JJT disses Fisher

Outlaw Heroes...you are right.

If JJT really believes the team is too old, he should have spent that paragraph backing up his original article with some support material instead of attacking the credibility of Fish.

Weak! :thumbdo:
calcbfan1 said:
Here is the article that Fisher wrote:

Memo to the Dallas Morning News


Drew Bledsoe

By Mike Fisher TheRanchReport.com
Date: Aug 4, 2005

OXNARD, Calif. -- Our position that the 2005 Cowboys are in fact not especially elderly has created a bit of a stir among followers -- especially because it comes on the heels of a Dallas Morning News article claiming that the team employs an excess of players in the 30-year-old range.

Wrote Jean-Jaques Taylor, "The NFL is a young man's game. ... So there has to be some trepidation when a survey of the Cowboys' roster shows 15 players who are at least 30 years old or will turn 30 during this season.''

We aren't disputing those numbers; a quick glance at the Cowboys roster can verify them. Heck, Taylor's position even drew concessionary comments from coach Bill Parcells.

But in the interest of non-linear thinking (hey, that's just the way our brains are wired!), we thought the issue worthy of a few more "quick glances.''

After all, we thought, how do you know if Dallas' 15 30-year-olds are "too many'' unless you compare that number to other teams' ages?

Memo to the DMN: ooops.

We did this randomly, we promise: Just started scanning assorted NFL rosters. And guess what? The Giants, like Dallas an also-ran NFC East team, have 13 players 29 and up. The Vikings, trying to remake themselves in the post-Moss era, have 14. The Packers, consided by some to be Brett Favre surrounded by kids, have 15. Oh, and the Washington Commanders, who surely ought to be in rebuilding mode? The number of guys on their roster who are 29 and up? Um, 21!

Bad teams have "too many''; the Raiders have 20 of 'em. Good teams have "too many''; New England has 19 of 'em.

There are seven examples. Had enough? Want more? Philly has 14. Pittsburgh has 23. Arizona has 13. Buffalo has 14. St. Louis has 15. Carolina has 19. The Chiefs have 25!

That's a random cross section of 14 teams. (We're sure we can find exceptions to what increasingly seems like our own little self-discovered rule, but our eyes are starting to blur and spin.)

And they are all just as "too old'' as Dallas. Good teams, bad teams, title teams, rebuilding teams -- all the same. Like we say, a little non-linear thinking goes a long way -- and helps us avoid the "ooops'' moments.

This is actually the first Fisher article that I have agreed with in the month or two that he has been writing for the Ranch Report.
When I first read that column, I thought JJT COULD have come back with a breakdown on starters' ages, and if that didn't prove his point, perhaps skills positions. He could make the case that two 30 plus receivers, for example, age a team more considerably than a couple of middle aged olinemen do.

When he didn't do so, I assumed he was big enough to let the silly thing pass.

But his snippy remarks in the lead post indicate it wasn't maturity that forestalled a "come back" column.

It was, as usual, laziness.
adbutcher said:
OK so who will send JJT response to Fisher?:devil:
I vote you do it, Ad.

You're big enough to survive the fur-flying fallout. :D
LaTunaNostra said:
But his snippy remarks in the lead post indicate it wasn't maturity that forestalled a "come back" column.

It was, as usual, laziness.

As bad a trait as laziness may be in a reporter, I'm beginning to wonder whether you're not being charitable in chalking it all up to laziness.
LaTunaNostra said:
I vote you do it, Ad.

You're big enough to survive the fur-flying fallout. :D
lol, sure why not. What is Fish's email?

This has the makings of a scene from a Stephen King's novel. :)
LaTunaNostra said:
I haven't seen Fisher, so I will concur with you JJT's present level of physical 'fitness' is superior.

I haven't seen Fisher, but I've seen JJT.

Trust me. If he's in the same shape he was 3 years ago, JJT's fitness is superior to almost no one's.
adbutcher said:
lol, sure why not. What is Fish's email?

This has the makings of a scene from a Stephen King's novel. :)

This was at the end of an article WG posted.

Mike Fisher is the editor of www.DallasBasketball.com and hosts a daily sports-talk show, “Fish For Lunch,’’ noon-to-3 on 990 Texas Talk Radio (990am in North Texas, and www.990texastalkradio.com on the web.) Contact him at [email protected]
Mike fischer was the Cowboy beat writer for the FT. Worth Star Telegram and a good one. For quite some time he had an excellent radio sports talk show on 1190 AM Foxsportsnet where he competed against the Ticket 1310. Mike was always more hardcore NFL and less schtick than the Ticket's juvenile stupidity and eventually in an incredibly crowded sports-talk(WBAP 820 and ESPN radio was in the mix) 1190 dropped out out of competition Fischer lost his jobs at the Star Telegram about the time Randy Galloway was lured over from Dallas for big bucks.

Fischer runs the website dallasbasketball.com and reports regularly on the Cowboys he has a talk show on a low-watt AM station 990 in the Dallas area.

He is in my opinion a real pro as a writer and a guy with regular insight about the Cowboys.

Too bad the Star Tel 'lost' him..he seems to combine some wit with depth.
Fisher's take was the same as 20+ people on this board.
There were numerous arguments for why JJT was being silly with his distress calls over age.

The points I made were that the best 2 offensive players are puppies and the draft class was universally lauded. That combination should insure a strong young core not an old man team. 2 of the 10 year plus vets are guards. Not exactly speed positions. Another old guy is the deep snapper.

JJT didn't bother to argue facts because there are none on his side. The one number he had in his arsenal he used. He was probably hoping no one was paying attention.

I've been to Training Camp in WF where JJT showed up half way thru practice, stayed on the cell phone then went off to ask a couple of players questions for 20 minutes. Thats real professionalism. We should all work so "hard". For that he gets to cover sports biggest team in their award winning hometown paper. Talk about rising to your level of incompetance.

Fisher might be making 1/5th of JJT for yet disproved that nonsensical gibberish with ease. Maybe what JJT needs to do is pay Fish to ghost write his articles.
Mr. Fisher,

I loved your article that refuted the myth about not being able to win with a balance of youth and experience, i.e. your team sucks with more then one 30 yr player on your roster. Apparently you really ruffled the feathers of one of the Dallas sports writers and I loved it. Here is his eloquent rebuttal to your article enjoy.

Sorry, don't have any real interest in reading anything fisher wrote as some
type of response to what I wrote. He was here for a week and I don't
remember him asking Parcells a single question. I also don't have much
respect for a guy who often uses the stories that other people write as a
springboard for his own stories. Doesn't he have any original thoughts?
Actually, it's kind of sad. He used to cover the Cowboys and be a mover and
shaker. Now, he's an irrelevant radio personality. The coaches don't know
him and neither do the players.

Thanks for thinking of me, though, I hope Fisher isn't a relative,


Also, I like to extend an invite to the greatest Cowboy forum in the world, www.cowboyszone.com. The fans are very knowledgeable and you are slowly gaining a huge following. Thanks for your time.

adbutcher said:
Mr. Fisher,

I loved your article that refuted the myth about not being able to win with a balance of youth and experience, i.e. your team sucks with more then one 30 yr player on your roster. Apparently you really ruffled the feathers of one of the Dallas sports writers and I loved it. Here is his eloquent rebuttal to your article enjoy.

Also, I like to extend an invite to the greatest Cowboy forum in the world, www.cowboyszone.com. The fans are very knowledgeable and you are slowly gaining a huge following. Thanks for your time.


Nicely done and I think you will be surpised at how accessible and honest Fish is in his response to you.
jterrell said:
Nicely done and I think you will be surpised at how accessible and honest Fish is in his response to you.
As soon as he replies I will post it.
As some of you know Fisher writes articles for and posts at TheRanchReport. Word has it he is typing a new column to reply.
oh waaah. But that was an entertaining post Kitty. People are people.

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