Twitter: John Fassel on playing game with no punts

My theory about San Fran's 3 game loss?

I think San Fran knows they will be going to the playoffs, and likely spent several weeks preparing for Dallas/Eagles during the three weeks they lost. They knew they could afford some losses, and were looking ahead to the playoffs.

Just my theory. But last week, they looked like the team I thought they'd look like last year... Very good roster and difficult team to plan for.
They were missing Debo and another key player during that time.
My theory about San Fran's 3 game loss?

I think San Fran knows they will be going to the playoffs, and likely spent several weeks preparing for Dallas/Eagles during the three weeks they lost. They knew they could afford some losses, and were looking ahead to the playoffs.

Just my theory. But last week, they looked like the team I thought they'd look like last year... Very good roster and difficult team to plan for.
It's possible. I think it was because they were down some key players. Fans tend to discount or forget about injuries. But it's kind of like us losing to Arizona with three offensive linemen sidelined. We still shouldn't have lost to the Cardinals, but playing without all but two of your linemen is tough to overcome no matter how good you are.
My memory escapes me, I've recently been accused of having dementia, you know, but I'm pretty sure this franchise hasn't played in a conference championship game or a super bowl since 1996. We clearly have different views of what constitutes a 'championship level team', and this current team isn't one yet. They still have 5 more games and the playoffs to get there. Only then can they be called one. Championship level teams don't consistently go one and done like Dallas has done for far too long.

Are you willing to raise that bet to $1000? $10,000? Again, you know nothing about me or any other fan like me. You're just making assumptions based off of my opinions. They're different than yours and you don't like that.
This so clearly articulates my point lol. Just an absolutely perfect response.

How does not reaching a Super Bowl in 1998 influence anything about what the team is right now? You would rather whine about things that happened 25 years ago than admit that they are good right now.

You are all exactly the same.
I don't get people like you. You do realize you could admit you were a fan of another and you wouldn't get banned or anything. Why pretend to be a fan? That's so weird and lame. Man up
there's quite a bit of that going around in here you know the whole "wolf in sheep clothing".. The lurkers who become trolls who come in here just to start stuff....
Sorry, I had to laugh ... 28 years is a long time to NOT reach a championship.
Says who ??

I mean yeah if you just literally going by time without context it took the KSC 51 years, it took even losing between 2 championships 31 years for the Bengals, how so is 28 years long time whenever the Eagles have only won one in their entire existence and if you're talking about just getting there I get it but there are a lot of teams that haven't reached a Super Bowl in a very long time and I realized the NFC championship is an important step for us but there are far bigger or I should say longer droughts in all of sports then 28 years... Especially when you have three for Jerry but 5 total for a franchise, we're not waiting on our first or our second or our third we're waiting on number six that gives you a little bit of credit and some fans don't understand that but technically Jerry's won three and 33 years regardless of the gap we still have that to give the Cowboys sometime to get their next... And I just really get tired of hearing about 27 years now it's 28 years look there are far worse things that can happen in sports I've seen other sports teams go what 100 years what was the curse of the bambino I mean it took the Texas Rangers their entire existence from 1972 what's that 51 years to get a championship they're very first... And in fact our entire Dallas sports landscape now all three teams outside of the Cowboys only have three championships amongst themselves, all three only have three total championships....Jerry has 3 in 33 years.. Dallas has 5 in 62years!!

Look, you have every right to be impatient and upset but I'm telling you it's insane the way people and their expectations seem to want to meet reality and that's not the reality, that's your expectations that are making you feel let down...​
look, I would love to get back to it in NFCCG championship game or a Super Bowl but I do realize that there are droughts it's going to happen and at least we're waiting on our number six...​
if you don't understand the difference between some teams who've never won a Super Bowl and also have not been back to a Super Bowl or even been to a championship game in quite a while that's on you and the fan base who believes that we will eventually get there if the Texas Rangers aren't an example and also the Eagles because they took 50+ years to win a single damn championship....​
They might be punting plenty of times next game
Eagles are 25th in defensive efficiency.

You sound old and out of touch. Game has clearly passed you by.

That's why you're getting CLOWNED here.
The Eagles and Seahawks defenses rank around the same for most categories.

Overall, the Seahawks are slightly better on D.

Just sayin'
Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing 'Mac_Malone' is a reference to a singer or something. If that's accurate my next guess would be that you are much younger than me, and with that I can say I have been a fan of the Cowboys far longer than you have been alive. For perspective, I remember watching the Staubach to Pearson 'Hail Mary' pass live when it happened. The Minnesota fans were so pissed that right after that play someone threw a glass bottle from the stands and beaned a ref.
I remember that game. Dec. 28, 1975. Watched it with my Dad and brother. Great day.

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