Rome is far worse mainly because Rome constantly harps on the same thing throughout the show. So not only if the joke is terrible, he'll keep repeating the joke over and over, ad nauseum.
He's also not very bright. I remember years ago he did a TV show special on UFC/MMA and he knocked the sport as human cockfighting where guys would eye gouge each other. His 2 guests corrected him on that stating that eye gouging and fish hooking was not legal in UFC/MMA (with one of the guests that corrected him being against UFC/MMA, but still correcting him). Anyway, in Rome's wrapup he then goes on to say that the sport is human cockfighting where guys just eye gouge and fish hook each other. Obviously, he can't stray away from the script and it's pretty typical of what he does.
Strangely now he's all for UFC/MMA. But that's because it's popular. Another thing that typifies Rome.