Twitter: Jones paid 3 million to 25 year old woman and mother


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This poster has some weird affinity for Jerry in this case, and some weird animosity toward the young lady who had the insolence to be born. He sounds like a grade A know it all with an axe to grind.
this shows how ignorant you are in regards to my interest in this case. I actually attended McGeorge School of Law, my undergraduate degree is in Criminal Justice. I absolutely LOVE the law. Cases like this are fascinating as hell to me, but for the legal reasons, not the BS behind the case. So many people in here are interested because they hate Jerry, and no matter the actual facts they want him to suffer for their own enjoyment. So where you see some affinity I have for Jerry, yea, I like him, but that has ZERO to do with y stance on the legal arguments surrounding this case.


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Something as common as sex, in most cases a mutually agreed upon experience based around pleasure and not pleasure plus a child, and one of the parties(female) has full power to drain the other party(male) financially and emotionally without the other party having any say so what so ever in the decision to have a child...and Jerry is the prick here?

Literally..."Jerry...Im having this kid. I know we didnt agree on having a child...but Im going through with it. I know youre married and Im going through a divorce...but Im doing it".


Seems very very reasonable to punish a person in Jerry's situation here.

A child is not a fair punishment for having an affair. Children are precious. You shouldnt be allowed to just have them. The court doesnt defend someone in Jerry's situation here? Because "thats the risk of having sex". Really...thats the best excuse and thats reasonable?


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Jones in true character entered into a cover up of infidelity and out of wedlock child. He paid the mother for confidentiality. The daughter was a minor and could not legally agree to confidentiality at 1 years old in 1995 (Super Bowl child). If the daughter did not enter into a confidentiality agreement for money as an adult, Jones is just another dead beat Dad as from 1995 to present he went from millionaire to multi-billionaire. $3M or $20M for one of his children, makes a man worth $5 Billion look disingenuous and deceitful.

He better be glad he is in Texas and not Louisiana. Napoleonic Code makes you forever responsible for children in inheritance.Children are “protected heirs” and cannot be disinherited even if illegitimate.

I don't know what Texas law states regarding illegitimate children. But I wish the Daughter forces him to sell the team to get her inheritance. Just feeling that prodigal son/daughter vibe. That would be $1.25 Billion for each child. If Jerry dies, she could press the sale of the team if the Jones family does not have $1.25 Billion in liquid assets.

look it up, it isnt hard. If this is in fact his kid and he states she gets zip.... she gets ZIP. Your dream of a Cowboys sale upon Jerry's death is just that, a dream.


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There are two on the second list(Kelly Clarkson is one). Either way, these people do not have Jerry Jones’ money, but paid more per month(except for one on the second list, and he pays 100,000 a month).
I wasted my time reading your second link as there was one person paying 100k per month because HE AGREED TO PAY that to his ex and the kid wasnt even his. So scratch that because he wasnt ordered to.

Clarkson???? and here is why it is hard for me to take some of you seriously and why I tell people reading is fundamental. Clarkson isnt paying that amount in child support, it is what her ex sued for even though they had a prenup. Nowhere does it say the court has even decided on the issue and since you were so far off on those, IM not looking at te other link.


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You call people out on their hypocrisy? You called Alexandra a scumbag but you defend Jerry from any accountability on this issue. That's hypocrisy if I've ever heard it. It has to be equal. If Alexandra is a scumbag for wanting more money from Jerry then you have to allow others to say Jerry is a low life for disowning a child.
I said iif she tried to extort him for 20 million to stay quiet, then she is a scumbag.

I never once said she is a scumbag for filing suit.... see the difference? again.. reading is fundamental.


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There is apparently no repercussions for Cindy?

Screwed Jerry over. Chose to birth a kid in a less than ideal family situation. Signed a shady contract I assume Jerry initiated. Possibly lied to her daughter or made her daughter keep a secret over who the father is. Took her daughter to a meeting with Jerry's lawyer to extort money from Jerry(according to Jerry's lawyer). Has her daughter and her daughters father fighting each other in court now.

All because of money.

And Jerry is the prick here?

This lady has chosen to set terrible examples for her child, imo.


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Anyway...I dont fault Jerry for wanting to fight this. Jerry and the daughter are victims of the Moms decision.

20M is not that big of a deal to him. Just write it and be done with it.

Im surprised hes being this much of a tightwad over what is, IMO, a lowball figure for someone that is your daughter. Hes worth billions.


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Probably so
And I just don’t know what Texas law was then
Every state has their own child support laws but many are a pct of income and if that’s the case, she may have a case for more money
It is negotiable between the parents. Judges will generally sign off on anything as long as there is enough support that the State doesn’t pick up the tab for supporting the child.


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Only way it can be proven is a DNA test and I do not think he can be forced to take it I'm not 100% sure on that but dont think he can be forced to do it
The court can order a paternity test. They ALWAYS do when paternity is contested. It provides a simple answer to the simple part of the question.


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I said iif she tried to extort him for 20 million to stay quiet, then she is a scumbag.

I never once said she is a scumbag for filing suit.... see the difference? again.. reading is fundamental.
Okay you did say "if she is extorting him then she's a scumbag". I apologize for reading that wrong. You were not being a hypocrite.

Here's my overall point about this issue. I don't care about the morals of Jerry or what he does. The reason why I invest thought into this is not because of what he is doing now but how he handles things in general. Hear me out for a second. In 1995 Jerry wanted to have an affair and didn't pre-plan this affair enough to wear protection. Now there's drama around the Cowboys. In 2016 Jerry drafted Dak. He didn't sign him to a contract his 3rd season like the Rams and Eagles did. Again, poor pre-planning on his part. Then we have drama surrounding our team. I'm so done with Jerry's poor decision making on and off the field that causes drama.

I've said this several times the last couple months. Jerry is the undisputed leader of the Cowboys. He has to set the tone for professional behavior. This offseason has uncovered areas that Jerry does not man up, take accountability, be a leader, etc. He sets the tone and the model of professionalism for the organization. So when Dak, DLAW and others lose games they blame the refs and act like undisciplined, entitled, mentally weak babies. Well when the leader is undisciplined, entitled, and unaccountable for his mistakes then we can't expect the players to be different.

Jerry's distractions, unprofessional behavior, and sense of entitlement is the model the players follow on the field. The 49ers loss is a great example. Undisciplined, sloppy, penalty riddled and an overall sense of not being in the moment. Then they blamed the refs. I absolutely would not care that Jerry has an illegitimate child if our players played with passion, intelligence and poise. If Jerry is a child deserter and it doesn't effect the play on the field then fine, he's a trash person for leaving a child but I wouldn't care too much. Since 94 we have been dealing with Jerry's off the field distractions and it effects the play on the field. Even Aikman said he retired because of the "way the organization was going". I'm tired of Jerry's circus and distractions.