Jerry wants Romo to work like Peyton.

If Jerry gave me 110M, I would live in a box under his desk for Six years if he wanted me to.
Beast_from_East;5070546 said:
Actually if you read the tweets from Ed Werner, he said that Romo has been asking for some time to be more involved in the game planning and play calling and was basically told no till now.

Jerry basically has waived the white flag and told Romo to do whatever the hell he wants to on offense. Design the plays, decide which personnel packages are on the field, and call the game from the line of scrimmage like Peyton does.

Romo has also told Jerry he wants to be the Offensive Coordinator when he is done playing QB. So how the hell do you get that Romo has been dogging it from all of this???

EXACTLY. .these fools just look for any reason to jump on Romo.If they read instead of running their mouths the second they see " Romo" and "more work" in the same paragraph they would know that Romo IS THE ONE THAT WANTED THIS... not the coaches or teammates etc...He asks for more responsibility and all the sudden he's not committed!He was probably told no by Jason because he's worried that Tony will do a better job than him. That WOULD make it uncomfortable at Valley Ranch this off season. Sounds like Tony had more input on draft picks than Jason did! Bottom line is Romo is Jerry s adopted son, I see Jerry wanting Romo coaching in the future just like he wanted Jason Garrett. And if Garrett wants to argue with Romo about offense he should pack his bags because Tony is gonna win. He already took Garretts main job on't be surprised to hear about Romo and Garrett butting heads here soon...
LatinMind;5070537 said:
Jerry is taking a new step as a owner, Holding people accountable. I love it. I love that he came out and basically said Romo hasnt put in as much work as he shouldve.

It's like you skipped the article and all subsequent responses.

It only makes you look foolish.
I think the best analogy here is that it's like getting a promotion at any job. If the boss calls you in and says you're up for a promotion, you don't think, "great! I'll keep doing the same thing I've been doing and get more money!" No, when you go after a promotion, you're seeking more job responsibility and more money, but you also know there is a greater time commitment. That's what I see here. When Tony started to renegotiate his contract, he basically asked for, and got, a promotion to assistant offensive coordinator/starting qb. If he can contribute positively to the game plan, and learn how to be a coordinator at the same time, it's a win/win and well worth the money he was given.
Zordon;5069322 said:
*sounds the horns for ufc, clove, gameover and juck*


Here I am! I read this article yesterday and my first thought was, why hasn't he always put in the same amount of time as Peyton? Why does he have to sign a massive contract to now put in the time that he should have always been putting in?
ufcrules1;5070640 said:
Here I am! I read this article yesterday and my first thought was, why hasn't he always put in the same amount of time as Peyton? Why does he have to sign a massive contract to now put in the time that he should have always been putting in?

And now, after learning the real situation and the fact that Romo had to use his contract negotiations to acquire the power he wanted and the influence he was earlier denied, you understand you were entirely off track? Right?

Tony's abilities aside, this sounds like a recipe for a dysfunctional organization.
KB1122;5070711 said:
Tony's abilities aside, this sounds like a recipe for a dysfunctional organization.

17 years of no dysfunction here.. move along.
Are people really still going on about this? It seems like they are essentially giving Romo the keys to the entire offense, like Peyton. They want the hours he spends to increase to make it work. Where's the issue? :confused:
So the whole "imagine how better it would be if Romo were here from 7 am to 6 pm, mon-sat" thing...was just Jerruh-speak for "Romo's gonna be involved more in the gameplanning"?
goshan;5069328 said:

The ouch is they are hinting that he hasn't worked hard enough and almost defining his work schedule for him. And he did it in a Public forum.
YOU ASSUMING THEY ARE TAKING A SHOT AT TONY. i bet you they have already talked to tony about him being more involved in the game planning this year and thats what they are talking about
ufcrules1;5070640 said:
Here I am! I read this article yesterday and my first thought was, why hasn't he always put in the same amount of time as Peyton? Why does he have to sign a massive contract to now put in the time that he should have always been putting in?
Zordon;5070895 said:

You guys are awesome, a little too knee-jerk but if this team ever started winning again I know you'd all be thrilled Cowboy's fans. As opposed to so,e fans that I feel would rather the team lose and be right, than win and be wrong.
ufcrules1;5070640 said:
Here I am! I read this article yesterday and my first thought was, why hasn't he always put in the same amount of time as Peyton? Why does he have to sign a massive contract to now put in the time that he should have always been putting in?

like anyone really cares what you say about romo.
Califan007;5070776 said:
So the whole "imagine how better it would be if Romo were here from 7 am to 6 pm, mon-sat" thing...was just Jerruh-speak for "Romo's gonna be involved more in the gameplanning"?

Romo will now be designated the Assistant Offensive Coordinator.

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