Jets-Boys discuss trade for Julius Jones


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PacoReloaded said:
What good is it to have a Rb who can't stay healthy and can't gain any yards unless there's a whole big enough to drive a truck through?

Barber was by far the best Rb on the team last year and if you're too blind to see that then that's truly a shame for you.
please stop you are killing me.:lmao2:


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
With the knowledge the Boys are willing to part ways with JuJo, keep a this Day 2 prospect in mind: Taurean Henderson, Texas Tech, ave. 1,325 total yards per season (4 year career) and 17 TDs per season. Great pass catching abilities out of the backfield

I'm a big Red Raider fan, but I think I would rather have Julius Jones over Taurean Henderson. Henderson was great at Texas Tech, but that was a totally different offense. The Texas Tech offense has humongous splits in their offensive line which allows the running back a lot of room to run on the draws and shovel passes.

I think Henderson could return kicks, but I don't think he would be all-world in an NFL backfield.


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Reality said:
Actually, I would think that since the Cowboys didn't go RB in the first round, the only running back they would have dealt Julius for would have been Reggie Bush. So, basically, the Cowboys would have packaged Julius and their first round pick probably along with a second or third round pick next year to move up to the Jets' fourth pick to take Reggie Bush had he still been there. These talks probably started when Houston surprised everyone by going with Williams on the first pick.


I HIGHLY doubt this.... for 1 very important reason. If Bush were there the Jets would have TAKEN him. They tried to move up with NO and get him but the asking price was too much. They wouldn't have traded for Julius when they just could take Bush... no way.

I'm sure this rumour had a lot to do with Lendale White. It was probably a High 2nd if Lendale was still there.

Thick 'N Hearty

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thewivil said:
I dunno, bro. I only think we were going to give him up if it would have been a significant upgrade. Julius has Pro Bowl potential but hasn't been able to stay healthy for a full season. But keep in mind, it's not like he has any chronic health problems. All his injuries have been of the more "freakish" kind that more than likely not happen again.

I say we stand pat with running back. We still have JuJo, MB3 and Tyson Thompson. I like that running back corps an awful lot.

If we are going to a two-TE, single back set, we need a durable RB on the roster. Don't know if he's there... just like the future QB of the Boys (I had to throw that in there).


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In his rookie year, JJ ran well out of the one back set. Granted, most of the great runs were on draw plays, but I see a lot of potential with this standard 2 TE set business.

I think Parcells just needs to back off and let Julius do his thing. Rather than instinctual, JJ looked mechanical and robotic last year.


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if we could have moved up a few spots to get lendale and trade JJ I would have loved it. instead we have to hope peanuthead can actually play more than half a season.


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Man all of you ready to get rid of JJ are killing me. Health is a big issue but lets see how he does this year. Only rb in this draft that was a real upgrade looks like Bush, nobody knows if he can take the pounding. I predict JJ has his break out year.


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I'm willing to give the guy another year.
I say this because it has been obvious since Emmitt's leaving that we have a problem RUN BLOCKING. I don't care who you put back there you need to be able to run block. Unless you want to ask the BUS to come out of retirement to run over people.

Will you guys say the same thing if Reggie gets hurt?
I don't think so, especially if he has RUN BLOCKING support.

Without the blocking support you can't run obvious plays over and over and over.

I expect big gains from him with the group we have to receive the ball downfield. I think the Double TE setup might help as well.


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I think that JJ should get another year... He has been injured but they are "freakish" injuries. I will be very upset to see JJ go...


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coco2 said:
This rumor was surfacing early on draft day but didn't name a trade partner.

I can only assume the Jets would offer their early 2nd round pick.

But what runner would've made us pull the trigger? Both Maroney & Williams were still there at 18 if we were really wanted to go that direction. Obviously we must have preferred Carpenter to 'upgrading' at RB.

The fact remains that Julius for all his flash has missed significant time in both his seasons thus far. Barber is an adequate backup but he's not a full-time starter. Can Julius stay healthy and develop more consistent production? I hope so. But you can understand why Parcelss would at least consider a different direction.

Agreed. Just stay healthy JJ. However, it his injuries are not of the "chronic" sort. "Fluke" would be a better observation IMO.


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PacoReloaded said:
What good is it to have a Rb who can't stay healthy and can't gain any yards unless there's a whole big enough to drive a truck through?

Barber was by far the best Rb on the team last year and if you're too blind to see that then that's truly a shame for you.

JJ's durabiltiy has made him expendable in BP's eyes, but only for the right price. Barber was more than adequate when he was filling in for JJ. To say Barber was the best back by far, that would be a stretch.

JJ has the ability to be in the "Elite" category for RB's, I dont see the same in Barber...and no I'm not blind.

No knock on Barber, he's got the talent, and the heart, let's just be glad we have both.


Forum Architect
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Notice it said they contacted US. We never intended to trade him.


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this should be pretty motivating for julius to see his name out there being traded....or maybe he will just say screw it and demand a trade just never know how these kids will act these days


Official CZ Ea-girls hater
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this should be pretty motivating for julius to see his name out there being traded....or maybe he will just say screw it and demand a trade just never know how these kids will act these days

it will be interesting to see how he reacts.

personally...i'm stunned we're looking at trading him. i still think he's going to be spectacular.

i hope we didn't ruin his attitude.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Calicowboy said:
JJ's durabiltiy has made him expendable in BP's eyes, but only for the right price. Barber was more than adequate when he was filling in for JJ. To say Barber was the best back by far, that would be a stretch.

JJ has the ability to be in the "Elite" category for RB's, I dont see the same in Barber...and no I'm not blind.

No knock on Barber, he's got the talent, and the heart, let's just be glad we have both.

Sorry Calicowboy. I aint buying that for one minute. BP has been in Julius' corner from day one especially with the injuries.

Dale is right. The words trade and Julius did not come out of VR.


He Made the Difference
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phillycowboyslover said:
it will be interesting to see how he reacts.

personally...i'm stunned we're looking at trading him. i still think he's going to be spectacular.

i hope we didn't ruin his attitude.
Geez. JJ is a big boy.

I'd think he would be flattered by a team wanting to trade for him (even the Jets:rolleyes:) , and doubly so by his current team asking for a steep enough price to call all bets off.

A team always has to entertain prospective matter how high or low the player's rep.

I doubt JJ is so insecure his attitude would be ruined by this very basic foundation of the business.

No offense, but it's interesting that our own perspective on our players confidence and professionalism runs along such molly coddling lines.

JJ can handle the news.


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I just want to go on record again as telling everyone to not be surprised if Barber is the starting RB this season.

Not because Julius has been easily injured, the past 2 seasons, but because he is really a change of pace type of RB.
Barber is more of a full time heavy carry back. He has the intelligence, the ability, the patience, the skills, (blocking, receiving etc), he has decent enough speed, he's no speed burner, but he is faster than Emmitt was, and he runs with heart, passion, he runs hard between the tackles, and he can get to the edge.

Right now, it seems JJ will never make it thru a full season without missing games due to injury, he could not do it in college.
Now I will be very Happy to be proven wrong and he does be able to stay healthy from now on.

I It is a matter of opinion on how one interprets a change of pass RB, I see JJ as a change of pace RB, with his speed, and quickness, once his pass catching ability gets better he will really be good. The way he is built is the reason why I see him as not being a heavy carry RB. The way he is built and his speed makes him a home run threat, and he does not need many touches, Barber is the one that if I wanted to grind the ball down the field and run out the clock, I would use him.


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JuJo reminds me of an NFC East RB we face a lot Tikii, IIRC Tiki had durability questions early into his career. A broken collarbone is hard to avoid you can't strengthen a bone. As for the ankle sprain I wouldn't be surprised if JuJo didn't have a mild sprain in his knee also since high ankle sprains but stress on other parts of the leg.


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Most of you guys putting down JuJo have no idea what RB talent is. A player has had no issues with injuries in the past breaks his collarone just like Emmit did and then gets an ankle sprain.

Give me a break