Video: Jerry rips MM

If he said that, then I hope he was saying it out of anger about whatever spat it was that he and Robert Kraft had. Doesn't make it right, but at least it'd be an understandable situation. That being said, if he meant that towards Mike, then things like that are how it gets hard for young fans like myself to have any hope of seeing success. Mike's the best coach we've had since Parcells, and the way that he guided this team during Dak's absence was nothing short of incredible. I don't know what to say other than I hope he didn't just run him off. Any other legitimate coaches won't want to coach here.
It is really sad that McCarthy is the best coach we've had since Parcells. Jerry just doesn't think much of coaches.
Methinks Jerry is setting the stage to oust MM for either Dan Quinn or Sean Payton, if either is willing. Of course, that would entail a "retooling" of some sort. Who knows if anything will somehow improve, with the two execs who currently inhabit the FO. I would expect such a change to wait until the current season is over, barring unexpected circumstances. Jerry has shown indications of such intentions for some time now. He's getting antsy. o_O
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It was clear that the ball spot should’ve been challenged but it isn’t that big of a deal. If I owned the team and was questioned about it, I’d have said he was wrong too.

That doesn’t mean that Jerry is unhappy with Mike overall… it was just Jerry talking about it when asked by the media. What was he supposed to say? He was happy with the missed chance to challenge? Of course not. You call it a miss.
I don't know who corky or booger or anyone is. Can someone translate what happened so that I don't have to watch a Skip Bayless and the dude he argues with skit to find out.
jerry said mike made a mistake not challenging the play, and it cant happen again.

skip and shan, have been better recently, and I agree with most of what they say.
both said jerry should have done this with mike in his office, not on public radio. which I agree with, and it does insinuate jerry isnt too happy about
it and considered it a big mistake, which it was lol. but you should not say this stuff in public.
Dang....I heard the first half of the interview this morning before running into a store....I obviously missed this. Did anyone hear exactly what was said, and the tone of it? I was wondering if anyone was as upset about this as myself during and after the game. It may not look on the surface to be a huge deal, but this isn't the first time that Corky has been asleep at the wheel...and what makes me...and no doubt Booger...the most upset, is that Corky is being paid for doing nothing more than MANAGAGING THE GAME. This actually makes me happy, and reinstalled in me just a little bit of faith in Booger...I was under the impression that he was 100% coming around on his confidence in Corky...guess I was wrong.

That part about him being a being paid to be a game manager fits both MM and qb1.
jerry said mike made a mistake not challenging the play, and it cant happen again.

skip and shan, have been better recently, and I agree with most of what they say.
both said jerry should have done this with mike in his office, not on public radio. which I agree with, and it does insinuate jerry isnt too happy about
it and considered it a big mistake, which it was lol. but you should not say this stuff in public.

THIS. But then again Jerry's never seen a public microphone he didn't like...

So there's that.
It was clear that the ball spot should’ve been challenged but it isn’t that big of a deal. If I owned the team and was questioned about it, I’d have said he was wrong too.

That doesn’t mean that Jerry is unhappy with Mike overall… it was just Jerry talking about it when asked by the media. What was he supposed to say? He was happy with the missed chance to challenge? Of course not. You call it a miss.

That was it? I was going to force myself to watch that stupid video just to find out what was blown out of proportion. Thanks for saving me the trouble.

McCarthy was wrong for not challenging the spot. Nothing wrong with Jerry pointing that out. But it definitely doesn't mean he isn't happy with McCarthy. Now, if McCarthy's team goes one-and-done in the playoffs or doesn't make the playoffs, then Jerry won't be happy with him overall and maybe will actually fire him. But this is just the usual sensationalist crap that these guys put out.
It is really sad that McCarthy is the best coach we've had since Parcells. Jerry just doesn't think much of coaches.

I think Mike is actually doing a solid job. Just a shame that Jerry just can't help himself. Yet, the likes of Reid, Belichick, and others are making fools of him.
Dang....I heard the first half of the interview this morning before running into a store....I obviously missed this. Did anyone hear exactly what was said, and the tone of it? I was wondering if anyone was as upset about this as myself during and after the game. It may not look on the surface to be a huge deal, but this isn't the first time that Corky has been asleep at the wheel...and what makes me...and no doubt Booger...the most upset, is that Corky is being paid for doing nothing more than MANAGAGING THE GAME. This actually makes me happy, and reinstalled in me just a little bit of faith in Booger...I was under the impression that he was 100% coming around on his confidence in Corky...guess I was wrong.

Wow his pissed. Where was this pissed off Jerry when Garrett was coach?

He's nothing more than an irritating old man who has a spoiled son.
Yep Jake,
If Payton sells his soul for Jerry's pot full of gold to pad his retirement portfolio as the current guy is doing it would be both a shock and disappointment if all current things remained the same.

And would definitely change my opinion of him.

Now, if he came here without Moore and full authority on all football related decisions, then we're talking. I know, and then I woke up right?

But really, anything less I would see as a sellout similar to McCarthy now and just another puppet show.

Payton will be coaching Herbert and the Chargers.
I don't get why people think Sean Payton would be a significant upgrade over MM. The Saints from 2017-2020 were an insanely talented roster.

Sean Payton is a great coach like MM, and what do those coaches have, EGO! Mike Mccarthy played it humble in 2020 and in 2021 and now it's shown he's a damned good coach I would bet he's bucking back at Jerry. Jerry would rather lose with a yes man than lose with someone who doesn't kiss his ***. That's part of the reason he doesn't like Dak... Jerry is one of those weird bosses we all have that wants to hang out with his employees and if you don't want to be his friend outside of work he takes it personal.

Great coach and MM do not belong in same sentence.

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