Twitter: Jerry's disregard for the position of Head Coach


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I understand being in the NFL owners billionaire's club practically guarantees excellent profits based on the league's profit sharing set up as well as the individual teams' stadium revenue cash cows.

But Jerry's annual false hope sales pitch in how he leads these 31 other business owners by such a wide margin is noteworthy all the while winning nothing on the field.

I'm sure the Lions still turn a profit.

It's just the Cowboys make an astronomical profit in comparison to them, all the while winning no more championships than them on the field.
Much of that additional revenue is generated from the largest stadium which includes everything related with some of the highest ticket prices, PSL’s, parking, concessions along with stadium sponsorships.

Jethro has created the biggest sports show under the big top. It’s not just about football . He’s even admitted the stadium was built for TV and attracting sponsors and outside interest.

As I mentioned in above post it’s not unusual for Americans to support a lesser but more popular product.
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The brand was bigger than the ball club.

And to our owners credit he’s optimized the popularity of our iconic brand.

I think Tex might have done the same if he thought it could have been done without continued success on the field.

Jethro has just circumvented that process with his revolutionary revenue streams which has provided a means for success off the field without success on the field. Not only for the Cowboys but the rest of the league. The NFL is the only professional sports league where all franchises are in the black every year .


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And to our owners credit he’s optimized the popularity of our iconic brand.

I think Tex might have done the same if he thought it could have been done without continued success on the field.

Jethro has just circumvented that process with his revolutionary revenue streams which has provided a means for success off the field without success on the field. Not only for the Cowboys but the rest of the league. The NFL is the only professional sports league where all franchises are in the black every year .
Schramm was the designer of this promotional model and laid all the groundwork, Booger hasn't done anything but exploit what Schramm started.

Schramm got the right HC, doubled down on him and shut everyone up with that 10 year contract, and built the largest radio network in NFL history and saw the opportunity to make the Cowboys Mexico's Team because they were that before they were America's Team. He was the architect of America's Team but he knew he had to have something special and it had to win.

I have little doubt if Booger had not hired Johnson and turned the football operation over to him, he would have had to sell it just like Bright did because he was leveraged on a business in the red. And he had done what Bright would not do because of the ill will that would create. Many would have been pulling for Booger to go belly up.

That old fool should name the stadium after Jimmy Johnson, Aqua Net Stadium.


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Schramm was the designer of this promotional model and laid all the groundwork, Booger hasn't done anything but exploit what Schramm started.

Schramm got the right HC, doubled down on him and shut everyone up with that 10 year contract, and built the largest radio network in NFL history and saw the opportunity to make the Cowboys Mexico's Team because they were that before they were America's Team. He was the architect of America's Team but he knew he had to have something special and it had to win.

I have little doubt if Booger had not hired Johnson and turned the football operation over to him, he would have had to sell it just like Bright did because he was leveraged on a business in the red. And he had done what Bright would not do because of the ill will that would create. Many would have been pulling for Booger to go belly up.

That old fool should name the stadium after Jimmy Johnson, Aqua Net Stadium.
Totally agree about Jimmy’s impact. Without that early success , Jethro would have been ran out of town.

But Tex probably wouldn’t have sued the NFL for stadium sponsorship which had paved the way for success off the field without winning on the field which Tex told Jethro initially was the key to their iconic brands success.

Jethro coupled that early success with Jimmy along with his brilliant revolutionary revenue stream into what we are seeing today. It basically paved the way for him to continue his foolish celebrity football ways without a more continued success on the field.

Of course we the fans , local business and sponsors are to be thanked for our continued support. And only reason he even attempts to appeal publicly to our hopes.


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Much of that additional revenue is generated from the largest stadium which includes everything related with some of the highest ticket prices, PSL’s, parking, concessions along with stadium sponsorships.

Jethro has created the biggest sports show under the big top. It’s not just about football . He’s even admitted the stadium was built for TV and attracting sponsors and outside interest.

As I mentioned in above post it’s not unusual for Americans to support a lesser but more popular product.

Yep, understood. Their merchandising is independent of the other 31 clubs as well if I'm not mistaken. Short and sweet, CouchCoach's previous post description of brand over ballclub is an accurate one.


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As frustrating as it is to watch a once storied franchise go through 26 years of failure, the constant blame on a long succession of head coaches has never had any merit in Dallas. It's what the lazy do. It's what the misinformed do.

This is a direct quote from Jerry's Senior Bowl interview.

That quote should disgust you. It should make you angry. It doesn't matter what you think of Mike McCarthy. You don’t do that to your head coach.

All these many years later and the egomaniacal owner still doesn't have any respect whatsoever for the position of head coach. Every head coach after Jimmy has not only been put in a position to fail being saddled with no real front office but also in a thorough undressing of any head coach authority. You're not the voice of the team. You don't control your own locker room. You don't decide who's on the field and who isn't. You don't even control your own staff meetings during the week and the players have a direct path around you to your boss if they have any issue with what you're doing.

So you don't have anyone to get you the right players and don't have any ability to coach the team you're given as you see fit.

Now get out there and win us a Championship, "coach"!

This and only this is the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys. From the mid 90's to the present day. If you're wasting even a second of your time criticizing Mike McCarthy or a coordinator you are nothing more than a zombie in Jerry's fan mob. You're doing his bidding for him. He wants fans like you.

You can judge our head coach under these circumstances if you want. As if it's a level playing field with the rest of the league. I can not. I know better. The winning head coach of the Super Bowl every year had and will continue to have a much easier path to their Championship than a head coach in Dallas under Jerry Jones will ever have.

He turns 80 this year and that is the only positive that will come from 2022.


Here's why Jerry may have his reason for this kind of remark, read both.
Re-visiting Mike McCarthy’s sit-down interview from 2019 before Cowboys - Blogging The Boys

What Happened in Green Bay | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights


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Jerry has always sought to upgrade every spot on the team and in the organization except coaching and GM. Coaching is a must and mainly key reason for the 26 year drought.


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Stephen only in his 50s though

Are you forgetting the high school and college age grandsons? The Jones spawns will be running this club for the next century if not longer. Pretty much like the Royal Family.


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As usual one of our best contributors on describing our faults with this dysfunctional ownership. I applaud and agree with your overall intent and message here .

He’s optimizing an Iconic label which we do see with major brands and iconic labels . It’s the American way . Bigger and more publicity does sell. Our most popular retail , eateries and products consumed for example are not necessarily the best products in the market place .

Whether it’s Bud Lt, McDonalds or Walmart for example ( there’s many more products I could provide as an example) Jethro is following an American model that promoting and keeping front and center an Iconic label can lead the industry in revenue without being the best product .

We see the same results even in entertainment . The best artist, films, songs, albums , tv shows , sitcoms , etc are not always the most popular . Jethro has taken an Iconic label and pimped the ride all the way to bank. And he’s done it with typical American ingenuity.
I see you have a cowboys face mask lol, jerry thanks you for your contribution ! He needs that money!
jerry is a classic scrooge. That is why he makes more, other owners probably do other things to enjoy life while jerry just tries to think of more ways
to make more money, because he needs more money:rolleyes:


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One will be coach

“He stays here because there always has been, with every coach, every one of those three coaches, have said they’d love to be the head coach of the Cowboys. Every one. Every one,” Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Thursday, February 3 on 105.3 The Fan, referencing McCarthy, Quinn, and offensive coordinator Kellen Moore. “So my point is that has, in my mind, a lot of logic as to why they might not take a job now rather than one or wait and see how the cards go in the future.”


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Are you forgetting the high school and college age grandsons? The Jones spawns will be running this club for the next century if not longer. Pretty much like the Royal Family.
First of all the 3 surviving siblings assuming they share equal ownership and not their mother will have to agree who’s going run football operations. Or will they agree to hire out .

I don’t expect the survivors to operate in the same fashion . They’d have to be accountable to the other surviving siblings and could get messy. Daddy hadn’t had to be accountable to anyone. This was Jethro’s passion to be a football celebrity guy not them.

Normally there’s just one surviving spouse heir to take over . If not then the franchise is usually sold.


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You might believe that but billionaires often make their own luck. And at least initially they’re smarter than the average Joe. And smart enough to sell and promote their product.

And while Jethro might be a football idiot he not only out smarted the NFL with his lawsuit for stadium sponsorships but has outsmarted most Cowboy fans in buying into the hype . And how the Cowboys remain #1 in revenue despite lack of success on the field. He’s definitely getting the last laugh.

No, I’d say most of the fans are the ones not playing with a full deck who’ve enabled this owner to bamboozle the Cowboys fanbase. Either that or we’re so addicted like crackheads on the street corner waiting for whatever crumbs he serves us up.
The fans enabled him because they like the team. Many well before he cam along.

Jeff Bezos thought of a bookstore, except online. Genius!!


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Why would Jerry have any regard for HC? They are just someone else to to take the spotlight off him. Besides he thinks he proved his any of 500 coaches theory when Neil O Donnell gift wrapped Switzer a SB win.
The HC position in Dallas is very important to Jerry for one reason- it’s where the blame is placed for not winning in the playoffs. Jerry thinks he’s provided all these great players…why can’t the HC win a SB with “his” players?


Cowboys Diehard
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Jerry places the blame for losing on those other than himself -- it's crucial to protecting his image. That's where MM comes in. :angry:
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Beyond tired of Jerry
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......has been the Curse of Jimmy since.

I'd call it the Curse of Barry Switzer.

As much as I enjoyed beating the Steelers in SB XXX, that win confirmed Jerry's belief that any coach can win if they have enough talented players. He also believes he and Stephen are more than capable of assembling that talent themselves (ignoring Jimmy's impact on building that 90s roster), so when it comes to a head coach it's all about comfort.

Don't push back on Jerry, let him do his thing, then go win it all or you'll eventually get fired. God knows he and Stephen won't be the fall guys.


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We know this as Dallas Cowboy Fans also. At some point somebody else will be the GM!!! Unfortunately. It'll be your son....:facepalm: