newnationcb;5102378 said:
You basically just said, in other words, that if someone wants to refuse to hire black people (or any other race) it should be their perogative. Ridiculous!
I agree with it, too. Studies show that companies with diversity (racial and international) tend to do better overall due to different methods of thinking and ideas. My employer is a big believer in this and they've been around long enough and are large enough to see the difference.
If an employer wants to forego that, then let him - he gets to deal with the potential lack of growth and likely boycott that goes along with it.
Re: credit reports - I agree that they are overused at times for purposes of employment, but can totally see why anything in the financial/security sector would want to use such criteria.
Credit reports themselves are a sham built entirely for the benefit of the lenders, many times to the detriment of borrowers. Personally speaking, I'm having to stay with my parents right now at almost 30 years old because I'm trying to buy a house without starting a new apartment lease and one of the three credit reporting agencies (Equifax) has my student loans inexplicably doubled - and report the doubled loan as having never been paid. They have all the paperwork and proof that what they have is wrong, but it's been a full month now and they're simply dragging their feet on getting it corrected. When it's time to drop your score it happens instantly. Fixing it? Ehhhh, we'll get around to it probably.