Joe Montana is a dirty liar

Who knew being a gullible shmuck could be so lucrative? :rolleyes:
This is a case of public stupidity and money-mongering, not false advertising. Anybody who thought simply walking around in a given pair of shoes would get them in shape is too stupid to be allowed to procreate.

If this is false advertising, then so are all of the Nike, Under Armour and Adidas commercials that show athletes performing incredible feats in their products.
The difference is those nike and under armour commercials don't tell you outright that using their products will turn you into an athlete. Obviously, anybody with any sense knew that those shoes were a joke, but they were directly advertised as a product that will improve your body when they couldn't actually do it, hence false advertisement.

Me, I stopped showing my mom how my new shoes made me run faster and jump higher when I was like 8 years old. :laugh2:
Sam I Am;4563925 said:
They made false claims. That is illegal to say your product does something when it actually does not.

Not that Sketchers did this, but it actually isnt in many cases. False advertising laws apply almost exclusively to price-based deception and terms of agreement clauses. Public advertisements, such as commercials, are largely free from liability.

If commercials were held to strict advertising laws, all those fitness machine commercials and workout program ads would constantly be getting sued. In fact, just about ALL fitness related ads that feature people who are fit would be illegal.
I'm suing Old Spice, I put it on and where are all the women? :laugh2:
Doomsday101;4563883 said:
It is like this lady I saw, around 300 pounds with a try of food enough for me and a couple of others but she got a deit coke. It is not the coke lady. :laugh2:
I laugh at those fools everyday. Aspartame actually slow your metabolism.
JBond;4564441 said:
I laugh at those fools everyday. Aspartame actually slow your metabolism.

The double serving with the big slice of pie is not helping matters. :laugh2:
JBond;4564441 said:
I laugh at those fools everyday. Aspartame actually slow your metabolism.

And some studies have shown that it significantly increases your risk of certain cancers.

I'll just eat less and stick to my real Coke, thank you very much.
Doomsday101;4563877 said:
Skechers will not work if you don't put down the jelly filled donuts and actually get out and exercise. They are not magic shoes that allow a person to sit in front of the TV stuffing their face while the shoes transforms you into a fit person. :laugh2:

Well even if you eat healthy, work out, and are in good shape, there's no evidence that these shoes provide any health or fitness benefit whatsoever. Should they be allowed to claim that they do, when they know they don't?
baj1dallas;4564490 said:
Well even if you eat healthy, work out, and are in good shape, there's no evidence that these shoes provide any health or fitness benefit whatsoever. Should they be allowed to claim that they do, when they know they don't?

There is no evidence that they don't. Only an idiot would buy magic shoes. Hey lets sue because some people are fricken morons. Pathetic
Yeagermeister;4563852 said:
Did anyone seriously think a pair of shoes would get you in shape?

Sadly...yes. There were probably plenty of people who believed they would. Those are the same people who believe in magic diet pills and all that other junk they continue to fall prey to.
Doomsday101;4563883 said:
It is like this lady I saw, around 300 pounds with a try of food enough for me and a couple of others but she got a deit coke. It is not the coke lady. :laugh2:

When I worked at Wendys a guy got fired because someone came in and got a quad baconater upsized with a diet coke and the guy told him that the diet coke isn't gonna make a difference. :laugh2:
Sam I Am;4563925 said:
They made false claims. That is illegal to say your product does something when it actually does not.

What is really stupid is Sketchers made billions off these shoes, yet only had to pay out $40M? That is a load of crap.
Skechers does not make billions. They are losing $$$ company wide.
Yeagermeister;4563867 said:
Anyone would run faster when being chased by the beast :D

those were actually pf flyers, pf standing for the company posture foundation, a company that was around during the time the movie was set, but was owned by converse during the time of the movie, now made by new balance.

not sure if keds ever made a 'pro flyer' shoe I know they made a pro ked that was similar
What??!?!?! Next thing you'll tell me is power bands don't work either!


:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
dez_for_prez;4565014 said:
When I worked at Wendys a guy got fired because someone came in and got a quad baconater upsized with a diet coke and the guy told him that the diet coke isn't gonna make a difference. :laugh2:

Ouch that was cold. Honest but cold lolz....
Sam I Am;4563925 said:
They made false claims. That is illegal to say your product does something when it actually does not.

What is really stupid is Sketchers made billions off these shoes, yet only had to pay out $40M? That is a load of crap.

people bought into a company line? Say it isnt so? I can not believe that as i go and eat my activia which has made round about claims.

They all make claims, they are all selling you something and if you part ur money, lesson learned.

we as a society have screamed for so much and giving so much we have no problem taking advantage of any little business as long as it has money, forget the people it employes, or the businesses it does business with, lets protect teh ignorant and pay out money to prove u cant survive here.

People have got to stop looking at hospitals and businesses as a personal bank. When a company does wrong, NOT MAKING COFFEE HOT, and if you can prove it within reason, yes the chainsaw company said it can saw thru anything and u used your arm to prove it, not their fault than yes, a company needs to pay, because a company says wear our clothes u will look gorgoues and women go out and buy it and not look gorgoues, not the companys fault, thats genetics.

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