
Dang....I heard the first half of the interview this morning before running into a store....I obviously missed this. Did anyone hear exactly what was said, and the tone of it? I was wondering if anyone was as upset about this as myself during and after the game. It may not look on the surface to be a huge deal, but this isn't the first time that Corky has been asleep at the wheel...and what makes me...and no doubt Booger...the most upset, is that Corky is being paid for doing nothing more than MANAGAGING THE GAME. This actually makes me happy, and reinstalled in me just a little bit of faith in Booger...I was under the impression that he was 100% coming around on his confidence in Corky...guess I was wrong.

Dumb thread title. And who in the hell watches those 2 yahoos?
How many playoff wins do we have? Payton is definitely talking about us

Only 12 franchises in the entire NFL have won a championship since the Cowboys last SB win. You might think he is talking about the Cowboys but he isn't. He'd sign on to coach this team today if called. Having the 8th most wins in the past 12 years shows that the team is capable of winning in the playoffs, and Payton as a competitor would love to be the guy to do it. The Cowboys job is literally the highest you can get as a coach in this sport. Your hate for Jerry and this team compromises your ability to see that severely.
Dumb thread title. And who in the hell watches those 2 yahoos?
This is one thing you and I can agree on. I may disagree with people on here but I respect their stance. Those idiots just throw pooooo on the wall to see what sticks. Absolutely no real intelligence. Both just do what they're told for ratings so the casual fan can feel like they are in the know.
This is one thing you and I can agree on. I may disagree with people on here but I respect their stance. Those idiots just throw pooooo on the wall to see what sticks. Absolutely no real intelligence. Both just do what they're told for ratings so the casual fan can feel like they are in the know.

Pretty much. I don't think for a minute that he actually said it. Besides, Skip is a known liar. It'd be one of the stupidest things Jerry could do. The spat he had with Kraft is likely legitimate. I do, however, doubt he said that rubbish about Mike.
I don't know who corky or booger or anyone is. Can someone translate what happened so that I don't have to watch a Skip Bayless and the dude he argues with skit to find out.


Booger - Jerry
Chuckles - Stephen
Corky - Mike
Junior - Kellen
Snoop - CeeDee
I do watch, but only for Shannon Sharpe, the comedic value is off the charts. Can't stand Skip though. He's not funny and takes himself to seriously
You’re wasting your time and brain cells
What would Sean Payton do?
Which one, the one that had his play calling privileges stripped in New York, or the one who somehow only managed one SB in 15 seasons with Drew Brees as his QB, or the one who finished 8-8 or worse 8 times with Drew Brees as his QB, or the one who finished 7-9, three straight seasons with Drew Brees as his QB. Sometimes you have to wonder if he was a product of Drew Brees who managed to win at times, in spite of him. But hey, we’ve all seen you’re evaluation of the QB position! gotta put that behind us. That play could have went either way.

Cant put all the blame on MM. Maybe the peeps upstairs should get most of it.
Am I the only one who completely forgot about the non-challenge 25 seconds after it happened?

That was definitely not the biggest contributor to the loss.
Peyton would go to San Diego lol
Dan Quinn come on down and bring an entire offensive staff with you

What's in San Diego?
Is he going to take Ron Burgundy's spot as anchor for the local news?

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