Joey Galloway

Dave_in-NC said:
It was more who was throwing the ball when Galloway was here rather than galloway himself.

You are right about one thing, what was Jones thinking.

Absolutely dead on. No player is worth two first round picks in the free agency era. The only way the gamble would have worked was if Aikman and Emmitt of 2000 were really the Aikman and Emmitt of 1995 in disguise. I was a major proponent of getting Galloway-- but not for that price.

Too bad Jerry never got him a decent QB, OC, or HC through the five (really four) years he was here.
CactusCowboy said:
He is quietly having a terrific year with the Bucs. I am happy for him.

I am happy for him too. He was not used right in Dallas and this proves it. Especially his last year when he was asked to clear out for Terry Glenn.
ravidubey said:
I was a major proponent of getting Galloway-- but not for that price.
Ravi the Revisionist!! You were beside yourself with happiness when Dallas got him. If only he had played then like he is playing now.

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