Jerry still sees positive things from Zeke

...fumbling on the goal line. Is probably Zeke's nail in coffin gaff.

Any RB's greatest NO, NO is that. Protecting the rock is matter #1.
By the way, the Elliott homers such as RonnieT have gotten real quiet the last couple weeks after wondering allowed why he wasn't getting more carries.

Even reality set in for them, Jerry. Take notice.
he just needs more carries, you know, to get into a rhythm...then he'll show you. lol
Jerry should feel lucky this isn't the real world or the Military, because in either he would have removed from his post, demoted or fired long ago. Amazing what comes out of his mouth.
Regarding your analogy, he might have been shot for treason, because it looks like a clear case of intentional sabotage.
The situation is worse since he has not shown signs of dementia.
You are correct. He doesn't have signs of dementia. He has signs of narcissism, and being (long) exposed as someone who doesn't know how to build a winning culture. And the more people that tell him he doesn't know, the more the narcissism is going to go into overdrive and he will "show all of you!"
I hate to be this way. The cowboys will win nothing until Jerry Jones enters those pearly gates. I'm wondering if I should give up my Fandom till he dies.
Jerry is so freaking stubborn. There has to be some kind of accountability for piss poor performance and this was an easy cut. I just knew that before Wednesday, Zeke would be looking for a job but then I realized that by cutting Zeke, the optics would be that Jerry made a mistake by signing him instead of Henry, and we all know JERRA DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES.
To be fair, Zeke is making a great case to be the heir(hair)-apparent to Troy Polamalu’s shampoo commercial enterprise. So there is that.
Nobody wants to see that ugly man in a commercial it's enough to have to watch him on the sideline.
It's almost like he took a class on how to make yourself as unattractive as possible

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