Jerry wants Romo to work like Peyton.

Zordon;5070895 said:

The fact that you bow down to that lowest common denominator ufc is shameful. He always sees the negative with Romo. Always.

Maybe that qusetion could be asked to all of the other 80 or so QBs in the league...because all of them put inless hours that Peyton. Romo probaly put in more that 75% of them, maybe more.
DFWJC;5070930 said:
The fact that you bow down to that lowest common denominator ufc is shameful. He always sees the negative with Romo. Always.

Maybe that qusetion could be asked to all of the other 80 or so QBs in the league...because all of them put inless hours that Peyton. Romo probaly put in more that 75% of them, maybe more.

You don't know this, all we know is that his boss just told him he'd be putting in more time than he has in the past.
CowboysPhan;5070616 said:
I think the best analogy here is that it's like getting a promotion at any job. If the boss calls you in and says you're up for a promotion, you don't think, "great! I'll keep doing the same thing I've been doing and get more money!" No, when you go after a promotion, you're seeking more job responsibility and more money, but you also know there is a greater time commitment. That's what I see here. When Tony started to renegotiate his contract, he basically asked for, and got, a promotion to assistant offensive coordinator/starting qb. If he can contribute positively to the game plan, and learn how to be a coordinator at the same time, it's a win/win and well worth the money he was given.

I look at it more like, you're a company and you have a contractor working for you and his contract just ended. You like the work that he does but in this contract he asking for a lot more money, you say if I'm going to pay you like the elite contractors then I want results like them to.
:laugh2: Jones is just a big joke. You don't ever, ever, ever call out your franchise QB, for anything. Especially after you just attached yourself to him for probably another 5 years or so. No one in the organization should say anything other than praise about Romo. Period. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You've put him on a pedestal made & him one of the highest paid players in the league. Especially in his case. He's the most controverial and criticized player in the league (now that Tebow is unemployed) and a lightning rod for the national media. The last thing he needs is anything coming out of VR about him. Of course that would require the idiot drunk in charge at VR to keep his mouth shut, which we've all learned over the last 20 years is a practical impossibility.

No matter how homers spin this, it's a slap in the face to Romo. If Jones wants to tell Romo what his expectations are, you do that in private. But the doofus can't help loving the sound of his own voice, and can't help putting his own failures on everyone around him.

No way I would've given Romo a contract like that. But now that they have, you certainly don't question his work ethic publicly, which is exactly what Jones' did.
birdwells1;5070944 said:
You don't know this, all we know is that his boss just told him he'd be putting in more time than he has in the past.
I don't know what other QBs put in, true. I do know Romo puts in a ton of work. That's not a guess.
But again, you're right, maybe Cutler , Roethlisberger, Vick, Stafford, Flacco, Sanchez, Freeman, Palmer, etc, and the other 75-80 QBs in the leauge do as well. I tend to not think most of them do.
Fair enough.

But if I was Romo, I'd tell Jerry I'd like to have a real GM in place who actually knows how to build a team around me.
I don't think this is a knock against Romo at all. It sounds like Jerry didn't think he had enough say in the gameplanning so now he wants him to be like Peyton in that aspect in order to make the offense flow better. Romo already told him that if he is to sign the extension and put even more time in that Jerry needed to upgrade the line otherwise it was no dice which I don't blame him and he should've said that a long time ago. The media will always spin it in a negative light especially since its concerning Jones, Romo, and the Cowboys. I'm just gonna go with the flow and ignore pretty much all of it 'cause the less you acknowledge it, the faster it goes away.
Jerry wants Romo to be like Payton Manning?
Maybe Romo wants Jerry to be like a real GM.
Vabeachboy;5070587 said:
EXACTLY. .these fools just look for any reason to jump on Romo.If they read instead of running their mouths the second they see " Romo" and "more work" in the same paragraph they would know that Romo IS THE ONE THAT WANTED THIS... not the coaches or teammates etc...He asks for more responsibility and all the sudden he's not committed!He was probably told no by Jason because he's worried that Tony will do a better job than him. That WOULD make it uncomfortable at Valley Ranch this off season. Sounds like Tony had more input on draft picks than Jason did! Bottom line is Romo is Jerry s adopted son, I see Jerry wanting Romo coaching in the future just like he wanted Jason Garrett. And if Garrett wants to argue with Romo about offense he should pack his bags because Tony is gonna win. He already took Garretts main job on't be surprised to hear about Romo and Garrett butting heads here soon...

Excellent post.

What is Redball going to say when Romo runs the offense better than he does?

"Well, you see, its a process and Romo gives us a lot of postion flex and he is the right kind of guy and the process dictates that this is a team effort and as long as Romo keeps stacking his good days, the process will come full term". :D
Double Trouble;5070974 said:
:laugh2: Jones is just a big joke. You don't ever, ever, ever call out your franchise QB, for anything. Especially after you just attached yourself to him for probably another 5 years or so. No one in the organization should say anything other than praise about Romo. Period. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You've put him on a pedestal made & him one of the highest paid players in the league. Especially in his case. He's the most controverial and criticized player in the league (now that Tebow is unemployed) and a lightning rod for the national media. The last thing he needs is anything coming out of VR about him. Of course that would require the idiot drunk in charge at VR to keep his mouth shut, which we've all learned over the last 20 years is a practical impossibility.

No matter how homers spin this, it's a slap in the face to Romo. If Jones wants to tell Romo what his expectations are, you do that in private. But the doofus can't help loving the sound of his own voice, and can't help putting his own failures on everyone around him.

No way I would've given Romo a contract like that. But now that they have, you certainly don't question his work ethic publicly, which is exactly what Jones' did.

How is it a slap in the face to Romo when Jerry just made him psudeo Offensive Coordinator?

Seems like the guy that just got slapped in the face is the current Offensive Coordinator who just got stripped of his duties because he cant get the job done. (looks at Garrett).
Jerry goofed on this one.

Romo is getting ripped because of this.
Beast_from_East;5071154 said:
How is it a slap in the face to Romo when Jerry just made him psudeo Offensive Coordinator?

Seems like the guy that just got slapped in the face is the current Offensive Coordinator who just got stripped of his duties because he cant get the job done. (looks at Garrett).
You're right, it's not at all meant as a slap in the face. And he does not take it as such. It's a compliment, actually.
Sadly, Jerry had to make this public and the way he worded it left room for some haters to pounce.

Romo in 2013 is way ahead of Romo in 2007 in term of experience, maturity, and overall grasp of the position. He's just better. The current Tony with that 2007 team would be off-the-charts.

They are just tapping into an asset that they are paying extremely well, and he is all for it.
burmafrd;5070923 said:
Romo will now be designated the Assistant Offensive Coordinator.
So the whole "imagine how better it would be if Romo were here from 7 am to 6 pm, mon-sat" thing...was just Jerruh-speak for "Romo is now the Assistant Offensive Coordinator"?
Apollo Creed;5070915 said:
You guys are awesome, a little too knee-jerk but if this team ever started winning again I know you'd all be thrilled Cowboy's fans. As opposed to so,e fans that I feel would rather the team lose and be right, than win and be wrong.

Right, so I paid 20k dollars for my PSL's because I like to see them lose? I have been watching them my whole life and just want to see them lose? That makes a lot of sense. Have you ever stopped for a second and thought about what you are saying? I'm critical of some players, coaches and the GM because of what I have seen/experienced PAINFULLY over the last 17 years. I'm tired of the mediocrity and refuse to ignore it or be quiet about it.

This is one of the dumbest things Jerry has ever spoken out about and that is saying a lot because lets be honest, he has said A TON of dumb things over the year. If it is true, then he should have said it to Tony behind closed doors, if it is not true, then what the hell is he even talking about?
Califan007;5071179 said:
So the whole "imagine how better it would be if Romo were here from 7 am to 6 pm, mon-sat" thing...was just Jerruh-speak for "Romo is now the Assistant Offensive Coordinator"?

Califan007;5071179 said:
So the whole "imagine how better it would be if Romo were here from 7 am to 6 pm, mon-sat" thing...was just Jerruh-speak for "Romo is now the Assistant Offensive Coordinator"?

No, that was just someone trying to spin it. That article means exactly what Jerry said it does and that is.. Romo needs to put more focus on the Cowboys, more focus in the film room, more focus on the playbook, and on and on. Just like the elite QB's do. Since he is being paid elite money after all.
ufcrules1;5071188 said:
No, that was just someone trying to spin it. That article means exactly what Jerry said it does and that is.. Romo needs to put more focus on the Cowboys, more focus in the film room, more focus on the playbook, and on and on. Just like the elite QB's do. Since he is being paid elite money after all.

The fact that Romo asked for more input and was told no previously kinda shoots your theory out of the water.
Beast_from_East;5071195 said:
The fact that Romo asked for more input and was told no previously kinda shoots your theory out of the water.

Hey, if you read the article and got a different understanding from it, then so be it. I assure you that the vast majority reading that know exactly what Jerry Jones was saying.
Beast_from_East;5071195 said:
The fact that Romo asked for more input and was told no previously kinda shoots your theory out of the water.
Why can't both be correct?

Romo: "If I re-sign, I want more input into the gameplanning and offensive scheme."

Jerruh: "Ok, but in return I want you more dedicated to your the first one in and the last one out type of thing."
ufcrules1;5071207 said:
Hey, if you read the article and got a different understanding from it, then so be it. I assure you that the vast majority reading that know exactly what Jerry Jones was saying.
They guy who writes the Cowboys blog saw it your way, it seems:

So that’s not implying that Romo wasn’t around enough before?

“No. It’s a bonus,” Jones said. “Anybody will tell you that Peyton Manning’s involvement in what they do is a bonus as opposed to what the general commitment is of top quarterbacks in the NFL. That’s a bonus. Again, because I haven’t been in meetings with Peyton for a long time, but we’re committed and [Romo's] committed to that type of in-season and off-season approach for these years under his contract.”

By the way, what did Jerruh mean by "I haven't been in meetings with Peyton for a long time"?...When was he in meetings with Peyton Manning?

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