Josh Brown admitted to physically and emotionally abusing his wife

A year or so ago someone posted a photo of Brown showing of his physique. The question came up of whether it was through hard work, genetics or perhaps some PEDs. Sounds like he goes through the stereotypical roid rage to me. Or he is just an a hole.
The NFL announced this afternoon that they’d be reopening their investigation regarding Josh Brown’s 2015 domestic violence arrest. In their announcement, the NFL blamed the King County (Wash.) Sheriff’s Office for being uncooperative with “repeated” requests for records and information. As they told it:

NFL investigators made repeated attempts — both orally and in writing — to obtain any and all evidence and relevant information in this case from the King County Sheriff’s Office. Each of those requests was denied and the Sheriff’s Office declined to provide any of the requested information, which ultimately limited our ability to fully investigate this matter. We concluded our own investigation, more than a year after the initial incident, based on the facts and evidence available to us at the time and after making exhaustive attempts to obtain information in a timely fashion. It is unfortunate that we did not have the benefit or knowledge of these materials at the time.
King County Sheriff John Urquhart was not happy with the NFL’s characterization of his department, and he called out the league for its own shoddy investigative work in a radio interview today on KIRO. As it turns out, Rob Agnew, the NFL’s investigator, never said that he was with the NFL when he asked for Brown’s case file and didn’t use an NFL email address. So the sheriff’s office denied his request because, as Urquhart put it, “We had no idea who this yokel is.”

He says that his office might have told the NFL a bit more had they known that Agnew wasn’t just “some goofus.”

“I would have said exactly the same thing, ‘We cannot release the case file.’ But since this is a hot-button item in the NFL, since it’s the NFL, we probably would have told them orally a little bit more about what we had …” he said. “We’ve got some goofus from Woodinville named Rob Agnew asking for the case file. We have no idea who he is.”
Throughout the interview, Urquhart lists all the ways in which the NFL investigation was not much of an investigation. He said they got phone calls from a woman telling them she was with NFL security, but they told her the same thing—it was an open investigation. They said the same thing to a Seattle police officer who reached out saying he worked for the NFL.

He added that the league never submitted a formal public records request clearly from the NFL, saying: “At no time has the NFL ever filed a written request, public disclosure request for any of these files. Period. It’s never happened.”

Urquhart said he spoke out because he didn’t like how the NFL was acting like a bully, blaming his office when they did nothing wrong. This is the same league that, when previous questions about the same investigation came up, blamed the battered woman involved. The tactic remains the same, blame everyone except themselves, but at least the NFL is morbidly consistent.
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On some Facebook sports groups I'm in, you wouldn't believe the number of hypocritical Giants fans there are that are still throwing rocks over the Cowboys signing Hardy.

Victor Cruz isn't back pedaling. The person who originally interviewed him changed his words making it sound like Cruz was supporting Brown through the domestic violence case. That isn't what he said. Cruz was responding to a question saying he backed up Brown as his teammate. It had nothing to do with Brown's personal life. And was before all of the information came out that Brown had been doing this as on ongoing thing. Giant fans want Brown gone. I will be very happy with Gould the rest of this year and from the sounds of it, longer. Bye Bye Brown you gutless scumbag!
It was already quoted here, here it is

The NFL conducted a 10-month investigation, but noted that the absence of criminal charges and cooperation by the alleged victim and law-enforcement officials in finding "insufficient information to corroborate prior allegations.

Maybe it's untrue, but I doubt the NFL is protecting a kicker. But from the information we have, the NFL did their investigation and didn't get the cooperation they needed. I'm critical of the NFL in the past and how they've handled suspensions, but here, I'm not seeing what they did wrong.

A part of that could be due to the fact that Eli Manning was one of their big faces they used in their "No More" campaign after Rice and Hardy.

It probably would look really bad, at least to them anyway, that the leader and face of Giants was doing these "No More" campaigns while a member on their team was beating his wife.

Which isn't really fair because it's not like anyone knows if Eli would have even known that was going on. And was Josh Brown even on the team at the time of those commercials? I don't even recall.

Either way I could see how the Giants and NFL might have wanted to try and hide that fact since one of their big players they were using as the face of cleaning this up around the league happened to be the leader on a team that had a player doing far worse than they'd seen before, and more often and longer.
#1: Josh Brown is a gutless coward. Period. He doesn't deserve to play in the NFL. Hell he doesn't deserve to be allowed to do much of anything. He's a completely pathetic, weak, coward.

#2: No one should be rallying behind him or backing him or any of that other crap. I know why players say these things. They have to in order to keep peace in a locker room, and I get that. But there is a point where you've got to stand up for what is really right in this world. You don't have to throw him under the bus if you're not sure what he did (When the allegations first came out) but you can damn sure make it 100% clear to him, you other team mates, the media, etc. that if that stuff is true, and turns out to be turn, then you don't want anything to do with a guy like Josh Brown.

This is a personal hot button topic for me. I can not stand little boys who want to put their hands on women or children. They're gutless. They're pathetic. They're weak. I make no qualms about it and I leave nothing to interpretation when it comes to this subject with anyone I meet, work with, etc. when this topic comes up. Everyone I know always knows exactly where I stand on this issue. If you're a guy who hits women you're dead to me. Doesn't matter to me if you were my best friend for years prior to that. You lay your hands on a woman (Or a child, as I mentioned before) and you're worthless. I have no time, sympathy, or anything good to say about you. If I was a player in the NFL that's what my standard explanation would be for any of these things that come up. If they turned out to be true, don't care who the team mate was or what he meant to the team, he's dead to me and I want nothing to do with him or going to battle on the field with him.

#3: I hope Brown finds himself out of the league like Rice and Hardy and finds it impossible to ever get back in.
this is so much a cover up from the giants and the nfl now all this coming out the nfl and the giants are trying to make it all look good.
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Let's be real here, this is WAY worse 10x over what Ray Rice or Greg Hardy did and they got what almost amounted to a career death sentence. What they did was a one time event, in the heat of a moment when they were provoked and incensed. What Josh Brown did was premeditated, serial behavior. It's the difference between someone getting in a fight and committing manslaughter versus a serial killer.
Following, the giants organization knew about this and still resigned him. Not only should Brown be done with football, the Giants should also be punished, maybe docked draft picks.
OMG! Look what he did to her!!!

Wade Wilson got punished 5 times as bad by the NFL for taking supplements to satisfy his wife than Brown did for beating his.

True Story.
He's still getting paid, from what I understand. Over 1M.


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