This is B.S., if it happens.
If a suspension occurs it will be unjust, unreasonable, & unprecedented given no empirical or direct evidence of any kind showing EE violated any League rule & that the standard of proof for the suspension is arbitrary and biased.
EE through the NFLPA needs to automatically appeal any suspension via the CBA (realizing that Goodell will be the arbitrator in the appeal process, however.)
Now, no doubt Goodell will uphold the suspension.
But the NFLPA can request/ask a Federal District Court to vacate the arbitrator's decision due to a lack of due process & an unfair ruling.
NFLPA can also argue that the arbitrator/Goodell refused to hear pertinent evidence material to the case & lacked impartiality.
In late July 2015, Brady was suspended 4 games and by early September 2015, Federal District Court in Manhattan - Judge Berman dismissed Brady's suspension, allowing Brady to play in 2015 (later the NFL appealed Berman's ruling to the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, who reversed Berman's ruling). And by April 2016, Brady's suspension was upheld and he was suspended for the first four games in 2016.
If a suspension occurs, there is enough time for EE to play in 2017, but NFLPA needs to be aggressive.
Bottom line -- NFLPA, and EE's legal team must proactively prepare a quality legal defense if that Emperor/Caesar Goodell suspends EE.